a warning to the people, the good and the evil

OOC: Alli made this table <3 SSWM:315

The faces were becoming abundant. Cotl could feel the aura of each and every being. Some were upset, others angry, some completely neutral. The small male let his eyes scan the crowd around him. He was looking around, and then he suddenly spotted his brother coming up from the back of the crowd. The little midget snuck his way up and pet Maschine (whom let out a nicker in response to the other male's greeting) and then he put his head and Cotl's shoulder, snuggling close. You'd think that the two were lovers, except for the fact that Cotl seemed to pay no attention to the boy, or atleast any romantic attention. Cotl let the male set his head on his shoulder, like it didn't phase him. The male simply listened the rest of the way, letting the alpha make his speech. It didn't seem that alot of Inferni was as enthusiastic about the war as Cotl was. He had caught something in particular that Cassius had mentioned. Cass, My brother and I have extended -FUCKING COCK HUMPERS- knowledge in traps, we will be working on the borders. We do however need a way for the rest of Inferni to know where exactly these traps will be at. At the moment, Ich kann nicht think of anything in specific to do, but once we figure this out, we will inform Gabriel and the rest of Inferni. the male spoke out to Cassius whom was between himself and a few others, though the rest of the pack would probably be able to hear him talking.

Cotl then felt like he needed to get up higher, to be able to see a little bit better, and so he was quick to move from his brother and leap back onto his horse's back. He then just sat on the horse, waiting for things to dismiss really he guessed.



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