Step, step right over the line

God, they were hideous. Not the soft fluff that the fuzzy white bunnies were made of. They had the consistence of ice, hard and sharp around the edges. But they were not beautiful as the small icicles that she had seen before hanging off the fingertips of low thin branches. They didn’t hold the color of the sky, the only thing that shown bright was their eyes. They would be hard to defeat, Anu knew that for certain and yet she held a little sprout of hope in her chest. Her comrade had finally joined her, and side-by-side they would be victorious.

“Ee’yup.” Anu spoke with a tired huff. Suddenly she was the veteran, having noticed the monsters first. She hopped off the log, turning to face the dark furred girl with blue eyes. What were they going to do? Dam, she had thought the very thing for at least three quarters of an hour. It felt like years, stuck in this holdfast and protecting it all on her own.
“Monsters’ She said roughly once more. She looked at the ground, and walked slowly in a circle deep in thought. At the other’s introduction Anu perked incredibly, and gave her own name.

“Im Anu.” Her tail wagged again and she smiled. The wind howled once more, the storm of their war was getting worse.

Silver and brown painted face hardened as she looked to the battlement.
“Theres only one ways.” She spoke with a dire tone. It wont be easy, but it would give them a chance. It had come to her, brought to her small ears on the voice of the wind.
“We has to charge.”


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