let this world drown in these ultrasounds

SoSuWriMo 517

........Puppy sitting, like Alexey and Mati did, was probably another path that the girl would enjoy. However, unlike a healer, Crimson Dreams already had its Nanny and Mati was a very good one too. The earthen colored wolf had done a very good job looking after herself and her siblings when her parents weren’t able to do it. Having a completely competent caretaker made her want to pursue the healing arts even more. While she couldn’t really remember anyone ever getting hurt or sick (aside from herself) what would happen if someone did and there was no one around that knew how to help them? It was a very scary scenario to the young wolf and if she could do something to avoid it happening then she would. Of course it would take a long time for her to learn everything she needed to know, but at least she was started on the track now. That was what was important for the moment.

........It didn’t surprise her really that Alexey didn’t know what ginseng was. She had never heard about it until recently either. Though that was about as far as her knowledge went on the plant. She knew it existed and was apparently helpful, but what exactly it could be used for and how was something she didn’t know for certain. “I’m not entirely sure. I think it can be used for a lot of things. I only started learning about this stuff the other day, so I don’t really know much yet,” she said, somewhat embarrassed. “I want to find some books that could help me though. I need to ask my daddy if he knows where I could find some. I want to go back and learn more from Dawali too.” The AniWayan chief was a very nice man and she knew more lessons from him would be the most beneficial thing for her learning.

........Cambria’s heart raised up as Alexey said that there was nothing wrong with Conor but quickly plummeted back down as it appeared that wasn’t true. The girl whined softly, knowing that it must hurt her cousin a lot for things to not be good between him and Alexey. He never mentioned his mother or his father and she had a sinking feeling that neither was around for him. That left the woman before her as the only one that really loved him and looked after him. For him to have that placed in doubt…oh, how awful. The last words the older fey spoke confused her. What would be wrong about how they felt for each other? The intricacies of what was looked down upon in mature relationships were a complete mystery for her, she was still mostly a child. “What happened? Why isn’t it okay?” She was completely lost and she hoped that Alexey would be able to explain it to her. More than that though, she hoped that she and Conor could work things out. He needed Alexey, this much she knew to be true. If he lost her then she would fear constantly for his well being.


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