'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
one is the loneliest number - Printable Version

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- Sankor Koios - 05-22-2009

He couldn't help but smile as Slay gave up on him finally, he raised a brow and asked. "Just like that? You'd give up on me so easily?" He knew that there was little Slay could do for him anyways but he thought he might as well take the moment to give the male a hard time, he'd probably never get the chance to do it again if he didn't do it now. He smirked at the other as he chuckled and glanced off into the distance. "Don't worry, I'll figure it all out sooner or later.." or he'd go insane. Either way he'd find a new road to travel when it came down to it, sane or not.

His eyes flicked back to Slay as he shifted gears into talking about his vows with his mate. He grinned devilishly at the other male and just gave a snort of disbelief. "I don't know how she puts up with you, really.." Well, he probably could if he thought of it. There was nothing wrong with Slay, he was a bit of a clown but at least he could bring a smile to one's lips. He realized in his head that perhaps the two were perfect for eachother and it probably would have never worked out between him and the white queen. It always seemed to end like that for him but he was trying still. He just had the worst luck with the woman once he captured their attention.

Slay began again to pick apart his crush on the ebony woman and Sankor closed his eyes, his nose wrinkled up as he went down the list trying to find just who it was who had captured Sankor's attention. He chuckled as he opened his eyes, rolling them at Slay as he sighed. "You just don't give up do you?" He was about to say something else when Slay struck gold with two names, one more so than the other. He flicked his eyes back to Slay and didn't answer for a moment before he sighed. "I can't tell her.. What would she want with someone like me?" He was to afraid to even tell the girl how he felt, she the warrior and a leader, he was just another packmate that dwelt in the lands that she ruled over. They would never have been anything more.

- Slaying the Dreamer - 05-29-2009


Slaying the Dreamer
http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... ayeyes.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
WC: 383
OoC: Council members, fist bump! :O

Slay rolled onto his back, wriggling apologetically as he scratched an itch between his scapula. "You're probably not a lost cause," he amended mischievously, his retort to being ragged on. Ah, male bonding. "But in all seriousness, that's something you've gotta work out. Not much I can help with." he said, echoing Sankor's internal monologue. Even if neither of them achieved anything, it was a pleasant day to be outside, and he was enjoying the vacation from the chaotic inside of his home.

"I don't know either," he admitted freely, head cocked at a rakish angle. He was lucky, he supposed, to have found the one woman willing to stay with him. "She's certainly got patience on her side." He and Cer were both flirtatious, jealous wolves, and when each became so envious that they broke down into fighting, they had both known what it meant. That they'd rather be together than watch each other be single. It was a quirky way to fall in love, but it had happened. Sometimes Slay felt more like he was living with his best friend than with a mate... but that was something he needed, since he didn't make a lot of friends. Everything had a balance.

Sankor wrinkled his nose and dismissed him, laughing at his feeble attempts at being gossipy. And then, out of nowhere, the playful packmate seemed to wilt; trapped beneath the weight of the name of his dream girl. True to his word, Slay did not bother to differentiate between Colibri Haki and Cwmfen nic Graine; they were both quiet, solitary wolves, and he could understand how hard they were to approach, especially about romantic issues. When he first met Cwmfen, he had developed an infatuation for her exotic grace as well. But it had faded as time carried them in different directions. Now she was a pack leader, and he was a surrogate father. Go figure. "Mm, tricky one there, mate. But 'someone like you' could be just what they need - the quiet ones have trouble making friends, and you're the most trustworthy wolf in the pack." He shrugged a shoulder nonchalantly, making it sound so easy. He knew it wasn't. He was a real coward when it came to approaching women about serious topics - hence the clowning.

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier


- Sankor Koios - 06-07-2009

Sankor couldn't help but grin at the other for a moment as he spoke up. He shook his head and sighed slightly as he admitted. "I'll figure it out in time. It's kindof sad when the one wolf everyone is suppose to turn to with their problems can't even solve his own though." he chuckled at the thought before turning to watch his newest friend trying to find that one annoying itch that seemed to have been avoiding being scratched. He did enjoy the idea of having a few males to just hang out about with, it seemed he spent much of his time teasing and talking with the girls.. not that he didn't mind that, but a few good days of joking and horsing around was always great to loosen up one's mind and soul.

He tried not to think about his own flighty feelings for Cercelee as Slay spoke up, his ears flicked back slightly as he listened to the other, wondering just how the ladies always seemed to escape him, but as well he knew that it was his fault everytime. He could woe them with words and phrases but he never knew how to follow through and actually bring to light his own feelings. He knew he'd have to learn to work on that but he just didn't see it happening, there were somethings he just couldn't get past. Someone would probably have to shove him through the door to get him to admit anything. Maybe that was what he needed, someone else to fall for him instead of him always doing the falling.. in his dreams.

Sankor began grooming his chest to hide the brooding that his mind had begun to do for a moment, taking in the words of his piebald friend as the mechanical strokes of his tongue against his chest seemed to kickstart his mind again. He paused in the middle of his work as he shook his head and turned to look at Slay. "Who knows.. maybe I just need to give it more time to season.." Though he knew if he gave it too much time every beautiful girl would disappear and he'd be left alone, right where he began.

- Slaying the Dreamer - 06-10-2009


Slaying the Dreamer
http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... ayeyes.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Slay yawned deeply as drowsiness licked at the edges of his consciousness. He could keep pushing it down. After all, that's what he did all the time, no matter how much sleep he got. Crossing his white paws before him, he let his ice-pale gaze wander to the sky, chuckling lightly at his friend's observation. "Sad, perhaps; but isn't it to be expected? After all, who listens to your problems? Besides me, evidently," the wolf grinned, ears back at a comfortable angle. He didn't care if he was prattled at all day, he just liked having an adult conversation for the first time in too long.

"Who knows indeed?" he agreed softly, watching the clouds above them. It was hard to pinpoint exactly how he had managed to land a mate, whereas Sankor had not. The two flirts had much in common, including a reliance on words rather than actions. Neither of them ever followed through with more than compliments and flowery phrases. Was time the difference? Had Cercelee fallen for him because he had always been there...? Because truth be told, he had not. He got nervous and skittish the bigger the pack grew, and rather than embracing his role as a founding member, he backed off and nearly fled. The Dahlian war with Inferni had driven him into a solitary existence, avoiding everyone he knew for fear that they would make him fight for something he did not believe in. He had been a total coward. It really was a mystery to him how the leader of their pack had developed fondness for him, the dozy idiot that few others noticed.

"Time helps, and listening helps, and being there helps... just do what feels natural. I know it doesn't mean much coming from me, but... if it's the right girl, it just sort of... happens. It works. And then everything else falls into place." He exhaled in a huff, letting his chin fall atop his wide paws. It felt weird to give advice, especially about relationships. He knew he wasn't any kind of role model, but in his heart, he did want to help. He remembered the loneliness of solitude. It was nothing he would wish upon another.

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier


- Sankor Koios - 06-13-2009

Sankor grinned at the words that the other male spoke between yawns as he took was almost set on by the drowsy action. He tried to shake the feeling away but couldn't as he admitted. "Well it's nice to have atleast one who I can grumble and moan at.. as long as you're not gonna go running and telling all the girls.." He gave the other a wink as he chuckled, hoping that the male wasn't going to go do just that. He doubted it, but there was always a tiny glimmer of worry in the back of his mind.

He joined Slay a moment in cloud gazing as the two seemed to wonder the same things, though Sankor's wonderment ended quite soon since he was the one who had not landed the lovely lady while Slay could probably spend the next few days doting and dreaming over his Cercelee. Sankor shook his head and sighed slightly as he glanced over at the other with a grin. "Well, as much as it helps to get everything off my chest.. I think it's time to go find the lovely ladies.." He lifted himself up off the ground, knowing that he wouldn't give up until he worked hisway out of his silly little corner or one of the girls finally made their move.

Turning to look back at Slay he grinned as he innocently remarked. "It's so nice to have all the girls to myself now.." Since almost every other male in the pack was matched up he really did have run of the place with the ladies, and he would take every chance he could to remind Slay that it was he who was to have all the fun now while Slay had to do the housework. He have the other male a wink and a sigh as he moved off. "So much to do.. where to begin.." he said as he rambled out of sight, his tail waving a final goodbye to his friend who was lucky enough to escape from the pups for the time that he had.