bloodletting the sun

      Cambria did her best to never think about what had happened to her. For months it had been the only thing she could think of and now she didn't want to have it plague her anymore than it already did. What had happened to her felt like a black mark on her soul that would never go away and white monsters haunted her some nights. She hated that powder and she hated the wolf that had brought it into the mansion. Nothing would ever convince her to feel otherwise on either subject of her torture and she was glad the old Commander was gone. Hopefully she would never ever have to see her or think about her again. Out of sight, out of mind. Thankfully none of these demons worried the girl now. She was with her father, and he chased all of the bad things away simply with his presence.

      She ran, holding onto the spool and mostly focusing on going as fast as she could and not fall down. That would be really bad if she fell and somehow managed to mess up the kite that her daddy had no doubt worked hard to find. Her cream-tipped ears flicked back as she heard his voice and gradually she came to a stop and her sea foam eyes looked up to the sky and saw the kite dancing in the wind. It was much more beautiful and graceful than it looked like it possibly could have been and she looked at the object with adoration, wishing to join it. The spool in her hands tugged and she remembered the instruction that she had to hold tight. Cambi smiled as he joined her. "It's so pretty daddy!" She was so glad they were getting to do this together. It wouldn't have been as special otherwise.


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