'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Seeing Red Again - Printable Version

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- Mido - 01-19-2012


Word Count ::404 Points::3 OOC::Uh oh -- Slight PP of Aeron

After he had given the light weight golden girl a really good toss into the air he wondered if he had taken things a little too far. Her body seemed to bounce as she came back down crashing to the earth’s surface cold surface, the crisp layer of snow should have lessened her impact a little. She slid across the ground, making a sound that was like a snarl, he thought that Aeron was going to land gracefully, since she was fast and flexible, but apparently not. As he ran after her, her attitude appeared to change quite drastically as she picked herself up off the ground and dusted herself, getting the snow off. She wasn’t smiling now, and the excitement in she seemed to have earlier was gone, he thought he could see irritation in her blazing gold eyes. Did he make the ex assassin angry? She told him to come at her like she was the enemy, so he had, he was taking it seriously. Maybe he had lost sight of that line between being serious and remembering that they were only training and pretending to be real about it. Getting closer now, she looked pissed, she couldn’t be enjoying this any longer, her aura was different from before to the male. She adjusted her stance and made herself smaller than he. What was she getting ready to do? She might beat his ass, and he wasn’t at all ready for it.

He was now standing directly in front of her, he made his hands into fists and raised them up. Alright Aeron, put em up! Lets go! He was trying to be funny, calling out the woman as he did. She had just as much if not more experience than he did when it came to fighting with weaponry. But close range hand to hand combat was more up his alley than long distance fighting. Rotating his hips and shoulders, he shifted his feet, he threw a heavy punch at her off of his back hand. He realized that he put a lot into it, and that he may be vulnerable. The strike wasn’t fast but it had plenty of power in it. The problem with his advance on her was that he left himself kind of open. If the woman knew what to do with it, she could easily take advantage of the Mido using his own power against him.

Table by the Mentors!
my avatar is NATalicious

.K22911_OctIsAFrog p {padding:0px 15px 5px 15px; margin:0px; text-indent:25px;}
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- Aeron Ganesa - 01-22-2012

400 WC

Aeron was not happy that she had been thrown she was proud that he was able to throw much of the caution to the wind but she did not expect to be thrown like a rag doll that a child no longer wanted. She could take punches and kicks even stabs or burns but she ached in ways she had forgotten existed because of the impact with the ground. She flexed so muscles she made a quick check mentally to see if anything had been damaged and she seemed to be ok minus her pride. She had to admit not many men had ever gotten a hand on her.

She had changed though her mode as shifting and she was beginning to lose a bit of self-control. He moved in closer and he got himself into a fighting position. She found herself smiling again she watched him this was ridiculous. She lowered herself into a stance that was similar but a little more forward facing She knew fighting like this left her more open but she wasn’t looking to hid herself from him she wanted to give the dog mix some sort of opening but he was the one who threw the first punch and she found herself in a need to rotate her stance.

His fist hit her shoulder as she couldn’t move herself fully out of the way she could see his mistake though she was off balance from the hit that didn’t quite hurt but was enough to cause her to become unstable for a moment. A glint of an idea smacked the back of her head as she allowed her body to flow naturally with the punch she ended up knocking herself more so off balance trying to catch herself she twisted her ankle causing her to fall. She gave a soft pained wine as she snarled a bit.

She could feel the pain in her body more so now that she was back on the ground and that caused her to emit a pained cry from her golden maw. Closing her eyes for a brief moment she laid there not willing to move. She hurt so bad, he had won she would not say it though her pride had to stay intact even though she was a rug on the ground. She took in a deep breath hoping he was going to help her up.

- Mido - 01-24-2012


Word Count ::453 Points::3 OOC::

The male having gotten into her space again was completely on edge, his blood was pumping hard and fast, he was really ready to go at it with her. Mido anticipated that their fight was going to be intense from here on out judging by the golden girl’s drastic change in attitude from him throwing her. After prompting her, he barely caught a glimpse of the quick smile appeared on her face before putting his hands up. He stood sideways his right facing forward like a boxer. She met the half and half with an equally valid opposing fighting stance. He tossed a mildly quick jab at the woman, not knowing what she would do with it for he left himself open and vulnerable. She side stepped turning her body sideways in an attempt to avoid it. The Dasa clipped her in the shoulder; he didn’t think he would get her with this punch.

Mido watched the lithe copper toned female’s balance go to hell and start to fall backward. By the time he realized she was really going down, he wasn’t even close to being able to catch her or anything all he could do was stumble after her. Aeron crashed to the ground ass first, she wined softly and let out a weak snarl. What just happened? The dog mix wondered. She remained on the ground as if she were unable to move, it seemed obvious to him that she was plagued by pain and discomfort. Quickly glancing over her he wasn’t exactly sure where she might be hurt. Are you alright? He walked closer to his downed opponent, extending both his hands out to her, offering her unspoken assistance up. Though they were just going at each other like it was no one’s business, the gentlemen like thing to do in situation like this would be to help a woman in distress out. He didn’t know if she could walk or not, if not and need be he could carry her back to the place where she was staying in, she certainly was light enough and the building was not far away. Truth be told the Dasa was no medic, but he had his fair share of knowledge concerning bumps, bruises, breaks, sprains twists and aches that he could help ease her pain if he had the availability to the materials required to do so. Can you walk Aeron? Or do I need to carry you back to the house? He asked her not knowing at all the extent of her pain. Their fight officially over, to be continued some time down the road, his blood pressure and heart rate went back to normal, he was out of battle mode.

Table by the Mentors!
my avatar is NATalicious

.K22911_OctIsAFrog p {padding:0px 15px 5px 15px; margin:0px; text-indent:25px;}
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- Aeron Ganesa - 01-25-2012

577 WC

Aeron laid on the ground her mind raced her thoughts on how she was going to pull this off. She laid there still pretending that she was hurt. Slowly it seemed as though he had really believed that she was hurt and in some respect she was. She was sore from being used as a rag doll. In fact she was quite angry that he had thrown her she was not just some toy. She looked up and saw his figure over her. “I think I might be” she spoke as she looked at him.

She watched as he slowly moved from high intensity fight mode to a calmer less observant mode. She looked at him and she felt bad in a sense for tricking him like this but in a way this was all training to keep and be on his toes at all times. She reached her hand up. ‘I think I can walk if you can help me up.” She said as she moved her legs a bit. She gripped his out stretched hand as she moved her legs. Trying to pull him slightly off balance hoping to make this a quick movement.

She changed from a look of pain to that of delight as she a malic grin laced her maw. She released his hand and swung her legs while the ground. Aeron felt bad tricking him like this but it was a good life lesson for the young male and she was all about trying to teach the youth. Just as she watched him hoping he would fall over. She forced herself on to her feet as she smiled. “I really felt bad I mean but I had to see just how you would do. You know I failed the first time too.” She said laughing as she stood up and dusted herself off. She remembered being on the ground a few times from this stupid trick.

“I think we should call it now. I really am kinda sore.” She said rubbing her shoulder. Mama!! a voice call fallowed by a few others. Aeron turned looked like everyone was awake now. She had to admit she was hoping to curl into bed after this and sleep. The two boys who were really Io’s came racing up first. Dymtr a little black colored boy who had a rather stocky build and a little white chest. Then Jandro came up and smiled at him the boy was a bit smaller then Dymtr and was various shades of brown. Lastly her very own daughter the snow white yote child who so vastly smaller then her brothers. Though the family was quite the mosh pit she loved them all the same. Looking at them she looked at Mido. “Oh yes You haven’t seen the little devils now have you?” She asked laughing a bit. “well these are the Tormenta children Dymtr, Jandro, and Adwen.” She spoke pointing to each in order. She looked at them kneeling down a bit.

“Now did mama Io let you come out to play?” she asked. There were days she could be a good parent but it seemed most of the time child rearing just wasn’t for her. Adwen nodded smiling at her mother and brothers. “Mmm sssaa waaa ooo” She said her tone broken and hard to understand. “Well that’s fine then.” She spoke looking at the boys. “Play nice and don’t annoy mister Mido.” She spoke her tone firm.

- Mido - 01-26-2012


Word Count ::724 Points::7 OOC:: AAAHHH KIDS?!

The half and half stood over a hand extended out and ready to help her. He felt like such an ass, only a jerk like him could end up causing a woman to get hurt. She retorted that she may have been hurt, to the male it sounded as though she weren’t sure if she had been or not. Aeron mentioned she might be able to walk if he’d help her up. The ex-assassin grabbed onto the males hand his enclosing hers greatly by size. He was already bent over perfectly balanced ready to pull her off the ground. To Mido’s dismay she gave him a tug once she had a good hold on his hand, bringing his top heavy body over its teetering point, forcing him to lose his balance.

He was falling forward face first over her. His icy blues flush with the black coloring that encircled his eyes; he caught the look of deceit on the copper toned female’s face. Her eyes screamed victory; she played him like a well tuned and used instrument. Going over head first wasn’t his idea of a good time. To avoid a head injury the male had to kick off the ground and clearing her body that remained on the ground. He rounded off his shoulders, and drew his hands into his chest. The multicolored mix guided his shoulder to the ground having to use the momentum to perform a decent roll that brought him back into a standing position. He looked over his shoulder at the woman now on her feet dusting herself off, she told him she felt bad about what she did, and that she failed that test the first time as well. His eyes dilated and returned to normal, the shock of being taken advantage of now gone from him, he gently shook his head. Learning to always be on your toes was one thing, but he may just end up suspecting that any downed female may try and trick him at this rate. He had shown her genuine concerned compassion and she went and used it against him, making him feel stupid, he should have known better. She spoke up saying they might as well call it a day, she was sort of sore. Easy to understand, they really had a pretty good workout that nearly got out of hand, but thankfully not.

Out from the quiet of the building Aeron was staying came three children calling after her. Like a line up the two young boys and the very petite girl accumulated by the golden woman’s side. The Dasa found it hard to believe that she had children, with her personality it just seemed unusual to him. Looking at him, she questioningly commented that he hadn’t seen the children. She introduced them as the Tormenta children and listed them by each of their names in the order that they stood, pointing to each as she did. Dymtr, Jandro, and Adwen, out of the three the girl seemed to resemble the ex-assassin the most. Mido looked at Aeron with mild confusion, an eyebrow raised in curiosity. Tormenta? He asked, remembering her last name had been Ganesa, he couldn’t recall her mate’s last name but he didn’t think it was Tormenta. Was that the name of the male that she hooked up with for kids? He wondered confused by the idea, but it really was not any of his business. What did it matter anyway, if she wanted to be a mother then shall she be a mother. He looked back at the children, cute kids none the less. He took notice of the variant differences between them. The woman asked if Io allowed them out, the girl replied with some jumbled communication that was understood by Aeron. She told them not to annoy the Huskadore. Her comment made him laugh, kids weren’t his strong suite, but he didn’t mind them either. I bet you kids are an absolute handful aren’t you? Mido spoke to the children, just imagining how they might turn out with an influence like Aeron. Hopefully not as scary as she turned out. They seemed nice enough, and though he had seen Io about Anathema before he hadn’t the slightest idea what kind of character she was, having never even spoken a single word to her.

Table by the Mentors!
my avatar is NATalicious

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