'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
we might as well be strangers - Printable Version

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- Aoves - 10-07-2012


I tried to leave her movements vague, wanted to be sure he could push her away, and that I didn't pp c:

It was good to have warmth in a conversation she determined, it was so much nicer to hear the sound of their laughter, rather than her persistent brooding moods. Though she kept the smile of past laughter, her head nodded gratefully as she acknowledged his words, and the way that they recognized her freedom. "Very good, very good." she murmured gently, comforted by the idea of him seeming to enjoy the thoughts of company as well. The words were spoken slowly, she trying to focus on her final moments in the drowsy glow, and let the last bit of warmth soak into her skin to re-energize her. Without knowing how long she'd be away, there was no chance of her leaving her few personal possessions to be taken though, and she felt that it was necessary to bring them with her.

Something in the way the wind blew told warned that haste should be made; already she had a growing suspicion that she'd be chased by the storm, pressed by the weather if not engulfed in it on the journey back. Lips parted to let a heavy sigh breeze past, a result of being reluctant to leave the warmth for the cold, cold run she had up ahead. Once she left the fire she would only be left with two choices though - a quick but chilly dash through the night, or walking step by step through the cold without her vigorously pumping heart to warm her.

After the sigh, she drew her knees up to her chest, bones cracking as they were compressed anew beneath layers of flesh, shifting into her Lupus form. After resettling upon the haunches of her new guise, she angled her head back towards him to speak. "I suppose it's best that I get moving then, there are some things I'd like to fetch and bring with me, and I think I'll be pressed enough by racing that" Her head jerked back to the distant throng of clouds for a moment, "as it is." Webbed paws had gradually shifted into motion when she addressed him, sending the woman sashaying slowly forward to press her head against his shoulder, holding it there for a time she hoped was long enough to show sincerity, but quick enough to prevent discomfort. The movement was meant to be a semblance of an embrace - Aoves had intended to give him a hug of thanks; but had been so eager to leave that it had simply slipped her mind that she would be in the wrong form, and lacking the proper use of her arms for the gesture.

She hoped to take the opportunity to catch a clearer whiff of is scent as well, wanting to inhale the foreign musk, and mentally stamp it upon her mind just as her nose was brought near to his fur. The mutt didn't intend to hold the pose for long, instead choosing to look towards his eyes as she asked her final question. "Oh, and would you mind leaving some sort of markers for me, 'Arvey? If the wind blows your scent away, I think I'll be in for some bad luck on my way to find you." Scent marker, gouges in the earth, she didn't really care; her main worry was once she began the trip back, her searching nose would find that the scent had been whipped away, and dispersed haphazardly around the countryside.

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- Harvey Butler - 10-08-2012

((460)) Oh, no worries! I don't mind a little pp for my characters. As long as it's reasonable, of course. ouo

He turned his head quickly to face her as she spoke, making reference to the storm brewing above. It wasn't that Harvey had forgotten about the weather (the chilling wind wouldn't allow it), but he had his mind focused on the fire, and his company.

He shifting from optime to lupus was something the Brit had still not gotten used to. Sure, he could shift as well, but to see another performed the action was somewhat... Strange? He wondered was it was like for others that may have observed him during his transformation, hearing the almost sickening sounds of bones contorting and watching as parts awkwardly formed themselves into something different. Allowing her privacy as she did so was what he deemed appropriate, so he did just that, looking back to the fire.

Giving a soft nod, he agreed. Yeh, pro'ly for the best ya get what ya need quickly, 'fore 'dis fin' starts. Bloo'y 'ell, looks like a nuisance... Gonna be rough couple of nights, it is. He'd be glad to get back to the Hydrostone District in that regard. Shelter, fresh water, warm blankets and, now, somebody to keep him from getting too awfully lonely on a ferocious night like it was.

His eyes widened some as rested her head against him, but soon settled down, accepting the gesture. As a social male, he also didn't mind closeness physically. No matter the relationship, he felt touch was necessary for development; he was one to hug friends and loved ones, and even give a comforting pat on the shoulder to somebody in need of it. Tough was nothing automatically reserved for lovers or even a person of interest, so Harv thought nothing more of the action than the simple showing of thanks that it was. Allowing the closeness also created a sort of trust bond, the red merle male thought, between the two, which would only be beneficial if they should be living together soon enough.

In return, he rested a hand on her back, not petting, but simply keeping it there for a short moment, feeling his response should be just as subtle and respecting of her comfort level.

He pulled his limb back and sighed softly before answering, Of course I can! But... If ya would feel more comfortable travelin' togevah, we could meet someplace 'fore takin' off? If not... The luperci shrugged, I'll be sure t' mark ya a trail. Per'aps an arrow in the dirt. He thought about that for a moment. If he were to mark the ground, and the rain began to pour before she reached the hint, the possibility of the mud washing it away was too probable.

Or, maybe I'll jus' mark the trees. Harv said with smile, I'll find somefin'...

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- Aoves - 10-08-2012


His offer was met with a quick, and thoroughly decided shake of her head, she dismissing the matter of traveling together without thought. “Oh that is very kind of you ‘Arvey, but I would not want to risk you getting caught in it too. The trail is all I should need - ‘alf dog, but ‘alf wolf too you know.” Smiling gently as she said it, the dame lifted a delicately rounded paw, the webbing within splaying slightly as she pressed the padded digits against her nose, gesturing to emphasize its efficiency.

She was hopeful in being able to find his trail if it was bold enough, but beside that, simply just wanted to enjoy the last bit of time alone as best she could – once the storm started, she would be cooped indoors for who knew how long. She was too familiar with being able to travel at will, and had the trivial fear that, if she were pent up by the storm too long, she could lose a little bit of her sanity.

Not wanting to risk him trying to come along based on obligation, she quickly rose, pivoting about and beginning to make her first few steps into the darkness. Her feet did not carry her very far at all; it dawned on her then that city implied multiple buildings, and multiple places and scents that she would have no knowledge of.

“But then again, maybe we could meet up at the outskirts of the city? I admit that my nose is good, but my sense of direction, you could say, is…not.” A sheepish look was cast over her shoulder as she spoke to him. She’d never been good with navigating cities, not even her hometown was met with fond memories of travel. That was why she had so strictly remained secluded to the empty coast. Something about the tall buildings made her feel the imminent doom of being crushed, and the scent of canines, usually so staunch in the building and streets, made her feel sick. She hoped that her rejection of his first offer had been gentle enough to warrant accepting this one.

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- Harvey Butler - 10-08-2012


((265)) Bah, crappy short post, sorry. ono


He understood her statement well enough, and wasn't offended by it at all. He understood wanting to travel alone, and he had forgotten over her being part wolf, as he himself was pure domestic (which often gave him problems in the setting, but he managed, nonetheless).

Harvey gave a nod, smiling still. Tha's right, love... Well, guess I'll see ya then.

The cockney canine watched as she started off, not wishing to distract her with goodbyes, as the sky above looked treacherous enough. They'd meet up sometime soon and be able to safely chatter until their hearts were content. Until then, he knew how important it was for her to get her things quickly and get heading to Halifax.

He'd gotten up himself, stretching some before having his arms hugged around his broad chest, the wind chilling him to the bone as it whipped by. Blue and brown eyes glanced Aoves' way as she spoke once more.

Yeh, of course! Harvey smiled, despite the environmental challenges they were currently facing, I'll 'ave somefin' t' lead ya to me, an' 'elp ya through the ci'y when we get t' tha' point. I wouldn't let ya get lost, love. The red merle Australian Shepherd said with a typical sort of smirk, though he meant it as honestly and innocently as possible. Best of luck t' ya, an' see ya soon.

Dismissing her, in a way, he'd hoped, that she didn't feel obligated to stay, and was aware of his acceptance of her leaving, Harvey Butler gave a last nod, and turned away to deal with the fire.

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Coding by Sie

- Aoves - 10-08-2012


bad exit post is bad >.> archive time?

She gave a final nod and grin to his parting words, turning again towards the shadows. "And to you monsieur 'Arv." Her parting words were said as a singsong purr, and with the deliverance of the odd odd goodbye of causality and formality, she had sprung into the night. Her long legs churned swiftly beneath her, and already the storm winds had begun to cruelly whip at her fur, sending the long hairs billowing wildly as she ran.

The warmth of the fire was quickly missed, but she wholly focused her energy on running, abandoning longing thoughts, and instead relying on the warmth that would soon arise from her exertions. The stride soon settled into a steady rhythm, but even as her heart began its initial rise in tempo, she prayed in the back of her mind that she would be fast enough to beat the weather.

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