'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Haku Soul - 05-18-2009


There was no pain, just a sensation of warm liquid running down from his nose. He watched the girl soar through the air. He was delighted to see that her landing was hard and brutal. The male remained emotionless for a split moment. He wanted fear and panic to dominate her before he cracked her skull. She got up and bared her little teeth stained with the Lilium’s blood. Haku flexed his muscles arrogantly, taking a step towards her with a deadly determination lingering in the brilliant blue orbs. The girl’s eyes hesitated and flickered away from his for a moment. That was all she had to do, and the brute automatically followed her gaze. As soon as he realized exactly what it was, he spun forwards, eager to get this over with now before she could escape. She darted towards the hole, and the adult watched her little body force its way through the burrow. Not fast enough! The male’s jaws snapped tight around her tail. It did not taste right, too smooth. A growl escaped his throat. Taste did not matter, he had her now. He tensed the muscles in his neck and took a step backwards, intending to torture her brain by slowly dragging her out of the sanctuary and into the mouth of the beast. His eyes registered yellow, and he realized it was the foolish ribbon he had managed to catch. Her vanity had doomed her.

- Zana Avaya Lykoi - 05-22-2009

Once she was down the hole it didn't matter how close on her tail he was, she could hear his breathing but she knew she was safe as she scurried and tried even harder to pull herself deeper into the dark tunnel. Suddenly she realized that she wasn't going forward that instead she was moving backwards! The girl let out a whine as she tried to dig her little feet into the rich earth and escape from the teeth that she knew were waiting on her on the other end of her rump.

Feeling the tugging at her tail as she strained her muscles to get away she suddenly realized that her tail hurt very much! She cried out as she turned her little thistle eyes back, wide in fear as she noticed that the monster had hold of that pretty yellow ribbon that was tied and twisted all about her little rat tail. She growled at the male and tried to nipped at him to get him to let go but she realized that he was just to far away for her to do that.

She was beginning to panic, a loud whine rising from her throat as she tried to figure out how in the world she was going to get out of this alive. She glanced back at that beautiful ribbon as she mournfully realized that she was going to have to lose it or risk loosing her tail, and everything else attached to it.

Quickly she grabbed at the other end of the ribbon and gave a yank, feeling the satin material loosen along her tail as she wiggled and squirmed, trying to make it unwind as she scooted further into the tunnel again. She began to squeal in excitement as she realized that she was once more moving in the right direction though she mourned for that gorgeous ribbon that the monster had stolen. He wasn't about to get little Zana today!

- Haku Soul - 05-22-2009


The man pulled, slowly, satisfaction flowing freely through his veins. He had her now, and her desperate acting pleased him greatly. The was a tug from the girl, and then all resistance evaporated into nothing. The brown male staggered backwards and saw a rat like tail whip into the depths of the burrow. Fuck. A loud growl erupted from his throat when he realized that the child had escaped. He padded to the mouth of the small hole where the coyote hid and blocked out the daylight with his fangs. ”Oi, little rat, I can wait.” the demon purred deadly down into the darkness. Truth be told, he was not sure if he could be bothered. He had managed to scare the hell out of the little brat at least. His eyes went to the ugly ribbon, and he made quick business with it, ripping it into lesser pieces. The male hesitated for a moment before he lifted his leg and started urinating into the dark hole where Zana was hiding. The man was disgusting. Shaking his leg automatically, the man stretched comfortably before he found a suitable rock to push over the hole. He doubted it would imprison her for long, but some extra spice was nice. The Lilium turned away and left the scene, his mood better than it had been for some time.

- Zana Avaya Lykoi - 05-22-2009

Zana was damn proud of herself from escaping the grasps of the horrible beast that had so wanted to make her his dinner. She scurried deeper into the hole as she heard his voice echoing behind her. "That otay, yous wait forever!" She piped up as she heard the dribbling of water and the horrible overpowering pungent scent of the male marking the burrow as his. She wrinkled her nose at the scent and began to push herself back further into the burrow, knowing that there had to be another exit somewhere down the line.

She turned around just in time to see all the light extinguished from the way she'd come. A soft whine exited her lips as she shook her head and turned back to the tunnel before her, the scent of fresh air was coming from somewhere infront of her and she was smart enough to know that where there was fresh air there would be an exit. Her eyes brightened with excitement at this new adventure she was setting out on, hoping that the monster wasn't going to be waiting at the end of the tunnel.