a warning to the people, the good and the evil


Snake understood everything that Gabriel said and could say about war. He understood it all—perhaps more than any average yearling should. It just so happened, however, that he was no average yearling. He stared off to the side now, almost as if not paying any attention to the others who were around him at this important council of war. His arms were tightly crossed across his chest, giving him an uncharacteristic look of tension. He couldn’t have escaped it for long, war. It followed him like a shadow, or at least Patriot had promised him it would. Snake was not used to internal conflict—usually his mind was at harmony, though it was a very sluggish and silent kind of peace. Now things were shifting beneath that curtain of stillness, and it perturbed him. He shouldn’t be surprised—one could see conflict with Dahlia from miles away if they really thought about it—but it was still unsettling. And perhaps it was the fact that he felt off that made him even more upset.

He could hear the rumblings, though they seemed distant in his ears. Traps, plans, modifications. He had learned these ages ago—everything that had been deemed necessary anyway. Snake was usually a modest creature, but he was indefinitely arrogant when it came to fighting and warfare. He thought he knew everything… and while that might not be true, he did know a lot. A lot more than one would expect him to. He remained there, motionless, looking off into the distance, arms crossed, for several more minutes. Then he realized that nothing else would happen but planning. Group planning. The kind of thing that he wouldn’t be useful in.

So, as silently as he had come, Snake slipped away. He had been on the periphery of the group, so he doubted he would be greatly missed. He was intent on going and scoping out the territory for himself, viewing it from a keener, more tactical mind. He would need to begin training again—a little more rigorous this time. He would need to help make impediments for whatever marauders they might encounter. He had a lot to do.

And for the time being he would do it alone.


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