Life alone may be over
Character Name: Roran
Character Birthdate (including year): 5/24/2010
Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Regular wolf
Species: White wolf
Gender: Male
Currently played characters: First character
How you found 'Souls: Was looking for a good roleplaying site, and thought this one seemed really cool
Initial post:

Roran stood, having slept the night away in a rather bad set of nightmares. He shook his head as he came to his feet and looked around, his shaggy white fur waving slightly as he did so. He raised his nose to the wind as a new scent caught his nose, it was the scent of wolves, and more than one. He smiled to himself. "Maybe this is going to be the day i finally find a pack" He says outloud.

He turns and begins to run full speed towards the scent. He ran for a few minutes and came sliding to a halt as he came to the pack's border. He looked at the area within the border, not seeing anyone, he frowns slightly. He throws his head back and lets out a long howl, trying to gain the attention of anyone within the pack. He sits down and waits for his howl to be responded to, hoping that they would not simply ignore him.

After thinking over the possibilty that they may very well choose to ignore his call, he found himself standing once more and moved to the cover of a slightly hollowed out tree. He crawled inside and curled up, now realising how tired he was. He let out a long yawn and placed his head on his paws. He was positioned that his head was just sticking out the opening in the tree, so that if someone indeed did come, that they would know someone was there. He tucked his tail to his legs and yawned once more. He soon found himself drifting off to perhaps the first night in weeks that wasn't plagued by nightmares.

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