'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
M - The dead don't like you. - Printable Version

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- Liliana Utina - 09-03-2010


OOC: yeah we can end it very soon Big Grin and boo for short post ; ;

Liliana held out her hand and let Lolita pour the seeds in it. The little things were cute! She thought to herself as she let them roll a little on her hand. She wasn’t wondering where she would keep the small things, though she should have, she closed her hand and looked at Lolita.

Thanks, I would give you something in return, I just don’t own anything. But if we run into each other again, I’m sure to repay you!

She said her wide grin still on her face. She looked at her closed hand and thought taking these home now wasn’t too bad of an idea… but she was having so much fun!

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- Lolita Monroe - 09-14-2010


She deftly poured the seeds, ensuring that none fell where they sat beside the tombstone. Lolita was dead as well as whomever was buried there, and she did not want to disrespect them by accidentally letting any fall to take root in the soil there. The drug was enticing to many, and she did not want to run the risk of having the grave desecrated as an accidental plant was ravaged. So, instead of being careless, the Monroe woman paid careful attention to each individual seed until Liliana closed her hand around them. Only then was Lolita at ease about the possibility being quenched.

Their time together had run its natural course and was coming to an end, Lolita could sense. Liliana would need to be getting back home soon, and Lolita would continue doing what she had been doing: Nothing. At least her mood had brightened a great deal since that morning. "No need to worry about that, dear," she said with a chuckle. Lolita hardly ever asked for anything in return. "What will you do now?" She wanted to make sure the tribal woman had a plan to get home safely.

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- Liliana Utina - 09-15-2010

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Liliana got up cradling the seeds carefully, so she wouldn’t drop them, she looked at Lolita, and smiled at the question, what else was she going to do?

I’m going to walk, it’s not too long to get back to my pack.

She said the same satisfied grin on her face, she was now thinking how funny it was that she thought this dead woman was scary. She wasn’t scary at all, in fact she was nice. So much for those children stories she heard about evil spirits, at least one of those spirits was nice.

It was a … pleasure meeting you.

She said having to stifle a little giggle between some words. She was still thinking about how her face looked when she met Lolita, expecially when she almost took a bag that belonged to someone.

I hope to see you again, I must find a way to repay you.

She said, turned and walked into the nearly dying sun.
