
Character Name: Quetzal Savannah
Character Birthdate (including year): August 24th, 2009
Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci
Species: Canis mesomelas mesomelas
Gender: Female
Currently played characters: Sankara
3 Roleplaying Examples OR fill out your profile: Profile.

IC post:

The sun began to settle as a figure rode past the high mountains that protected this paradise from the outer world. She had managed to arrive. She didn't know how, but she did it. Her mount walked further, nervously sniffing the foreign air. But the rider was ecstatic. She motioned her beast to move forward, not requireing a saddle, only using her knees.

"We did it boy" Quetzal said, caressing the neck of her Mule deer, Moro, trying to confort him. "So this is 'Souls". This was another goal reached. Her family would be really happy to see her. She was an official explorer now...But not everything was sweet. A name reached her mind, and made her smile fade away. Kairu. But she snapped out of her thoughts with a shake of her head. That was past. He didn't want her to achieve her dream. It was his decision. The jackal stopped her mount with a light pressure of her knees and dismounted. This weather was much colder than that of her homeland, so she wore her hipscarf around her neck, trying to protect the only sensible part of her body from the breeze. Her mane still wore had some of the feathers that her family gave her. But they were only a few; she would need to replace them soon. The female walked further, with the deer on her ankles, taking a close look at her, in case that she suddenly had a crazy idea.

The female sniffed the air, and ran. Moro was startled by her sudden race, but followed her close by. After running for a while without a direction, she and satcame to a full stop and laid on her spot, watching the sky. Now, what would go next? she had no clue. All that she knew was that she wanted it to happen right now.


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