whittling away the world
Dalgina's tail wagged happily as he introduced himself as Saul Stormbringer. Dalgina had a long name too. It was just tiring to say it whenever she met someone. She tripped on the words sometimes too. Dalgina liked her name, and wanted to say it properly, so she'd wait until she could. Then she could use the long pretty name her [html] gjiskala[/html] had given her all she wanted, and everyone would know who her [html] talnala[/html] was!

Her eyes widened as he mentioned a trip outside the pack. Pack wasn't a term she quite understood yet, but the idea of leaving it still struck a primal cord inside the small dreamer. Wasn't it scary, being by yourself? Dalgina didn't want to leave [html] ingali[/html]. She rather liked being around her [html] talnala[/html], and couldn't picture leaving them for anything. Dalgina just saw herself getting older, the nursery growing as she did, always playing with her siblings and making prettier and prettier things.

She giggled as he asked her what she was doing. Exploring. But I can help you. You can make, um, a tree! Dalgina pictured the wood in his hands becoming one of the giants around her, stark and covered in a winter blanket. Her tail wagged excitedly, and waited for the tree to appear.

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