[p] counting out the signs we see

Her lack of response paired with her still-teary eyes added to his concern, and yet felt stumped and couldn't think of anything to tell her. It seemed that his words didn't reach her as much as he wanted them to at that moment, and sighed too quietly for her to hear as he tried to think of something--anything--to say. But, he did not have much time to think of something as Eclipse closed what little distance he had put between them, and stiffen a bit at the unexpected motion like he had at the rooftop. Unlike that night, though, he was quicker to relax and allowed her to rest her head there without showing any sign that he didn't want her there. In fact, if it made her feel better, he was glad that she did so.

As she spoke, the words that came out made him uncomfortable. He definitely did not want to listen to what she was saying. But, his ears were opened anyway, and without complainant he listened to her silently, deciding to stop searching for her gaze as she leaned against him. "Don't apologize," he stated simply as she began to excuse herself for something he found that didn't need to be apologized for. "You'll figure them out. I'll help." The last statement was a bit more shyly spoken. He wasn't sure if she wanted his help or not on the matter, and he wasn't sure himself how to. But, he'd figured it out if it would help the woman.

At the mention of leaving Cercatori, and became worried again--but, this time, for himself. It didn't occur to him that maybe she'd want to be with the father, and after a second's thought, it made sense. But yet... He didn't want that to happen. He wanted her to stay in Thornbury, stay near him. But, he began to think he was being a bit selfish, and thought about an answer for a moment. "I... don't know. I guess it just depends..." He didn't know how to answer without it coming out as a biased "stay here", since he wanted the best for her despite his wants, and decided leave it vague.

The more he thought about her leaving, the more desperate he felt as the depressing thoughts swam through his brain. He slipped his arm around her, but kept his touch light as to not to disturb her. But, he began to feel that if he didn't have a hold on her, no matter how soft, she would slip off and disappear from his life as soon as she came. Just like his brother, his father. This was different than them, though; they didn't seem to mean as much to him as Eclipse did at that moment. Thinking of which, how much did she mean to him? She was a definite friend, yes, but... He was felt as if there was more than just that. But, his mind was as jumbled as her's in a sense, and had no idea what to think of.

He was quiet for a couple of moments, and the question that had been burning in his mind finally reached his lips. "Do you like him?" It was clear he was talking about the father of her children, though despite the subject, he didn't seem uncomfortable with asking about him. He just felt like he needed to know.


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