'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Heath morte dre Soul - 06-03-2009


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... athban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
pp, let me know if you want it changed.
end this soon?

He took her words and placed them among the anger that had grown. He was so quick to the emotion, letting it bind his mind and bring a monster forward. He refused to believe that he was like the male they argued about, but if he opened his eyes just a bit wider he would find many similarities. Her question only enraged him further, and her arrogant all knowing tone drove him further to the edge.

It wasn’t that he thought she was being completely foolish, or that he thought it to be a bad idea. He would have liked to have need informed to the plan that she had concocted and the information that she had gained. Instead she had remained lost to him. The flick of her finger against his dark nose was too much, he pushed her backward, slow enough that her feet would catch the soft sand but quick enough and with pressure that took her to the rock that she had once claimed as her throne. Yes sister. I have. The strength that he had gained since they had last met pushed her against the rock. She should learn to not provoke him, and learn that he wasn’t the little boy that she had left. His teeth peered from behind quivering lips.

Trust no one In an instant his harsh hands let her go, and he stepped backwards, placing substantial room between them.

table by erin


- Miriette morte dre Soul - 06-09-2009

She couldn't help but smile slightly as she realized once more she'd gotten beneath his skin and created a storm of emotions. When he'd grabbed her arms and thrust her back she let her head snap like a ragdoll before laughing, her form stumbling back against the rock she'd been sitting on once before, and now allowing her weight to settle back upon it again as she flicked her silvery orbs back to her sibling with a smile. "Atleast you're learning now.." she said, knowing that sooner or later he'd grow tired of her taunting and wander off again to leave her at her work.

When his hands left her wrists she just smiled up at him, the trinkets in her hair playing out a soft tune in the breeze as she flashed him that dangerous smile. "Do I ever.." She really didn't want him to answer that, there was no point in answering it but she sighed and rose to her feet, brushing the sand from her rump as she grew serious finally. "I need to return.. but you should know where to find me now atleast.." She glance back at him wondering just what in the world her brother was thinking. Did he seriously think she was going to let that monster get under her skin like she so easily did to him. Fat chance.

- Heath morte dre Soul - 06-13-2009


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... athban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

He hated her, hated her being right and hated that she was the one that had grown close to him and was gaining his trust. That was if the beast had any trust at all. The male scowled at his sister, a growl growing in his chest among the storm the brewed under his skin. How he loved her, and how he despised her. If he had the brains she did he would have found their sire first. He was the quickest, the most rugged and the better fighter. But it was her whit that made her superior. Heath shook his head at her last statement, the only one worth a second thought. Yes, that would be helpful. If he cared enough to think of her again. Maybe he would forget her, disconnect and never let his thought stray towards the memory of her face again. Maybe forgetting would bring him peace.

It was a foolish wish. He would never be without her or his brother.

“Of course” The male spoke, giving her the room to breathe and move once again. Stepping backwards, gold eyes looked to her, an odd sense of regret in his eyes and face. He wondered when he would see her again. And for a single moment, less then a full second he wanted to go with her. He wanted to be part of what they used to have and be family again. As quickly as it came, it left. Forgotten. His frown deepened, and turned to give her his back. Heath walked away to leave her with the deep disappointment that he felt towards her, their situation and himself. A growl rumbled through his chest as he lost her from his sight and her sent drifted from his nose, pushing her form his mind.

table by erin
