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i'm done feeling like a skeleton. - Printable Version

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- Spirit Moonfang - 08-09-2009

Spirit nodded in agreement. "No problem. That's ok. Loads of wolves say that. Yet, lots of wolves don't think and rush into it and then they don't like the tattoo and want to get rid of it."

With a sigh, Spirit shook her mane and watched Rendall converse with Charon.

- Charon Amrithai - 08-13-2009

http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll42 ... est-26.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;padding-top:0px;background-color:#001a36;background-position:bottom;">
Sorry for the delay.

         Though the big wolf had been made a bit nervous by Spirit's forwardness, he didn't let it get him down too much. If she was going to kill him and Rendall today, she would have already—there was no point in settling down for a comfortable conversation if she just planned on snapping their necks for fun. He smiled at the notion of the tattoo being permanent—that's exactly how he wanted it. If for whatever reason he ever ran into one of the Amrithais so far from home, they would know Charon no longer considered himself a part of that family. He might have missed his mother and being in the cold, but that was all.

         "I would like to have a mark, though. It would be a nice thing to have," he said, trying to remain quiet and not say anything particularly directed at her or her tribe. He'd already sensed she was protective of it, and the last thing he wanted to do was make her angry. He shrugged his big, silvery shoulders and looked at Rendall. He listened to her, and nodded. "Well... I don't have any necklaces of my own, no. I would like to get one, though. Maybe if I go searching in the city, hm?" he said. That was the best place to look, anyway—it wasn't very likely he'd find one hanging off of a tree somewhere.

         Spirit spoke again, and the big wolf frowned. Even if he didn't know what he was getting yet didn't mean he'd hate it and want to get rid of it. Char might have been a pretty senseless man, but he understood the concept of permanence. He simply shrugged his gray shoulders and looked at the ground, prodding at it with his finger and pulling up a long blade of grass to chew on after a moment, his deep indigo eyes flicking from one wolf to another. For once, he felt as though he had nothing further to contribute to the conversation, and he just smiled, enjoying the other wolves' company.

thanks to jael for the table!

- Spirit Moonfang - 08-13-2009

Spirit winked at Charon cheekily before replying, " I can arrange theat." She raised her paw in a mock threat. Spirit was definitely feeling more relaxed now and she had no intention of harming Charon or Rendall unless they tried harm her or show her or her tribe disrespect.

She yawned a little and stretched, watching Charon and Rendall.

- Rendall - 08-14-2009

sorry for the wait, my comp keeps crashin and doing weird stuff

The child giggled at Spirits reply to Char. The child looke up to the big silver male "Perhaps we can go the city and find you one." she looked over to Spirit and back to Charon. The tough she solf would look nice if she had a necklace to match her tattoo. However, the pup didnt want to offend the she-wolf so she remaind quiet. She sat back on her haunche and winced when her leg protested. She nuzzled her leg to calm the soreness and turned her attention back to Char, "So Char what part of the Tundra are you from?"

- Spirit Moonfang - 08-15-2009

Spirit chuckled in response to Rendall. She narrowed her eyes at the thought of going to the city. True to her tribe's beliefs, Spirit did not wish to have anything to do with civilisation. Spirit shuddered at the idea of wearing a necklace. Her tribe, being hunters, did not like necklaces because they interfered with hunting and alerted prey. They also got caught on banches and undergrowth.

Spirit sighed and watched Rendall ask Charon something.

- Charon Amrithai - 08-16-2009

http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/char ... _tears.jpg); background-color:#0E141B; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:246px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">

    The big wolf seemed to make a joke, and Charon understood suddenly. It was as if a light had gone off in the pale wolf's head; he grinned right back at her, that cheesy thing spreading across his coal lips and lighting his deep indigo eyes as if with flame. He was amused by the joke, and he laughed deeply, a rumbly thing emanating from his chest. He was glad to have met this pair; even if Spirit had been a little standoffish at first it seemed there was friendship forming here in this part of the forest. The silvery wolf smiled again, his big ears pricked forward as he listened to Rendall's idea, excitement showing in his face. He turned back to the other wolf, but she didn't seem too keen on the idea at all, so he shrugged his shoulders, speaking to Rendall. "Maybe we can go later," he suggested brightly, not wishing to exclude the bigger she-wolf but wanting a necklace pretty badly anyway.

    The silvery wolf smiled as he thought of his homeland, those blue eyes growing misty. "I guess you'd call it Alaska. The snow never really melted, it was wonderful. Always cold," he said with a grin. "My parents, we pretty much just referred to our area as 'Amrithai' because that it's our last name, but maybe you'd know it as Alaska," he explained a little further, not so eager to share as much as he felt obligated to answer. He knew he hadn't led nearly as interesting a life as, say, Spirit—just by looking at the feral wolf Charon could tell she had seen some things throughout her life. He didn't feel right inquiring about her, though, so he simply left the conversation where it was, smiling encouragement at either of the other two females. Char did a lot of talking, and he knew it—especially in the presence of ladies, the big wolf was careful to allow others to say their piece.


- Spirit Moonfang - 08-16-2009

"Sure. No problem." Spirit stretched again as Charon responded to Rendall's question. She was glad that they didn't mind the fact that she didn't like civilisation. Spirit could tell Charon really wanted a necklace but wasn't too fazed by it.

She sighed, feeling relaxed while watching the other two.

- Rendall - 08-19-2009

The child finally took a look around, it seemed as though the storm had cleared up a bit and the sun was coming out a bit. She also realized how once more the butterflies fallowed her. " Oh these darn things.... i really need to find Pendzez." She continued to bat at them with her paws. She shrugged when she noticed that Spirit wasnt to thrilled about the city, but it was normal. Not many wolves ever did like going over there, it was a ghostly place that seemed dead at times. She didnt hold it against Spirit if she didnt like going.

She turned to looked back at Charon, "Ok." she smiled " Alaska, huh ive never heard of it but it sounds nice."

- Charon Amrithai - 08-19-2009

http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll42 ... est-26.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;padding-top:0px;background-color:#001a36;background-position:bottom;">
         The pale wolf was quite content here with these two wolves, and it showed in his relaxed posture. His ears were at half-mast, listening to the women as they spoke but still not pricked in agitation or anything of the like. This was just nice, plain and simple. The sun was beginning to come out a bit, and the big wolf tilted his head back, glad to see that the overcast clouds were beginning to disappear. "Maybe we're in for a nice day after all, hm?" the arctic wolf asked with a smile.

         The pale silver wolf noticed that butterflies seemed quite attracted to Rendall, and he grinned, chasing after one half-heartedly with his nose. He didn't intend to kill them, but one landing on his nose would be nice. "Aww, I'm sure worse things could be following you around," he joked. "At least these guys are pretty," he said, indigo eyes following one as it flitted about Rendall's shoulders. He grinned, holding up a paw and beginning to shift slowly to his Optime form, fingers slowly extending from the paw as the wolf shifted quickly. He liked being in his halfway form; it allowed an easy shift either way he wanted to go. He was done quickly, crouched back on his rear and with one hand extended to the butterflies.

         One lit on his finger, perching there and flapping its wings for a few seconds. He studied it closely, the stunning, brilliant colors so absent from his monochrome, frozen home. "It was nice, but I had to see the rest of the world, you know?" he said, hoping the other two could identify. They both seemed to have stable homes, yet here they were, wandering around outside of them. Spirit had gone a long way from home, it would seem.

thanks to jael for the table!

- Spirit Moonfang - 08-20-2009

Spirit flicked an ear as Charon shifted into his Optime form and watched the butterflies flying around Rendall. She glanced at the sky. "Yeah, it seems likely."

Spirit yawned and sprawled on the forest floor on her side. She was enjoying the dappled sunlight on her coat.

- Rendall - 08-21-2009

The child calmy and causually crept underneath the nearest tree and continued to examine the butterlfies about her. She noticed that the tough she-wolf hadnt been talkin much either. " So Spirit wats it like in your tribe? I'm curious to know how all the things in your lives work. But please, dont worry about keeping anything from me, I dont like prying at all. So if theres anything you dont feel comfortable about sharing, i completely understand." She wanted to know all about her tribe, but she didnt want to annoy the female with questions.

She turned back to Char "Indeed, i'm acctually going to leave Pheonix Vally to do just that, but, please dont tell anyone yet, i dont wish to hurt them." She looked at all the butterflies around her. " I guess it wouldnt be too bad either if these guys came with me. It would remind me of my home here with my friends, and hopefully they will help lead me back home in time." She didnt ant anyone to think fowl of her, but she really did need to get out of here and go learn all the things and find her siblings.

- Charon Amrithai - 08-21-2009

http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll42 ... est-26.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;padding-top:0px;background-color:#001a36;background-position:bottom;">
         Rendall crawled over into the shade, and the pale wolf glanced at her. He was far too slow to realize she was avoiding the sunlight, but her behavior did strike him as slightly peculiar. Why were all of these butterflies flapping around Rendall, so attracted to her? It was almost as if she was a flower. The pale silver wolf didn't give it much thought other than that, looking over at Spirit as she agreed and laid down, finally seeming to relax completely. He gave her a big, approving grin. Rendall spoke again, and the shaggy wolf's head turned back toward her, finally frightening away the butterfly from his finger. He allowed his hand to drop to the dirt by his side, his pale ears cocked toward Spirit, interested to hear her answer as well.

         The pale wolf frowned at Rendall's revelation, finding it troublesome. If she had a good home where, why would she want to leave it? He was curious now, and he tilted his head to the side, regarding her with those deep blue eyes. "Be careful, and don't wander too far," he said, though it was spoken in a lilting, merry tone rather than a solemn one. "So long as you end up back home, wherever that is—Phoenix Valley or your birth-place—you'll be alright, I think," the wolf said, smiling at his companion. He would be sad to see her go, certainly, but he understood wanderlust. After all, something similar had driven him from his birthplace. Maybe someday, someday he'd go back—but not for a few years, anyway. That was far into the future, too far for the silver wolf to think about.

thanks to jael for the table!

- Spirit Moonfang - 08-21-2009

Spirit rolled over on to her stomach and raised her head towards Rendall. "Well, life in my tribe is not sheltered. You have to learn to fight to survive as my tribe are well known for being fierce hunters and warriors. Also there is a strict hierarchy in my tribe. Any breaking of my tribe's laws results in the death penalty. Sometimes you have to fight your own siblings to save your life." Spirit sighed and rolled back on to her side again.

Spirit noticed Charon was also litening to the conversation.

- Rendall - 08-22-2009

The child noticed that Char had observed her casual avoidence of the sun, she smiled nervously at the large silver male. "Heh heh, the sun uh....does wierd things to uh...my fur." She understood that she herself wasnt the worst thing in souls, but she still thought it was wierd. However, Char and Spirit wouldnt be the first or probably the last wolves to find out about her unique fur. The thought calmed her, perhaps she'll show them later.

Rendall listened to Spirits talk of her tribe. "Wow it must be hard, I'd be proud to be apart of them if i survived too." She turned back to the loving silver male "Dont worry Charon, I will always come back to Pheonix Vally especially bo come see you and Spirit again. I just need to find my brother and sisters."

- Spirit Moonfang - 08-22-2009

"It is, but I'm used to it because I was raised by them. I'm honoured. Not many wolves say that." Spirit gave Rendall a respectful nod before laying down again.

She didn't mind Rendall's decision to stay in the shade and listened to Rendall talking to Charon.

- Charon Amrithai - 08-26-2009


      The silvery wolf listened with interest as Spirit described life in her homeland. The silvery wolf's ears pricked up, curiosity showing in his face. He couldn't really imagine living life like that—where he'd come from, there wasn't much chaos or violence at all, and the roughest hardship they generally endured was the shortages of food throughout the winter. But the Amrithai clan had gotten much better at storing things to keep over the long, dark months since he was young, and they hadn't had a really hard winter since his first year. He nodded at Rendall's response, finding it somewhat distasteful to be raised in needless violence. He could never imagine fighting his own flesh and blood, not unless they were inherently evil or something else crazy like that.

      The silver canine turned toward Rendall, cocking his head to the side. He didn't really understand what she meant when she said the sun did funny things to her fur, and it showed on his face. "Huh?" he said, pretty obviously confused by what Rendall had just said. His nose wrinkled, then he turned back to Spirit, understanding where she was coming from. If she was raised there, she was used to it, obviously—it wasn't as if she was forced into living like that, then. "Spirit, have you ever thought about settling down in a pack here? Maybe you'd like it," he offered. "I've been thinking about it myself," he said, nodding his head thoughtfully. "I don't know where I would want to go, though—I kind of want to see everywhere before I pick someplace permanent!" he said, laughing.

Table thanks to James.

- Spirit Moonfang - 08-26-2009

Spirit got up again and turned to face Charon. "Yes. I've thought about starting or joining a pack but sadly I'm tied to my tribe. As appealing as a pack may seem, I can't be in one because even though I'm not in my tribe's forest, I'm still part of the tribe and I'm bound by their laws." Spirit stretched and laid back down on the forest floor.

She could tell that Charon was repulsed by what life was like in the tribe but it didn't bother her.

- Rendall - 08-29-2009

The child cocked her head in understanding, what it must like to be tied to your past. Her fur was apart of her past, she hoped that perhaps she wasnt the only one. She smiled at the female, one as tough as she would do good in Inferni, but the pup would never truely wish that pack on anyone. Many wolves in Pheonix Vally had a score to settle with a certain female in their pack, a coyote hybrid she thought. And when her strength returned to her leg as well as her body. She would have the confidence to confront the leaders of said pack.

However pack wars was something that didnt need to be brought into the nuetral territories. And the thought of dragging Char and Spirit into all this nonesence was sickening. Chars question brought a frown to the child, and after taking a deep breath, got up from her comfy spot in the shade and walked into the sunlight. Like usual, the spots on her body that seemed a natural black practically glowed a bright blue. She turned to Charon and showed him as her fur all but matched her beep Azul eyes. " This is what i mean..."

- Charon Amrithai - 08-30-2009

http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/char ... _tears.jpg); background-color:#0E141B; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:246px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
I think this is like, the longest thread I've ever been involved with. Woohoo! XD

    Char frowned as Spirit spoke, nodding his head as if he understood. Did that mean that members of her tribe had followed here, that they were watching her? He didn't like that idea, and his indigo eyes wandered away from either of the two females for a moment, searching the woods around them for signs of other life. His ears pricked, listening to the normal sounds of the forest for several long moments, though he heard nothing but the wind and the occasional twitter of some small bird. The sun was still quite bright in the sky, as it was only mid-afternoon at best—the trio had several hours to kill before sundown.

    The pale silver canine looked back to Spirit then, pausing to consider his words carefully. She was bigger than him and he was pretty sure that she could kick his butt six ways to Sunday, so he certainly didn't want to offend her. "So, you'll be going back someday, then, and they would be angry if you lived with other wolves?" he guessed, not really understanding why they would be mad. If Spirit had to stay with others for her survival, why was it a bad thing?

    The youngster seemed determined for a moment, standing up and walking into the sun. As she strode into the light, her fur seemed to shift, the shade growing lighter, shifting from dreary black to a brilliant blue. His jaw dropped; he didn't think he'd ever seen anything so magical and pretty in his life. "Wow! That's really pretty," he said, obviously dumbfounded at this new revelation. "I don't know why you'd ever hide that," he said, marveling at the brilliant blue highlights now showing in her coat. He wondered if it was something natural in her coat that made that happen. He'd never seen anything like it in his life.


- Spirit Moonfang - 08-30-2009

Spirit narrowed her eyes in thought before answering Charon's question. "Perhaps. I'm not sure I want to go back just yet. Yes, they would be upset. In their eyes, the only wolves I can live with is them." Spirit sat up in surprise as Rendall's fur changed colour. She had never seen anything like it.

Spirit scratched her ear as she watched the other two.