Stars & Symmetry
durr, Nayru is a bit slow on the draw when it comes to boys XD 639.

The boy seems excited at the mention of the bear and Nayru though that was foolish on his part. Who went looking for danger? Yet perhaps he was just of a different type than she. She who was calm and collected had never really been stirred to action; at least she hadn’t been yet. Saluce had tried to invoke her fight response once, but she neither fought nor fled and Nayru wondered if she ever would. Ever since then she had been less guarded, as if to prove to herself that she could trust others. Nayru recalled napping in Halifax, and now, so carelessly getting lost, all the opposite of what she knew she was both capable and meant to do. Well, she had never been in real danger, she had never feared for her life. Even now she knew the nervous dread she felt was more imaginary than anything else. Truly she didn’t require an escort, she was capable of stumbling back home alone, but neither did she want to wander all those miles by herself. " Dahlia is very far." Her words were cautious, as if he might change his mind. Perhaps he did not realize the hours it would take to work their way back to her home, or maybe he didn’t care.

Aro mentioned parents and Nayru’s interest peaked. The piebald girl thought of her own parents, wondering if they cared whether she was alone at night, miles from home, or not. They would never know. No child in Dahlia de Mai had parents anymore, King’s mother had left and he had stayed, and with that all the adolescents and puppies were officially orphans. No one there had to answer to parents, was it normal for parents to be angry at such actions? Certainly Conor would be concerned if she mentioned being so far away so late, but he would understand. Would commend her for avoiding the bear, for understanding she was not capable of conquering the large beast herself. Yet he too probably wouldn’t know, wouldn’t ask anything when she came in the house as the sun was coming up and slept the day away. Perhaps then Aro’s life and her’s were very different. Perhaps such differences would explain why he longed for danger and she skirted it, he bold and adventurous and her calm and calculating.

Silently with a grateful smile she accepted his offer and moved along beside him, still too naïve to take pleasure in the company of the opposite gender but interested to be with one so near to her own age. Gideon was perhaps her greatest friend, but at times they both felt the gap of maturity even if both of them refused to let it restrict them. All others had been adults, and it was perhaps this aspect of her life that made her too mature at times, too adult, and now purposefully childish and silly when Nayru knew she should be more concerned than ever with entering the adult world. The adult ranks. Yet here, now, she could focus on him, on herself, and see if that proved to be satisfying. If it was preferable to being the warrior in making that Saluce wanted her to be, or to learning herbs from books and conversing with grownups like she was one of them. Almost like she had never been a child.

"I was just exploring. I want to know these lands, all of them." Ever in need of knowledge, Nayru had made it her mission, ever since her first visit out to Aniwaya, to learn all the paths and trails that the luperci followed. To know the whole lay of the land. Perhaps learning in the dark wasn’t the best, but this too would prove educational. "Don’t you ever leave Crimson Dreams? You know, just to explore?"


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