the price of aggression is cheap
mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        Quietly, Samael stood at the edge of the mass, watching and waiting to see what purpose they had all been assembled for. Gabriel began to speak and ears twisted forward, gaze turning on his half-brother. So the war was over. No longer were Inferni and Dahlia de Mai fighting with each other. It was the second piece of information that piqued his interest more. Faintest smirk, almost a flash before it was gone dawned on the prince's face. Andre was back. And there was a death sentence on his head. Foolish boy. He was outside of the Lykoi's respect and protection, and thus would die.
        No longer was the boy in Kaena's shadow, out of reach of Samael's murderous ways. He'd wanted to slay his younger siblings the moment they were born for stealing his mother away, but he didn't. He was loyal to her, and she loved her children. He was torn between selfish desire and affection for the woman who bore him. Yet irony prevailed, for while Andrezej was open for killing, he no longer held his mother's adoring eye.
        Crimes Gabriel mentioned. Crimes of a nature to warrant the ending of his existence. How lovely.

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