Burn it to the Ground

hope this eases the boredom!

Anu had wanted to keep him from knowing that she would take Coli away, but he asked her too and so the honesty and the truth did not come with as much guilt as she had expected. It was the best for the Earthen hued woman, and if they both hoped that she would be protected then it was best that Anu remove her from Dahlia. It was obvious from the past that the fragile soul that the Haki girl was could not leave on her accord. Anu had asked and come for her before. She did not wish to think about what would finally push her from the flower-pack lands if Anu did not pull her from them. If she had known his desire, Anu would have welcomed him as well into the security of the Dreaming lands.

The topic was sensitive for him, as it was speaking of Coli for Anu. The Dreamer grew soft in her posture, as if permeable of all that he wished to give. As always Anu was ready to take on the pain that the other experienced, hoping to hold some of the weight of his emotional burden. A brother, half or not, of Colibri was like a brother of Anu. The woman readily accepted him into her fold in mere moments. A nod,
“If you two love each other,” Anu spoke with a soft tone,
“all you need is the blessing of your mate.” The world as a whole would never accept her, but all Anu needed was the love of the one she desired and she felt blessed and complete.

His question was not mocked, for Anu understood that youth was filled with the unknown and with questions.
“Well,” Anu pondered, imagining how she had shown Coli love for the first time in the young girls life.
“there are many ways, from simply holding her hand to kissing her.” the woman would always keep her lectures of love simple, and innocent. When two grown wolves found the need to show their love in a physical manner no spoken words could describe how such a thing could be directed. But, as she had with her own son Anu would show him the path to romantics and follow the ways of a gentleman.


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