'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Necklace Hunting - Printable Version

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- Rendall - 10-18-2009

The girl frowned at the females request. "Well, it was a puma, a very angry one at that. I fell upon it when stalking some bugs, literally." Her clumsiness had done alot to her. She remembered the whole experience well. "Had it not been for all my friends I would be dead."

She examined the closest buttefly with intrest. "My mentor, Pendzez, says that butterflies represent the spirits of those who pass on, and because I was dying they fallow me, hoping i will help them with something." Normally the pup wasnt very religious, but because she saw the spirits themselves in her near death experience, she believed him.

THe other scars had come from Avery, but that subject was long gone, along with the experience. One butterfly, the gold and red one, landed on the pups leg. She looked at the bug that liked her the most it seemed, this one, amongst the others, kept to the pups side almost all the time.

- Kaena Lykoi - 10-28-2009

Ugh, massive fail on my part here. We can wrap this up pretty soon, especially if you're planning on dropping Rendall. ^_^

       The hybrid coyote wondered how such a small, young wolf could survive such an attack; certainly she'd been nearly a puppy when it had occurred. She listened to the canine's story with interest, her sable ears perking up at the mention of spirits and ghosts. Though Kaena had never been paricularly religious, her father had taught her some mythology, and in those old myths there was some resonating quality of truth; it did make sense to Kaena that there would have been a god for the water, a god for the hunt, a god for war. Kaena thought, though, if such magnificent beings did exist, they were very, very secretive or they'd moved on to other worlds at the apocalypse of this one, considering the creatures still remaining in it beneath their salvation and love. For that, they were despicable, and they did not deserve reverence from the Centurion.

       Her encounter with Lilith had been particularly strange, and the woman claimed to speak to Ahren still. The hybrid had gotten that strange effect of power from her, the almost intoxicating smell of her and the fire in her eyes, the same feeling Ahren had inspired in her. The hybrid woman definitely believed in ghosts and spirits, and she nodded vehemently at the Valley wolf's statement. "That makes sense. You should seek someone who can speak to spirits. I met a woman in the city who claimed to do such a thing, if you wanted to find her sometime," the coyote said, shrugging. If the butterflies really were spirits following Rendall around, it was important that their desires were fulfilled, otherwise Rendall would end up with butterflies following her around forever—and it was chilling to think of them now as ghosts, and the hybrid eyed one with a more wary yellow eye now.

Thanks to Akumu for the table!

- Laidaria - 10-28-2009

lol sounds good she has to get going anyways Smile, sorry if its short

The noticed the time of day, realizing there was much she still had to do. Theres was no more time to find Char, wherever he was, to say goodbye. She hopped that he and spirit would understand. She stood up and shook off. She turned to the female hybrid. A truely unique warrior in her own stature, Rendall hoped that the Inferni female would find her own peace of mind one day.

Although her thoughts towards the female at the beginning of all of this were far from friendly, the girl finally understood her and hoped to see the Coyote-wolf again. "Forgive me Kaena, but I need to get going, I need to finish packing for my trip." the girl nodded respectfully at the female, knowing very well that Kaena probably wouldnt enjoy a hug from a girl she just met. "It was nice meeting you, I hope we meet again in the future someday. I'll try to send word, youll know its from me if you see the blue ribbon."

She cocked her head and smiled and quickly went on her way before she became more late for her duties. She tranformedinto her opitime form and waved goodbye to the Centurion over her shoulder.

- Laidaria - 10-28-2009

lol sorry i meant to reply on rendall...lol major failure lol

- Rendall - 10-28-2009

there lol, sorry about that again, its kinda my off day today...heh heh lol

The noticed the time of day, realizing there was much she still had to do. Theres was no more time to find Char, wherever he was, to say goodbye. She hopped that he and spirit would understand. She stood up and shook off. She turned to the female hybrid. A truely unique warrior in her own stature, Rendall hoped that the Inferni female would find her own peace of mind one day.

Although her thoughts towards the female at the beginning of all of this were far from friendly, the girl finally understood her and hoped to see the Coyote-wolf again. "Forgive me Kaena, but I need to get going, I need to finish packing for my trip." the girl nodded respectfully at the female, knowing very well that Kaena probably wouldnt enjoy a hug from a girl she just met. "It was nice meeting you, I hope we meet again in the future someday. I'll try to send word, youll know its from me if you see the blue ribbon."

She cocked her head and smiled and quickly went on her way before she became more late for her duties. She tranformedinto her opitime form and waved goodbye to the Centurion over her shoulder.