Teeth and Ambitions bared
Myrtle was amazed. There were so many wolves here! There was one with gold eyes who looked a little constipated (or maybe he was angry? Probably because he was constipated, yep), and a girl who had a light cinnamon coat similar to the leader's. However, unlike the leader, she looked horribly distracted, so Myrtle decided not to say anything to her (or the constipated wolf, since Myrtle did not want to engage him in a conversation if he really had to go). Soon, more wolves arrived, including a sad-looking white wolf, a dreamy, misty-eyed boy, a weird dark girl, and a very angry old lady. And new arrivals kept on arriving. Myrtle sat completely still, his eyes wide as more and more arrived: a black-furred warrior, an annoyed-looking girl, and a quiet pale boy. Myrtle stared off at the boy for a few moments, also wondering why he was staring at him. The boy sat quietly, and seemed to be thinking about something important. Of course, soon enough, a black woman and two little wolf-like creatures. Myrtle squinted at them. They talked funny. He did not like them. He harrumphed and turned away in time to see two more wolves arrive before the leader spoke.

Myrtle wished the leader had not spoken. He sounded mean. Myrtle did not want to go to war or hurt this 'Ferni place. Not at all! And he still had to figure out where BQ had disappeared to. Maybe BQ could join Dahlia and they could hide from the war together! But Myrtle shook his head and continued to listen to the Rosen, knowing he should at least try to understand. Unfortunately, a lot of the words were unfamiliar and confusing to Myrtle, so a lot of it did not make much sense to him. Myrtle understood 'Feernie had hurt them, and as the leader continued to speak, it became a little clearer. Myrtle still did not want to see anyone get hurt, but he did not think anyone would agree with him. The scary black-furred female glanced over at him and smirked, then added her own words. Myrtle's blood ran cold. He wanted to stare and cry, but all he could do was sit quietly, hoping the war would end soon.


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