like oil and water
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    The silver-furred coyote shrugged a shoulder. There was no real way to classify all of the caves; it was a simple way of life and the hybrid enjoyed it immensely. She'd slept on the ground or beneath a tree for most of her life, and she was more comfortable within a dank cave rather than the mansion, though she could hardly look down on Halo for choosing to live in such a place. To each his own, the coyote figured, at least where family was concerned. The coyote had realized the value of family, and she was hard-pressed to push any of them away except for those that had committed the most atrocious acts.

    "Some of 'em are pretty big, but usually those are the ones that flood out. Couple are large enough for family space, though. I got one of the smaller ones, myself." The hybrid meandered forward toward her cave, picking up the pace to a trot as she navigated through the rocky outcroppings here and there expertly. The hybrid was certainly no stranger to this area. "Usually you'll find somebody hanging around here," she offered, indicating the general area. Of course—the greatest concentration of the population was found in this area, so it was only natural they'd all stick around this part of their territory.

    The coyote was nervous at the mention of the city; she wasn't absolutely comfortable with Rikka going alone, either. "You should take Anselm with you. He knows the city pretty good, so I gather," the coyote offered. It was true; few could claim knowledge of the territory such as Anselm possessed. He had known this area long before Inferni and the wolves had settled into it. The coyote often wondered what that had been like—maybe he'd been sleeping during the fire, and he'd awoken to a territory congested with migrant canines. It was a humorous picture in her head.


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