a warning to the people, the good and the evil
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Hezekiah had no real idea of how many coyotes and hybrid made up Inferni, but that very day gave him a considerable idea. There were plenty of faces that he recognised, but many more that he did not, and for that reason alone he felt somewhat out of place amongst the sea of them. For a clan that struck him as being interconnected, he didn’t have that many connections. He wasn’t nearly as social as the bulk of them—or so he imagined that the bulk of them were—but needless to say as Gabriel spoke, they were wholly as one in focus. And what the Aquila had to offer them was something that made a lead pit form in the bottom of his stomach. War was something that Hezekiah had never faced, let alone heard of in detail.

His eyes shifted in focus from Gabriel to Kaena when she was mentioned, and for a moment Hezekiah wondered just what had happened. But he didn’t dare inquire what. Even though a hundred questions could have burned at the tip of his tongue about what was going on, he couldn’t voice a single one. In the bare, fleeting silence that followed Gabriel’s voice, another rose up and the sheer volume of it startled him, his body jerking ever so slightly to find who it was that had yelled. He found the hybrid, but directed his attention away, distracted by the other voices that seemed to rise up.

Ultimately, for the very moment, it was Anselm’s voice who caught his attention. This creature, this Haku, was certainly sick. What followed that was even crystal clear to the yearling — Haku was their leader and if removed, the problem would go away in more than one way. No leader probably meant discordance, because who else would they look to? He didn’t know enough about Dahlia, let alone Haku to make any more speculation, but it wasn’t too terrible hard to add two and two together to get to four.


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