without yesterday.
no worries. :3

They had not even arrived in Dahlia de Mai territory, and already, there was a young girl. Tayui was not sure how to go about it -- how does one introduce their son as a lonely, fearsome boy who could not make his own friends? She winced, wishing there was an easier way to say it. But if she were to be honest, he really was quite lonely -- and quite shy, which she supposed contributed to his fears of, well, everything. Perhaps if Tayui gave him the little push he needed, he'd be able to start making friends on his own. That's all Tayui wanted -- was for Claudius to be happy.

Tayui cleared her throat and approached the girl slowly.

"Hello," she stated with a warm smile. "My name is Tayui Aston, and this young boy is my son, Claudius. We were just on our way to Dahlia de Mai," she added, hoping this girl might be from the pack. She did not want to belittle her son by telling this girl right away what the problem was, but at the same time, she wasn't sure how to introduce the situation. She glanced behind, checking to see where Claudius was. He was gone. She frowned, then turned around to see him standing on her other side, smiling shyly to the girl. "Hiya," he said quietly.

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