Sweet Victory!
OOC: Wanted to use this awesome table. :3 / +600

Rump in the air and tail twitching with anticipation as the young silvery female crouched. Forest green eyes narrowed in a focused gaze upon her target. Today she would not fail. Today she would be hunting and killing her prey. She would be catching something larger than a rabbit or a shrew, a measly snack to a hungry wolf. This time she would be killing a young doe, less than a year old. Showing what she's capable of to her new family. She would make them proud and earn her place here. It wasn't the largest catch, but it was more than she usually caught. A wide grin spread across her face as she stood behind a large tree, determined to land her killing blow. The chosen target stood grazing eight feet away completely oblivious to the dangers lurking in the surrounding forest.

Fayne's eyes swiveled in their sockets as she calculated the precise movements needed to take down the deer. Checking again and again that her fatal strike would land and render the doe lifeless in her powerful jaws. Once she felt confident that she had set the proper path, she launched herself from behind the tree directly at the deer. The startled doe took off in the opposite direction, Fayne following close on it's heels. Her speed was unrivaled by the gangly creature. Her thin, agile frame dashing through the woods like a streak of mercury against the natural browns and greens of the forest. She used the trees to her advantage, weaving in and out of them so the deer couldn't see her clearly. She was but a silver blur gliding alongside her prey, staying close and waiting for the perfect moment to attack.

Once she got ahead of the doe, she dashed at it from the side. The delivery of her attack wasn't as graceful as one would imagine. Her paws sprawled out in front of her in a desperate attempt to hit the deer. The inexperienced wolf was lucky to have landed the awkward attack. Sinking her canines into it's tender neck, breaking the skin immediately and knocking the helpless doe to the ground. She bit down harder on the doe's neck, warm blood oozing from the carotid artery and onto her soft pink tongue. The fresh and delightful taste of iron. The deer struggled underneath her, kicking it's feet and swaying it's head wildly in attempt to escape the hunter's grasp. With each kick of the deer's hooves the dainty hunter clamped down harder and harder. Her mouth acting as a powerful and deadly vice. . Fayne kept her paws pressed down firmly on it's body as she drained the life out of the creature. Sweet victory!! A large grin spread across her face as she clamped down, the remaining life of the doe swept away slowly.

The silver wolf's tail was going off like a rudder behind her, happy whines escaping her throat. She couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with accomplishment. For any other wolf, this would be a small feat but for her this called for celebration. When she was convinced the deer wouldn't get up and run away, she raised her head to the sky and let out a short happy howl. Looking over her catch, standing tall and proud. If Ezreal was here right now, she would be proud of her. No doubt. Her older sister would be praising her, telling her how much she's learned in the time spent away from her. The thought brought a sigh to the wolf's lips. Happy, but at the same time saddened by the fact that her siblings weren't here to witness it. Nor were her mother and father whom she never got the chance to make proud. Now, she had her new family to make proud of her. That, she was looking forward to.

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table by Nat - textures courtesy of 3-sisters-stock


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