M - a shifting tide
Hearts! (304)


Hybrid flicked his ear forward when Kesho spoke again and chuckled once the other coyote finished. It was a nice feeling knowing his debts were settled. While there were some outstanding ones, he didn’t think he’d see those wolves around these parts again. To him, they were dead and there was no point worrying himself over someone or something he couldn’t kill. Hybrid didn’t want to think about all of the fuckers that should be dead, but were for some reason, probably alive and harassing perfectly innocent coyotes somewhere else. It just wasn’t right and Hybrid was a creature of action and justice. He hated knowing there were such horrible wrongs in the world that could be solved simply by killing the fuckers responsible.

When Kesho spoke again, Hybrid blinked quickly and then refocused his attention on the odd coyote. He frowned when Kesho questioned his loyalty, but realized it was more out of curiosity and less out of a desire to be rude. Hybrid wasn’t sure why Kesho would ask after joining the clan, but he supposed it was important to get to know one’s leader, especially when a war could occur at any time. If they were lucky, of course.

“Gabriel eh, well I’ve known him for two years. Maybe more. I can’t remember. I came across the mountain with ‘m after the fire. He’s led us ever since. He’s pretty solid. Doesn’t say much, but he doesn’t need to. He knows how to play his different roles in the clan.” There was a lot more he wanted to say, but either didn’t know how or couldn’t. Either way, Kesho had to figure it out for himself and understand why Gabriel was such a capable leader. After all, Hybrid certainly couldn’t do that for him; only Kesho could come to that realization.


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