Life ends now

The silver male moved though the lands, just learning the new paths that connected these lands to the pack. He had his horse; she was still in training to how mellow he wanted her to be, he knew he would just have to work with her, slowly but surely she would be the wonderful little mare that he wanted her to be. Then maybe one day he could breed her to a nice looking, but docile stud, with all hoped of passing the mare’s good looks onto another generation and maybe if he was really blessed then he could pass her temperament onto another generation.
The male healed tight onto the rope that he use to make reigns with his stub of arm, while his hand had a part of the golden blonde mane in his hand while his legs where wrapped around her stomach, he was hoping that with a hard touch when in training, while he showed her a tender touch while being around her. She still was easy to spoke, but that was just going to be a given. Hoofs moved against the ground pounding in a nice smooth rhythm as the mare snorted and shook her head. Something was wrong; her head flicked up and down, as she reared up, the Sawtooth male leaned into her, shifting his weight forward on her back, while his hand dug into her mane. There was a snarl, and a flash of a golden blur, as the mare reared up coming down with a heavy thud, there was a loud hiss, and then a sicken crunch as the mare slammed down again. The male shifted his weight around as the mare stood there pawing at the ground, her nostrils flaring. The silver male patted the mare clicking in her ear, letting her know that she was good, and had done well. The male slipped down off her back while the male held onto the rope. Seeing the mother cat laying there dead, Noah shook his head…sad that she had to pick a draft horse to mess with. The male looked over the body, seeing the marks of motherhood, as he pulled a few of the hairs off the she cat’s coat, pulling them up to his nose, taking in the scent as the male locked it into his brain.
Standing up the male brushed the hand over his leg rubbing the fur into his leg, then tossing it into the air, hoping the soul of the mother cat would fly off and rest in a place of no pain, or worries. The male lifted his head up to the sky as his ear twitched around; he heard a high pitched whine. The male whined, he knew what it was. It was the cub that she was hoping to feed. The male sighed leading the mare over to the cub, as he leaned down to the golden fluff ball, picking up the cub with his stub. The male would take the cub in, and take care of him. This cub was going to be like a child to him, since he killed its mother it was the least that he could do.
The male placed the cub upon the back if his mare, as he pulled him-self onto her, making sure the cub was okay, the male gave a soft poke with his heels as the male turned the mare away from the dead cat, the mission of exploring the lands was going to be cut short, the male had a new mission, he had to find some type of milk for the cub to eat now, he was going to have to start introducing meat to the male kitten. With the hopes that he would take to it, so Noah could cut down the milk that the kitten was going to be getting.

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