M - a shifting tide
Don't even! I love short replies. C:

Hybrid grunted in reply, not really sure what to say to the male’s comment. Yep, Gabriel and Kaena were still there. Should he continue to explain what happened to Inferni, or just leave it as is? It wasn’t really his place or his ‘thing’ to go off gabbing about Inferni’s history, especially not to some nutter like this kid. But on the other hand, a soldier was a soldier and if there were more able-bodied males in the clan, he would take them. He supposed the other members weren’t much better either – Cotl with his weird noises, Marik with his weird thing for Cotl, and a few of their spawn here and there. Hybrid just didn’t know what to do anymore. Of course, once Kesho mentioned peace, Hybrid smirked and chuckled a bit. Oh, the poor fool! He had just missed a most glorious war with Dahlia.

“Oh, there’s plenty of chaos,” he replied gruffly. He coughed, trying to make his voice work without the scratching and breaking. “We just concluded our second war with the wolf pack Dahlia de Mai. Fat lot of bastards got what was coming to ‘em,” he said, laughing as he snarled. “Little shits tried to fuck with us. Now their leader’s dead, part o’ Inferni’s burned, but fuck it, we beat those motherfuckers.” He cackled. It felt so right to say these words and feel them roll off his tongue. It felt so damn right to be the winner.


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