I'm new to this site and I'm not really sure how to get into a pack and be able to post stuff there.
This would probably be better suited to the Questions forum. But to be able to play within a pack here you have to be titled to something other than wanderer. There are problems in you profile as well. There are no humans in this place. They have been dead for 20+ years. So every topic here would be good for you to glance over. Most importantly would be the Plot which explains the demise of humans and the Luperci virus. While this explains more about the entire joining process. As well the pack summary will tell more about the packs on the site and their different cultures and customs. The FAQ is massive but covers a good number of questions on different topics. The RP Guide also contains a lot of information about the setting and stuff for this site. The pages are even marked for beginner, intermediate, and advanced. In particular, this page of the RP guide gives more details on Luperci, as well as everything in the drop down from the Werewolves header.
Thank you. I figured out how to use the joining form, so I'm well on my way now. Thanks again!
Welcome hun. I'd still glance over everything and get a feel for the site and the plot.
Also, you are going to want to post here to get your username changed. Your username is supposed to be your character's name. Also to let you know up front the 'SA (the 'Souls Assemblage aka the admins) tend to look for at least 200 words in appearance, personality, and history of the profile (should you decide to go the profile route) or if you go with the 3 RP samples they also look for at least 200 words each RP sample as well... at least that is what I've seen.
Oh, ok. I did.
Ah okay, I was typing before I noticed. I just wanted you to have the heads up so you didn't have to go through a number of changes. But you may wanna edit it so that it doesn't stretch the forum.
Is it changed?
It is still stretched on mine... I'm no coding genius but I think it might the dashes... not really sure though... Lemme switch back and quote the coding to see if I can figure it out.
If your character's name is Icicle, you will need to have your account name (which is currently Kyleah) changed to that. Do you still wish to do that? And Sylvey (Bastion) is right about having humans in your character's history. We don't allow mentions of humans in character histories unless they are very very far back in the past. Humans died off in the years following 1989 in 'Souls, and right now the year is 2011 on the board.

edit: Also, I'm moving this topic to the Questions and Help forum, under Roleplay Information.
James, they posted in maint. requesting that change. Smile

Aha, sorry, saw that right after I posted lol.

Welcome to 'Souls! You seem to be getting great help, so I'll just extend a happy welcome!
But then they said "Ok, nevermind" after that XD so I wasn't sure.
Thanks for all the help. I made it so that my charicter's name is Kyleah too, instead.
Hey guys, hope ya'll didn't mind me hanging out in this thread. I was trying to give all the basic stuff that I thought would be needed. But yeah, I think if you kill the dashes it should sort itself out. Like instead of having so many just do like 3 between each and it shouldn't stretch. I want to say that is the top set of dashes that is actually doing it. the one between the numbered information and the 1st RP sample. As well as taking a few off the other sets as well since they show to hang off some as well in the stretch.
And I made the humans, werewolves instead, too.
Oh, the box stretches out because of my pictures size.
Thanks again everyone for your help and patience!
You're welcome hun. You will find this community is full of people that are willing to help should you have further questions.
No, thanks for helping too Sylv =D <3

Another concern that we'd address sooner or later would be your avatar, Kyleah - if you didn't draw the artwork yourself or commission and pay for it yourself, then we can't allow it to be used here at 'Souls. It's considered copyrighted work, and we'd have to have permission from the artist unless you drew it or had it commissioned. <3 Many players use artwork here, but it's ones that they've either drawn themselves, have permission to use, or have commissioned.
You're welcome James hun. I know ya'll get busy and overloaded and I was doing nothing else at the time since I started having focus problems on my posts.

Couldn't they also use it if they had the permission of the owner to use it as a depiction even if it wasn't commissioned as their own? That is assuming that it would be an original to the owner and not someone else's commissioned work that permission could be obtained that way.

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