'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-16-2009

"I...I umm....you honestly don't look a day over two Geneva." He said with a dignified tone, yet he couldn't hide the blush when she winked at him. If there was anything that caught Ty more off guard, it was flirting, of course, he was able to recover quickly, but he'd always have some kind of lapse when a woman even made a comment about something like that. Of course, that was part of Ty's attraction, how for just a second, he'd act very flattered and shy about it before returning his dignity. However, he had meant what he said, he really thought she looked younger then she had said, she was a stunning wolfess. Of course, Ty wasn't going to say any more about it, but he could admit when a wolf was attractive in his eyes, and Geneva was quite pretty. He could only imagine the amount of wolves who had hit on her, but that wasn't something he was going to just ask right out of the blue.

When asked out about his own age, he looked at the ground in a sort of ashamed way, sighing. He couldn't lie, but whenever he said his age either two things happened, people lost respect for him because of his youth, or act in admiration for how mature he was for his age. He could only hope for the latter with Geneva, he did not want to lose respect with her because of how young he was. "Well..." He said slowly, looking up to make eye contact as he spoke. "I'm...no older than one and a half years, I left Pheonix Valley around three or four months old, against my own will you see, then I ran off on a ship at five months, and then a bunch of stuff happened, and here I am almost turning two years old." He then sighed and scratched his ear from the back of his leg.

- Geneva Stockholm - 07-18-2009

Geneva could not help but smile brightly at the flustered younger male. He had answered her with a straight face, but she could read in his body language that she had just made him a little shy. She was glad to note that he did not look uncomfortable though. She could only surmise that he was modest or inexperienced with the opposite sex. She did not judge him for it. It was just part of his charm - he was unconsciously sweet, she guessed. "Thank you for saying so, but I was only joking, Ty. I'm afraid I make a very poor comedian," she said lightly.

She was puzzled when Ty looked to the ground before answering her own questions. Had she said something wrong, crossed some sort of unseen line? Her brow furrowed, although she schooled her expression into neutrality when he looked back up to her again. She was relieved when he just answered and decided to share. She would have hated to make him clam up.

"You have a fair deal of experience for your age," she said. "You have me trumped, and I have an entire year and a half on you." She smiled at him sincerely, her eyes traveling over the brightly colored flowers and considering how those colored clashed with the gray colored stormy sky. "Have you ever been to New York? I was born there."

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-18-2009

Sorry, this one is short, my brain hurts o_o

"Oh...I see..." Ty said when the older wolf told him she was joking. He chuckled lightly, understanding now she was kidding, but why hadn't he seen that before? Geneva was a hard wolf to read, he calm tone hid much of what she was trying to say, and it baffled Ty to no end. He was usually pretty good at reading people when they were talking, but Geneva was good at hiding what she really meant by what she said, and apparently it could work against her as well. So he simply chuckled lightly and accepted he had misread her this time.

His eyes lit up though once she told him that he was experienced, Ty admired that instead of downplaying him for being a child, she showed him respect nevertheless. Ty quickly cocked his head though in confusion. "How do you know that?" He asked her with a sly smile. "I haven't even told you my story, how do you know I'm more experienced than you?" He gave a small chuckle, amused by her apprehensive words.

- Geneva Stockholm - 07-19-2009

"A number of reasons," Geneva said, not missing a beat in the conversation. She was one who would often take a time out to think things over and turn words over in her head. But she did not feel the need to be so cautious here. She did not feel the need to analyze every little thing. Ty had proven to be someone she felt safe with. Perhaps it was because he seemed to have a protective quality like his father. Either way, she felt comfortable around him.

"I used to jump at my own shadow," she admitted. "I missed out on a lot of life experiences that way." Geneva was far from fearless. She could be curious and tenacious, but in her youth fear had been the dominant drive in her life. It had created a complex self doubt inside her, and she was only now getting over that.

"I'm no good at being brave." It was a fact. She had to push herself hard to do some things. She recalled the day Addison had ventured over the sheer face of the Quarry. It had taken all of her nerve and more to move out onto the treacherous stretch of stone. "What is your secret, Ty?"

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-20-2009

"Secret?" Ty repeated, confused again, he had to think about this question. How was it that he was so brave? He never really had thought about it before, what exactly was it that kept him going? There was a long, thoughtful silence after Geneva asked the question, but eventually Ty came up with an answer. "Simple." He said confidently. "I simply think of what would happen if I had no courage, if I let people walk all over me and the people I knew, what would happen if I didn't stand and fight. I think about this and I find that I really do have to be strong, not for myself, but for other people. It's kind of a motivator to me, that I must have some sort of courage for others, and being the son of Davinci kind of helps." He chuckled sheepishly about that, not really happy with admitting his father's position is partially impacting him. "The fact that Davinci is my father makes me feel...partially...that I have to follow in his footsteps...but I want to, I want to show people that I can be a fearless wolf like him..."

Sighing lightly, he looked to the sky with a small smile. He liked being brave, he liked being the soldier and warrior that people could depend on, looking to him for protection. But when it came to his motives, he felt some of them were rather shallow. He didn't want people to get the wrong impression about him, thinking he was being strong only so he could become pack sub-leader someday, but he knew some would judge him for that. Nevertheless, he wanted to step out of his father's shadow as well, around here, he was no respected fighter, not yet, no, he had to work his way back up again from the status as a boy, a worthless boy.

but he would work at it, no matter what.

- Geneva Stockholm - 07-24-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... Tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #D8FF00 solid; font-size: 11px; line-height: 15px;">
Shhh, I am posting from work. Big Grin

Geneva's examples had been different. It was evident that DaVinci had had a great impact on his son, even though for a lot of his youth he had been out of the picture. It was strange and wonderful to see a bond so clearly forged between the two, linking them together undeniably and eternally. The silvery hybrid had left his mark upon his son, for better or for worse. She was certain that the subleader was proud of his warrior child, although Ty was hardly a child at this point.

"I would be proud to have you as a son," the gray woman said. "I am sure that your father is also proud of you." How could DaVinci not be proud of his upstanding son? Ty seemed to be highly moral and had a code of ethics. That was more than she could say of others. "I am proud to have you as a packmate...and friend."

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-25-2009

:o you naughty girl you

A sudden big confidence boost erupted on Ty's face, his smile growing ever wider and his chest slightly puffing in pride. It was easy to please or amuse Ty, it was quite another to uplift his spirits like this. His confident smile also belayed how touched he was to be complimented on this. "Thank you Geneva, you have no idea how much that means to me." He said warmly, with utmost sincerity, almost bowing when he spoke. It meant the world to him to know he was worthy to be the son of his father, there was no better feeling to him.

Ty had only known his father for a brief moment, a few months, but the man had a huge impact on his life. Davinci had taken care of him, raised him, taught him the beginnings of life before his mother had swept him away from the valley. He could give nothing but love and respect to his father for that, as his father was respectable, just, and strong-willed, although having an emotional toll as of late. Now sitting upright and proud, he sincerely responded to Geneva. "I'm quite proud to have you as a friend as well....you're very calming to be around, you know that?"

- Geneva Stockholm - 07-25-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... Tablep.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #D8FF00 solid; font-size: 11px; line-height: 15px;">
"You're the first to ever tell me that, but I believe you," Geneva responded in kind. She had watched the way Ty's face and body language had changed. Inner pride had blossomed on his features. She thought it was a good look for him. The young man was obviously so devoted to his path in life. The confidence in his body language now suited him greatly. She was certain that he would grow in confidence and grace in the seasons to come, but he had a wonderful start now.

The gray woman was overcome for a moment, as she thought of her own father. He had been such a large, significant part of her life. When her siblings had gone out to play, Geneva had been too sickly to go outside. Her father had been her companion, her confidante, her world. Geneva wanted to think that he would be proud of her now, that he would still be supportive of her at this time.

She had come so far in such a short time. Her geographic locations had changed. She had traveled from New York to Nova Scotia, but still it was her heart that had changed most of all. "I think of the way I've changed in such a short time, and I am grateful that these changes have brought me here. I love it here."

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-25-2009

"You should believe me, because I'm right." Ty joked, but he still meant the compliment, Geneva was a warm, caring individual, and her calm attitude eased the nerves and minds of people around her, although she didn't know it. He noticed that she was lost in thought for a second, and Ty wondered what it was he had said that got her mind working. He decided it was best not to ask as if she wanted to say anything now, she would.

He listened to how she had changed, and that she enjoyed her time here, it made him smile warmly in amusement. He was glad the place he was born in was so inviting to others. It made him realize what a good background he had come from, and what great people had raised him. He nodded slightly as he spoke. "Phoenix Valley is one hell of a place, there is no doubt about that." He said with a certain acceptance and splendor. "I'd be surprised if you didn't love it here."

He then go to his feet and cracked his neck. "It was a real pleasure to meet you Geneva." He said as he turned around, his eyes now fixated on a new creature, which happened to be a butterfly. "But I should go, I got things to do after all, good bye!"

And with that, he bounded into the grass, chasing after the butterfly as it went on it's journey.