'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
gone fishing - Printable Version

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- Rendall - 06-07-2009

Rendall quickly removed the heads and tails from te fish, marinated the rest of the fish that Ty had brought her, she looked over at the now sleeping male, his fur gleamed in the firelight, she giggled and went back to marinating the fish.

She looked around for Xeris and Pendzez, they were off in the woods collecting more firewood for the fire, but she couldnt see them from where she sat, she went down to the creek to wash off her hands and to relax a bit, it wasnt much that she could relax peacfully outside, and she wanted to take grasp the oppertunity as much as she could, so she layed down by the water and peacfully watched the fish dance in the water while she waited for the other wolves return

- Xeris - 06-07-2009

Xeris smiled upon seeing Pendzez approach her. "Yeah, I think things are going pretty well." She reached above her head to snap off a large dead branch. "How much wood do you think we'll need?" She decided that he was probably more knowledgeable about these kinds of things than she was, as she'd never really done a lot of cooking; she'd seen her mother make lots of food though.

She peered through a small gap in the foliage and could just barely see Rendall and Ty. It seemed as though they'd gotten the fire going, and Ty had laid down to take a nap. She grinned. It felt great to have made such good friends. She was glad that she'd made the decision to join Phoenix Valley; it was really paying off.

Xeris looked to Pendzez again. "I'm going to head back, I think we've got enough for now. Besides, I'm getting pretty hungry!" Not wanting to utterly leave him behind, she began to walk slowly back through the trees toward the stream.

- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-08-2009

Pendzez picked up the numerous sticks that were lying around, big and small, thick and thin. He looked at Xeris she asked about how many stick would be needed. "Well, it's not only the fire. Some put their food of a stick to put it over the fire to cook. So, I'd say we have enough for the fire. If we have more left over, we can use some of those for skewers." Holding some decent sized pieces of sticks for the fire, he thought he got enough. He waited to see if Xeris was done with her share.

Pendzez followed Xeris, coming up beside her as the stream came into view. He saw Rendall there and Ty was napping. Ty must have been tired if he's napping. Pendzez and Xeris have got the wood, now all that is left is too cook the fish. He was hungry. He placed his collection of wood some feet away from the fire as he sat down some feet further away. So, young one, what is your name?" he asked Rendall.

- Rendall - 06-08-2009

Rendall turned from the stream and looked at Pendzez, she smiled gently " oh forgive me for not saying it before, i am rendall, Im one of the newer pups here to Pheonix Vally" she turned and saw how much wood him and Xeris had brought for the fire, "thank you both for the fire wood, now we can cook the fish" she looked to the still napping Ty, and decided that it was time to start cooking the first few fish.

She got up and placed the fish on the spik and began to let the fish slowly simmer, "where are you from? i mean i know your pheonix vally but where were you before that?" she ask pendzez innocently, she didnt want him to recall any bad memories just for her curiousity, she kept and eye on the now roasting fish as they spoke

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 06-08-2009

Ty's nose is what woke him up first, he could smell the fish cooking over the fire. He woke up with his mouth watering, but the rest of the body didn't move quite as fast. He could hear the others talking about how they were and where they came from, it was an interesting start of a conversation. As he slowly rose to a sitting position, he tired to be quiet so they wouldn't get disrupted in their conversation.

He looked to Rendall, who said she was a new pup of Phoenix Valley, nothing too big, but still nice to know. He was curious of how long she's been a member, but decided to remain silent. Ty was usually quite the chatterbox, but seeing as how he just woke up, it wasn't like he was very able to speak correctly just yet, so he listened.. His ear twitched lightly as he continued to listen, his strangely colored eyes darting between each person, still trying to regain focus.

- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-09-2009

Pendzez nodded as the pup said her name. He was quite happy to here that she was a pup. The pack could do with some more pups. That way, the pack members could teach them new things, that's if the pups want to learn the new things that the older pack members would be glad to teach. "Good to meet you young miss. I'm Pendzez Zazkex, the Fuehrer, or the head hunter, of the pack. I'm glad to extend a warm welcome to you." He was too kind. He gave a welcome to the pup and he was pleased that there was a new pup in the pack. He nodded again to accept the thank for the wood.

The pup asked the white male about where he was from. Pendzez always knew. "I lived with my parents in a small hut in Drifter's Bay. However, I was born in the tundras of Canada, in a small pack that my parents were passing through. I was the only one that was born in the pack that had a pure white pelt. I got my name, which meant Child or Prince of the Tundra. That was because I had a white pelt."

- Xeris - 06-09-2009

Xeris listened in on the conversations going on as she sat down by the fire, placing the sticks and branches she'd gathered in a pile nearby. She then walked over and sat beside Pendzez and Rendall. She was interested to hear where Pendzez was from. She suddenly worried, however, that Rendall might ask of Xeris' own past. She would talk of her history if needed, but it was always a touchy subject.

Xeris could tell that Pendzez was as happy to meet Rendall she herself was. Back home, Xeris had looked after a few pups in her birth pack; Rendall reminded her of them. She looked over toward Ty, who appeared to be still very groggy and sleepy, and smiled to herself. She had made so many new friends and hadn't even been in the pack for very long. Turning back to Rendall, she picked up another stick and skewered a fish onto it. "Here, let me help you with these."

- Rendall - 06-09-2009

"Thank you Xeris' Rendall turned back to Pendzez, she was going to ask Xeris of her past, but the uncomfortable look that she gave when Pendzez talked of his made her decide against it, she understood that many wolves came here from broken pasts of pain, shamefulness, or even worse, the pup herself being one of them, she looked down at her forelegs, most of the minor scars had faded away, but many still remained.

She looked back up at the white male, she liked his story, it was very fastenating to her to here the many pasts of wolves. Pendzez's parents had named him well, she thought as she examined his coat, he seemed very well...noble. Her eyes lighted up at the thought of joining a pack hunt sometime, "I would love to join you on a pack hunt, though I'm probably still too little, I always watched my mother hunt with our old pack, i found it to be very exhilerating." Her father, who had been prince-like himself, was really the only reason her mother was allowed on pack hunts, but here it was different

She looked over at Ty, he seemed to be enjoying their conversation as he woke up, she smiled at the golden male, "well looks like you had a good nap, you want something to eat? the first batch of fish are almost done." She walked over by Xeris and checked the fish she had put on earlier, the white flacky meat had told her it was done, she took it off and placed it in front of Ty then went back to get another for Pendzez

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 06-09-2009

"Hmm?" Ty said as he groggily snapped his head to attention, seeing that food was placed in front of him. A small, warn grin crossed his face and replied with genuine sincerity. "Why, I'd love to, thank you very much!" He said as he graciously took one fish up and took a bite. It was delicious, like nothing he had tasted. then again, he hadn't really eaten cooked food, so the fact that it was cooked was a change altogether. He loved the flavor, the texture, it wasn't even slimy and slippery anymore, he realized what he was missing now not eating things cooked. His throat involuntarily let out a "MMM!" Before swallowing the bite and telling rendall "this is delicious! you're a very good cook!"

He then turned to Pendzez and commented "And that was a great story, and might I say it's quite an honor to meet such a grand hunter such as yourself!" He took another bite of the fish and chewed lightly, still giving a polite smile to the other wolves. After finishing the second bite, he said "Also, I can clearly see why you got your name, you're white as a friggin snowcap!" He chuckled lightly as he leaned back on the tree and continued to enjoy the fish..

- Rendall - 06-10-2009

The little pup blushed shyly "Thank you Ty" It was the first time she had ever been commented on her cooking, she turned back to the noble Pendzez, she wanted to hear more of him "so what brought you here to Pheonix vally Pendzez?" she hoped that he didnt feel uncomfortable " you dont have to tell me if your dont like talking about it, i understand how that is" she placed the next cook fish at the noble's feet, and turned to check the next one

It was almost done as well, she looked to Xeris " do you want this one? or would you like the one that you have?"

- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-10-2009

Pendzez smiled as he would be glad to explain what brought him to PV. "After my... parents were spirited away from me, I went back to the pack that was in the tundras, only to find that they suffered the same fate. After that, I came back to Souls and joined Phoenix Valley." It was hurting inside, but she asked, so he gave her an answer. He would have to let his past out to ease more of the pain.

He picked up the skewered fish and took a bite. It tasted good. He would be honored to have another of her great cooking. "I agree. Well cooked." It tasted good indeed. She was a good cook. This young one was talented in the trade of cooking. Though she looks like she doesn't know what the air is, looks can be deceiving. "Pity I didn't bring my guitar. I could've lighten the mood."

- Xeris - 06-10-2009

Xeris turned to Rendall. "Oh, I'll have that one. I'd like to try your cooking, since everyone says it's so good!" She took the fish that the pup had cooked and took a bite of it. "Oh, wow, this is really good!" She continued to eat on the fish. She shifted her body to rest up against a nearby tree trunk, enjoying the warm weather and the cool breeze. "All right, there's still more fish, who wants?"

She then turned back to Rendall with a slight smile. "So what about you? Where do you come from, and what brings you to Phoenix Valley?" Xeris had taken quite a liking to Rendall; the little pup was fun-loving and full of energy, and friendly too. But she was glad to have met Pendzez and Ty as well. Xeris took another bite of the fish, eating slowly to savor it.

- Rendall - 06-10-2009

Rendall blushed, she was never really use to compliments and she didnt really think her cooking was all that good, but she thanked them all graciously, she took another fish off the skewer and started eating it, it was delicious, her mother had taught her well

She amiled happily at the idea of music to go along with their seemingly perfect day, she frowned slightly at Pendzez's past, "I'm very sorry pendzez that must have been hard, but hopefully you can find a new family here." she hoped that the tundra noble would find the life he was looking for, and in time, so would she.

Xeris' voice interupted her thoughts, she turned happily to the female, after thinking about the females question the best way she felt to approach it all was to just tell them and be done with it, she stood up and walked over to the area with the most sun,"I too came from the north, my mother was a nomad, but after being mated to my father, she became an alpha female in his pack..." she stepped out into the sunlight and allowed her highlights to shine brightly, she was proud of them. " she too had unusual highlights like me, but hers were alittle less noticable than mine, however, i when i was born, my fathers black fur made mine stand out even more, the pack, who were very proned to being normal wolves, didnt think i was normal, but my father kept them from killing me, however, an outraged female led the pack to kill him, me and my mother were at the mercy of the pack, but because she wouldnt kill me, they casted us out with vital wounds..."

she presented the scars on her forelegs "My mother cared for my wounds, treated them, and taught me how to hunt and cook a few things, however, after a month, she died from infections of her wounds, she never sought to them, only mine...i remembered some stories of souls from when she passed through, so i decided to journey down and find it, a few days ago, a ran into Da Vinci, ive been staying with him ever since." She ended her tale with a smile, in hopes that her past didnt bring down their good spirits

- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-11-2009

Pendzez didn't let go of his past, but he was accepting it as reality. He knew they were gone, but he was getting through life quite well. He knew when he met the right one, he would start a family of his own. He would make sure that his past won't happen again. "Thanks. I know that though they're gone, they are watching over me. Right now they are, literally. By the way, thanks. In time, I know that in time, I'll have a family that I can raise. Not alone of course." He gave a smile, resolving as he look at Xeris. She was a good friend already, but she had some Allegro in her. He looked at the fire and took another bite of the fish.

The white male listened politely to the pup's story of her past. That was frown worthy, but Pendzez didn't. He knows that some others probably had the same past, loosing their mothers by serious injuries or sickness. She was lucky that she was making new friends. Otherwise she would be alone. "I'm sorry for your loss. I know that she is watching you, making friends and growing up." Pendzez wondered if he should tell him about it, his secret of the eternal spirits. Maybe saying it would cheer her up, or make her upset even more. He didn't want to risk it, so he just sat there to listen to more of stories.

- Xeris - 06-11-2009

Xeris listened as Rendall recounted the story of her past. She couldn't help but feel sorry for the pup. "I'm sorry to hear about your mother. Pendzez is right, she will always be watching over you and I'm sure she is proud of you." Rendall's remarks about her fur highlights struck a nerve in Xeris; she was not the only one who had been shunned for being different. "I was sent away for being unusual as well. My father was also the leader of a pack. He didn't like the idea of Lupercis. And then I accidentally became one, and, well, he wasn't particularly happy with me. So I'm here now." It hurt a little to recall her family, but she knew that she was among friends. "So Rendall, if you ever feel sad about that, you can always talk to me."

She looked over toward the fire. Picking up a stick from the nearby pile of firewood, she tossed it in and watched the flames envelop and devour it. She thought about Pendzez's words about family. Xeris, too, wanted a family someday; but she didn't know if she was ready for that just yet. She was already beginning to feel like a part of the Phoenix Valley family. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that these other wolves surrounding her were her family now--and she was happy.

- Rendall - 06-11-2009

Rendall was surrounded with happiness, these wolves she knew would be closer to her than any of the other wolves within the pack, even Da Vinci, who had taken her in, would not mean as much to her as these friends that she had made would, she looked at them all, and was happy to know that she wasnt the only one who was different, she seemed to fit in well with her friends.

She looked over at Ty, she looked into his out-colored eyes and smiled, though she had interupted his sleep, he hadnt snapped at her or growled just simply walked up and asked if she was having fun she turned back to Xeris, "thank you Xeris, and you too Pendzez, I think about her and my father all the time, She was the one who made him a Luperci, they kept it a major secret just between them, but of course, secrets sont always stay secret, thats what set off the females reaction and led the pack to kill him, however i know that they're ok now, and so will i be, and i hope to find my brother and sisters, and someday confront the female that did kill my parents."

she turned to the noble Pendzez, "but i guess i will have to grow and be stronger first." she smiled, and turned back to Xeris, " and I'm very happy that you and i can connect with our pasts, yes they were terrible, but it seems we have a new family that will except us now" the discussion had reminded her of her request to Ty she looked over to the golden male " Hey Ty, can you tell me what Pheonix Vally use to be like and what brought you back?"

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 06-11-2009

Ty was quiet when hearing about Rendall's tough past, he did slightly frown, but shrugged it off. He kept cheery quite easily, in his old line of work, he had to. He didn't say anything about the story afterward like Xeris and Pendzez did, at least not at first. To be honest, he didn't have anything to add, the other two already said what he thought, so he really had no reason to spoke, instead he simply nodded when the other two talked. However, he did speak up when she talked about confronting the female, he remembered some talks he had on his adventures as a sailor. "Well, when you confront the female, be careful what you do, there is a saying I heard once 'An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind'." He didn't quite know if the advice made sense for what she intended to do, but he didn't want to take chances with something even related to revenge.

That's when Rendall asked him about why he came back, he made a small sigh as he attempted to remember, he responded with a certain cloudiness, like he didn't fully remember. "I left Phoenix Valley at a fairly young age, so not everything is clear to me, I can say that the landscape hasn't changed at all, and seeing as how you're all new faces, I'm guessing the people have." He chuckled lightly. "Though...I have to admit, I'm happy that Jefferson and my father are still here."

He crossed his arms as he leaned back in thought, actually wondering himself why he came back. "Well...I guess it's because...I feel at home here...after the places I've seen...I guess it just feels....homey here." He chuckled. "To be honest, after I stopped sailing, this is the only place I remembered, I guess it just felt right."

- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-12-2009

Pendzez listened on when Rendall talked about confronting this female that seemed to be the cause of her bad past. Confonting this female that Rendall was talking about would be crazy for the pup. She would get ripped to shreds. Even if she tried, this female would show no mercy. She just had to know that, not to mention that revenge isn'e the answer, but it causes more problems. "Just remember that revenge isn't the answer. It causes more problems. Some times, it's better to forgive, no matter how hard it is to, or even though that they don't deserve it."

Pendzez turned to Ty as he began to explain about his past. Pendzez faintly remembers Ty, around the time when Da came to Phoenix Valley. Left a couple months after. Pendzez didn't know why, but maybe because that the boy wanted adventure. "Sailing? That sounds like fun. I remember you when you were that young. I should do too, it was only some nine months or something."

- Rendall - 06-12-2009

Rendall smiled at the two males " i dont think i could ever acctually confront her though, like you guys said, revenge isnt the answer, and plus, i'm way too young for that sort of thing, I am, i was just thinkin about going up to her and the pack, just to show them, maybe they'll tell me where my brother and sisters are."

she thought about Ty's words "where did you go to? when you were sailing..how many places did you visit?"

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 06-12-2009

"Well, a lot of the time was spent in the far, far east." Ty began, smiling lightly and folding his arms as he recalled his adventures fondly, well, most of them. "The captain of the ship I served had a fear of being pillaged by pirates, so before I even joined the crew, he'd been looking for people who could train us in our Luperci forms to fight, using old arts of fighting that were used by humans before us. He chuckled lightly. "Which we did eventually, a pack that practiced the way of shaolin monks took up the offer in exchange for us to get them some things to live, as they were not seafaring folk, and couldn't get all the goods they needed. It worked out perfectly, us sailors became trained warriors of self-defense, the wolf-monks got to eat for a day. Hell, three of them even came with us to help teach us more, I learned a lot about their way of life."

He then realized he was off topic, in which he shook his head and continued "Anyway, we also went to some parts of Africa and Europe, where I've learned some amazing things, like when I learned about freerunning in france." He looked up in the sky and took a deep breath. "I guess I've been in every content at one point except for South America and Antarctica." He then scratched the back of his head, sighed again, and looked at the Blue highlighted pup and smiled warmly. She was certainly one of the most unique colored wolves he'd ever seen, blue was a pretty rare color, then again, being a sunset orange was a unique color as well. "Does that answer your question?" He asked her as he placed his hands on his knees.