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Merry Christmas <3

Her heart finally stopped pounding in her chest from the fright. Thankfully her chest had not tightened and choked her as it had when she was younger. The pain of it was never as horrible as the embarrassment it brought, and she felt humiliated enough with the startle that . Mati took a stepped back to give the newcomer more room in the doorway, and even managed a smile as the woman spoke again. “Me too” Mati replied as the stranger spoke of the wind. The fey smelt of Inferni, with having just been shuttled away from their borders not too long ago Mati found her interesting and another sort of surprise. Though she wore the color of coyote ad the shape of a wolf, she still didn’t seem to dislike Mati’s “kind”. As the male she had met described.

        Her question made Mati confused, and being too frazzled to chance looking foolish again she automatically agreed. “Sure.” the painter spoke. Smoking wasn’t that bad, right? Even though she didn’t really know what was smoked Mati was all to certain the huffing substances up her nose was far worse, and booze could bee bad too, a little smoke had to be harmless. “Mati Church” She introduced herself to the new friend with a grander smile, finding the female far more pleasant and laid back then the other Inferni member she had known. Mati moved through the restaurant to one of the tables that were placed along the wall. She found the need to sit and let her nerves settle, the chairs were strewn across the floor, so the dreamer sat along the wall on the cushioned bench.



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