i wanna be with you
His nightmares had gotten worse sense his talk with Shiloh. She was not used to seeing someone like her with a pup and it would often switch from the grey woman to his mate with his pup, his children. He watched Sam grow though the months, grow heavy with his children. The one time he had to leave Sam's side and Shiloh was there, stabbing her, hurting her, making her go into labor early. He watched as Sam struggled though the birth only to have her children taken from her by the green eyed grey woman. He watched as Sam begged for her daughters back but her wounds proved to be to great and she died as Shiloh walked away with them. He woke to Sam alive and well next to him, still asleep, still breathing and not pregnant with his children. Was that a glimse of the future. Would the grey woman steal his children from him and honestly kill his mate. She had threatened revenge on him for taking her mate and her life from her but would she really do that to him?

He was getting packed for a hunt when Sam woke, his smile hard to come by after his nightmare. He couldn't leave her, lose her that way." kommen lets go Jagd," he said softly, standing and starting to leave. He had a bow and arrows with him along with his skinning dagger and a cloak to keep warm. He couldn't look at Sam at the moment and quickly left the caves into the early morning air. He didn't want to tell her about the nightmare. He couldn't tell her about Shiloh. He knew she had visited Ichika and had come home with a deep scratch on her muzzle that she had told him she had gotten from a wild fox she had tried and unsuccessfully tried to catch. He knew it was a lie. She reeked of Shiloh and those marks on her face were from a wolf. Shiloh had found her and let her live. Why would she do that?

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