I've been to hell
OOC: 1. Character Name: Seventy-Two(Seven)
2. Character Birthdate (including year): May 19th, 2007
3. Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Canis lupus lycaon
4. Gender: Male
5. Your e-mail: ajuskauskas@gmail.com
6. A secondary form of contact (AIM, MSN, Y!M): Skype: djpomidoras
7. How did you learn/hear about 'Souls?: From another wolf RP site(Paragon)

IC: The calming sounds of the Ocean were the first sounds Seven heard after regaining consciousness. He was a sorry sight - a dark, scrawny wolf, lying on the wet sand unconscious. The male felt somewhat good. The soft sand had a nice feel, the soothing sounds of waves crashing upon rocks. This felt like heaven, although Seven was pretty sure that his place was in hell. He knew that betraying his master like that wasn't something to be praised.

He was afraid. Afraid to open his eyes and see burning pits full of tormented souls. He was afraid that this symphony of the waves would turn into a loud scream of agony. But most of all he was afraid of the prospect of being back home. The young wolf was afraid that his master had survived. He was awaiting his punishment.

Seven slowly opened one eyelid, then the other. It took him a few seconds to adapt to the bright sunlight. This was nothing like his island. This was nothing like hell either. Was this some sort of purgatory? A soft, sandy beach? No structures whatsoever. This piece of land seemed to be uninhabited. The ebony wolf stood up slowly. His joints popped into their respective places quite painfully. He felt woozy, his legs were shaking, but, to his surprise, he didn't have a scratch on him... Aside from his old scars, that is.

The canid took a few difficult steps until his feet regained part of their old strenght. Although there was no-one around, his nose caught a weak scent of Luperci. It seemed that someone does actually live here. But Seven had never come across other territories. What was the right thing to do again? No one ever taught him how to behave around packlands. Should I just go find someone? Or maybe I should howl? he mumbled to himself.

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