'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Package from a past life - Printable Version

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- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 08-27-2009

OOC: Ehhh....I feel like Ty losing this spar, even a light one like this would undermine his character significantly, he really doesn't have many more qualities besides fighting like Pendzez does.

Ty was caught off guard by the disarm tactic, but he was able to react quickly. Instead of allowing the two hilts to connect, he moved his blade slightly forward, locking Pendzez's wrist in between Ty's hilt and his own wrist. With his other free han grabbed the hilt of Pendzez's katana, he wasn't going to take it away from Pendzez, but hold it firmly so he could move the now free scimitar blade towards Pendzez neck.

Ty had seen that sort of disarming tactic once before, and that time it had worked. Ty had been disarmed, luckily that time the person had a poor follow-up strike which allowed Ty to dive for his own blade and parry. This time he remembered the strike, and instead of by choice he had reacted by pure muscle memory, allowing the act to be much more unpredictable. He could only hope it worked.

- Pendzez Zazkex - 08-31-2009

Pendzez was somehow off course when Ty reacted in this fashion that he stopped the attack on the disarm tactic by grabbing the hilt of the handle. Pendzez was certainly surprised, but he wasn't startled to stop. However, he would be thinking twice when Ty started going for the white male's neck with his scimitar. Quickly, Pendzez grabbed the hilt of that with his free hand, holding back in position. The two were locked together, holding each other's hilts.

Pendzez looked up into Ty's orbs, smirking as he thought to stop this whole thing. The way it was, they were evenly matched in strength and agility. Pendzez had to admit, Ty was pretty talented with a sword. Pendzez would only match that, so he would still need more skill. "Draw." he said. That was the only word that escaped his mouth to Ty.

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 08-31-2009

Ty looked at the situation he was in with Pendzez, both opponents had a hold of the other person's blade, locked in place by each other. In truth, Ty knew exactly how to switch this up, he knew exactly how to counter this and force Pendzez to surrender to him. But, he simply nodded and agreed to the draw. "As you wish." Ty said with a small grin. He then let go and backed off from Pendzez. The reasons why he did not finish the movement and beat Pendzez was because he didn't mind letting Pendzez feel they were evenly matched, and also because he didn't want Pendzez to know all his tricks. If Pendzez was ever to go insane, Ty needed to know ways to beat him, although that was highly unlike him and would probably never happen. But still, Ty had now gotten a reading of Pendzez's ability, and he knew their difference in skill now. He hadn't gone all out, he could see how Pendzez used the blade, and although he deemed it a fantastic show of skill and grace, Ty knew he could beat Pendzez next time they faced off.

To be entirely honest though, Ty had nothing but admiration for the white noble, and a bit of envy. While Ty was purely a warrior and protector, Pendzez had so much more to him. He was a skilled healer, a graceful fighter, a spirit king, a husband, a poet, a leader, these were all skills that made the white wolf standing before him, Ty knew he couldn't compare to those abilities. He simply stayed with fighting because that is what he was good at, something he knew he could strive to be the best. He'd been holding a weapon since he was five months old, and since then had practiced daily. It was his best talent, and one of the few he possessed. Turning back to the white noble, he smiled and said "You've got a bit of talent there...I'm surprised you just picked up how to use that weapon." He smirked as he began to walk back to the two big trunks.


- Pendzez Zazkex - 09-06-2009

Pendzez watched as Ty move back to the logs. He also commented about Pendzez's talents of swordplay. Ty was also good with swordplay, however he needs to know the true way of the warrior. Pendzez knew bushido more than anything else. He knew nearly everything of bushido and Ty knew shaolin style, but Ty was not seeing the true sight of being a warrior. In fights, you can't rely on strength alone.

Pendzez should know that Ty understood that he would need more knowledgeable of being a warrior of Souls. If Pendzez was somehow managed to train Ty about learning ture swordplay, Ty would be able to understand and preform greater sword play with a better and different sword apart from a scimitar. "You are good as well. Maybe more training would help you become better."

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 09-08-2009

Ty nodded simply forfeiting Pendzez's advice, telling Ty he needed to learn more. And partially, Ty agreed, Ty was not the perfect warrior, he knew that, but he could feel the vibe he was getting from Pendzez. Those words...Pendzez was treating him like a student, not an equal. He held back the offended feeling he got, because he knew where Pendzez was coming from. Ty knew the bushido code, but he also knew the warrior codes from many different heritages and cultures, but Pendzez didn't know that. Pendzez was simply assuming because of how Ty had fought that Ty was nothing more then a uneducated thug, and while that was not an insult directly at him, it was an unintentional insult to all those who had trained Ty, showed him their ways of war, taught him how to fight. Pendzez only saw the teachings of bushido as the one true path of being a warrior, Ty saw differently. Bushido was an admirable and focused way of training warriors, but it was not the only way.

But he wouldn't chew Pendzez out for it, he wouldn't shout at him, after all, he didn't suspect that is how Pendzez meant for it to sound. Pendzez didn't know where Ty came from, the experiences he had before he came here to the Valley, he only saw what Ty had done today. They had different teachings and philosophies, things Pendzez could not see by simply sparring him. So Ty simply shrugged off the words as he turned back to the white noble and nodded. "Well, there is always room for improvement." He said with a smile. He placed the scimitar back into his trunk of collected weapons, then closed the big wooden crate and locked it. "Perhaps we will have to do this again sometime." He spoke as he attempted to tie the two trunks together.

- Pendzez Zazkex - 09-12-2009

Pendzez saw that Ty was being bothered by what the white male said about some more practice. Pendzez was just lending some helpful advice nothing more. Ty should take thing too seriously, because that will lead you to losing then you are dead. Just some harmless advice to take into consideration. "Better to improve than to not improve."

Pendzez listened as Ty said they should do it again. Maybe in due time, they could so that Pendzez would know more about Ty's main style of swordplay. He says that he knows many, but which one does he do mainly? "Yes, you must also tell me with swordplay style that you preform mainly." Pendzez found that there was no point to fight if he didn't know what style Ty uses.

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 09-16-2009

Ty sighed as he realized his slight discontent had crossed his face. Pendzez had just offered advice, and Ty simply misinterpreted it, it wasn't the white noble's fault. Ty was a young wolf, that was obvious, but he felt that his age made people underestimate him greatly. He understood to a fault that age is a huge factor in a pack, but he was very much used to being treated more like a child, an ignorant foolish child. He knew that he shouldn't let that get to him, but it did, he was only a wolf after all. But he had gotten offended by the wrong person, a wolf who did treat him like an equal, one of the closest friends he had in the pack. Perhaps he had been a bit self-conscious about it though, he nodded in agreement with Pendzez's statement.

When commented on about what sword style he uses mainly, he pondered that. "Well...to be honest, the sword styles tend to meld after a while, but if I had to tell you a one I use mainly...." He scratched his chin. "Hmm...I would say it's a tossup between the katana and the longsword." He looked to Pendzez and shrugged. "Those were the two I learned early in my trainings, though those are both two-handed swords, and I wish to get better with one handed weapons like the scimitar or rapier."

- Pendzez Zazkex - 09-27-2009

The white male politely listened as Ty explained about the sword play techniques that he uses. Apart from the katana, it was also certain other two-handed swords that he was trained with. The only two handed Pendzez used was a spear and the masamune with him now. He was considering of using other swords, including daggers and one-handed swords..

Pendzez examined the weaponry that showed in the trunk as Ty opened it. There was quite a collection of different weapons. Where he got them was a different story. However, one may have talent in many weapons, but he can only be truely talented with one weapon. Pendzez talented with two-handed weapons, but Ty wished to be with one-handed. "I don't run your life. If you wish to learn one-handed, that's your choice."

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 09-28-2009

"I suppose." Ty responded with a nod as he closed and locked the trunk, smiling warmly at the memory of how he attained each one of those treasures. "But my preferences change and flow, it isn't a matter of technique or mastery for me as much as it is what I am feeling at the moment." He replied, looking to the white male in a passive glance. "It's not a matter of wishing to learn it, it's a matter of how my body feels at the moment, how the world is around me." he sighed. "N...nevermind, I'm rambling."

And it's true, Ty was rambling, he was really thinking about getting back to the cabin now, as it was getting dark and he really didn't want to get caught out carrying two trunks of blades. But he had enjoyed this little spar with Pendzez, the white noble had taught him a few things, and he had taught the white noble a few. Giving the white noble a casual wave, he stated ." he sighed. "I have to go put these in my home now, take care of yourself Pendzez."