In the spiders web

Zee moved with grace over the territory. Being accepted by the black and white male had been easy enough. Of course she had to keep the mask on, and play the game. She was the huntress on a hunt in this vast land. Stretching her athletic body, her long legs pulled out in front of her and her tail tipped to the air. Taking on the mask meant living it. At all times even if she was alone she would have to be the facade she had taken. A smile was still on her beautiful face.

Jogging through the territory her large paws consumed the ground and her long stride to her far with little speed. Right now she wanted to see where she lived, the place she now called home. What was she supposed to do before she found people? Zee stopped and looked around her, her face still consumed with the happy emotion. To convince people of the mask you must really live it, they must never know what is really under the mask. Zee started to sing a sweet song as she continueing jogging on.


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