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no worries at all. I think this will be fun XD

She was boring, her mind too unsettled and cluttered to brew any sort of story or fantasy for her to play out. There were no princes or princesses to fight a dragon, or ride white gleaming steeds to battle evil monsters. Her mind was just blank, neither light nor dark, but a muddled gray canvas that she couldn’t create a thing on.

A voice brought her out of her daze, and made her tip her head back to see her sisters face. The earthen colored girl wondered silently if her uneventful day was coming to an end, though Brooklyn’s question seemed abrupt and even, if she dare think, rude. Muddy purple eyes looked to the mess of things that her sister spoke of. The blanket and books were scattered untidily across the floor and Mati fought the urge to suddenly clean up after herself.

Looking back to the pale youngster Mati gave a shrug of her shoulders. Its my… stuff. her voice was light and careless. A new thought came to her, was she interested in truly knowing what Mati had gathered. She perked at the idea, her tail wagging low behind her. There’s a book about birds, and I found that blanket behind the big arm chair. I don’t think that anyone’s seen it in a long time. it was true, there had been dust in the fibers before she had unfolded it.


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