'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Summer Storm - Printable Version

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- Jace Wolfe - 11-01-2011

A floppy ear twitched as he laid his head down on her stomach, as she breathed in and out so did his head rise and fall as she looked at him through squinting eyes. She was content now for them to simply lay together, finished with her games and fun. It was nice to kick back and have a little juvenile time every now and again together, keeping the warmth and love in their relationship. This house he had found for them would do nicely, as far as she could tell it was solidly built, strong enough to survive several decades of standing alone, she herself with no great knowledge of building and of houses could spot a few problems with it and they could sort them out with time and effort.

But the sooner they got started then the sooner their house would be completely suitable for living in so she nudged him with a knee and shifted on the bed, pulling herself into a sitting position and leaning against the headboard,

"We can't rest for long, got things to do. Now what are we going to do with those box things that stink of rotten food? Where are we going to put them?"

- Temo Wolfe - 11-04-2011


I found a way for luperci to use skateboards, lol. | +311

Laying on his back with his head on her stomach and raising and falling each time she took a breath, Temo watched the feathers weaving in and among the dust particles that sparkled in the beams of sunlight as they floated down to a horizontal surface. Every once in a while when a feather got close to him, he would blow it back up into the air and away from him.

With eye lids half closed and his breaths slowing as he rested from the exertions of the pillow fight which was something he had never done before, he pondered her question of what to do with the food storage boxes. His thoughts went over several ideas on getting them out of the house and then where to take them and how to get them there.

"Those boxes are most likely going to be heavy," he said to Jace as he pondered an idea that came to him. "I saw some of these short pieces of wood about so long," He raised his hands up palms towards each other with about 2 feet of distance between them showing the approximate length of the boards he was talking about. "And they have wheels on them. We could put them under the boxes. That would make it easier to move them."

He thought some more, "As to where to put them..." his voice trailed off while he considered the various prospects. After a few moments, an idea came to him, "We could take them down the street to an overgrown spot that has no house and dump them, Open them up and let the stuff inside finish rotting as it should. It should be far enough away that we would not be smelling them all the time." He turned his head and looked at her to see what she thought of the idea.

Image courtesy of randompointoflife@Flickr

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- Jace Wolfe - 11-05-2011


She nodded her head. She knew they would be heavy. Human's kept food and stuff in them didn't they? She sighed and her leg twitched, she flexed her feet. His idea was intriguing and she wondered what the humans could have possibly used them for. They had their big metal monsters for carrying things with why they would need a little piece of wood with wheels on it was beyond her but she never claimed to understand their ways. She wasn't keen to either, besides the knowledge that she found interesting for afterall the humans had died out for a reason.

She shrugged her shoulders, not too concerned about it. She didn't really care where they went as long as it was away from their house. Checking out the other rooms had totally left her mind now as the black male began to blow on her stomach, it made her itch and she wriggled in his grasp. She giggled and tried to roll away only for him to grab her and pull her back against him, resting his muzzle against the back of her neck and exhaling heavily. Jace sighed dramatically in mock frustration and wriggled onto her back.