Time to Snooze

PGP + 3


There were few more pleasant ways to wake up that he could think of than with a beautiful woman within reach. Of course, it would be nicer if it were one he loved. He also couldn’t truly get past the fact that she had a bit of coyote blood in her. Only because she was exceptionally beautiful was Jaden able to keep from being irritated at her surprise wakeup call. The longer he spent examining her with sight and smell, the easier it was to tell she wasn’t just beautiful but extremely well kept too. Most males and females alike took care to look presentable but this one looked like she took special care to make sure her looks were stunning. Were it not for the lack of pack scent on her and her own lack of formality, the Issum may have assumed her to hold a lead position in a pack.

He listened to her speak with good nature still written on his features. Jaden wasn’t vain but understood that he was relatively attractive. But it was nice to be reminded of it every now and then though. Her flirting twisted his good natured smile into a charming grin. Indeed you are. I am the Issum, or leader, of Sangi’lak. Why I’m sleeping out here is a bit more complicated, He glanced over at the river. What a waste of the morning. At least meeting this woman would bring something salvageable from it. I was readying myself to meet with Inferni’s leadership today when I dozed off here. Didn’t really sleep well last night, he smiled at her and admired the strength and confidence his gaze met when it dipped into hers. But I think I can spare a few more minutes to meet such a beautiful lady. Would you like to sit miss….? He scoot himself over a little and prodded her a name.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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