like oil and water
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This seems like a good spot to end this one. ^^

    It was all her damn fault that Haku Soul had happened to her anyway. She'd asked for it by wandering past his borders, flaunting her scent—the berth she'd given Dahlia de Mai in passing their perimeter that night had not been enough, clearly. She had gone alone and she hadn't asked anyone to come with her; it would have been safer and smarter that way, and so Kaena had no one to turn to but herself for her current problems. Rikka seemed to take the warning to heart, though, and for this Kaena was glad. She did not want her family hurt any more by Haku Soul; no doubt he had it out for the Lykois now thanks to Kaena. The hybrid woman had enticed his vengeance upon her whole bloodline in her head; the coyote woman could hardly even stomach the fact that Haku was related to some of her children—Enigma and Halo and Jael were his half-siblings, or so she'd learned. The silver-furred woman could just vaguely recall their mother, a white-furred and young canine on the old coast.

    The silver-furred hybrid watched as the tawny hybrid inspected the dwelling. Kaena had vieied its interior and she knew it did not flood out, though all of their underground dwellings did have that possibility with extreme rains. Even through their supremely wet fall season, however, the hybrid's cave had not flooded, and this one did not appear to be even the slightest bit damp. Kae smiled, happy that her daughter had chosen a location so close to her own—neighbors were always good, even better when they were family. "I'm glad we'll be close, Rikka." The hybrid's voice wavered; she was too happy to see the pieces of her family coming back together. "You know where I am if you need anything in settling in," the coyote woman said, stepping forward quickly to rub her cheek against the side of Rikka's neck, whining her affection softly before turning back toward her own home.


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