a warning to the people, the good and the evil

Table © Alaine
OOC: I love the song that you put as the title. <3 30stm; SSWM:334

A voice lifted to the air. Gabriel was calling, he heard it from the borders, and by the sound of the call, it was important. Cotl wasted no time turning his horse to the direction of the call, and jabbing the horse in the side. The stallion took off in a full on gallop towards the howl. The two males made it as fast as they could to the meeting, in which, to his surprise, he was the second to come up. Some other coyote he hadn't met yet had been there too, don't get him wrong, he was just the second one to show up besides the other two wounded soldiers and Halo that stood infront of him and his stallion. Cotl pulled the horse to a halt before he got too close, and in respect, he dismounted and bowed his head to the Alpha. He pushed his nose close to the floor to Gabriel, but he raised his head to the other, only bowing lightly. He knew not the rank of the other, so he treated the other as the same rank as himself. Cotl said nothing. He then looked to Halo, and too bowed his head. Silence was still over him. He stood next to the feo, offering a sense of stability, an aura coming from her that she was upset. From what, Cotl did not know.

He waited, others showing up only briefly after he had. As everyone showed up, the Aquila had started to speak. As of today, we are at war. Dahlia de Mai is now being led by a madman, Haku Soul. He has attacked us before, and recently attacked our Centurion. this was to his surprise. He knew not of the Dahlia, for he had never run into one, but now, he figured that they were the enemy. He could feel the anger rise up within his chest though, as Gabe had said that they attacked Kaena. You are not to allow any wolves past our borders. Dahlia de Mai has invaded our home before, and I don’t put it past them to do so again. the other explained on. He then fell silent, and Cotl looked around for a moment. He growled lightly before he rose his fist to the air. " THIS IS FUCKING WAR!" voices would rise. He knew that.

" Cotl is talking!"


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