'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
The Truth about Justice - Printable Version

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- Alaine Winters - 10-21-2009

http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb17 ... eader1.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

OOC// Well, just let me know what you want. I figure that Alaine and Caillen will be with Daisuke for atleast 2 or 3 days, till Alaine's wounds have closed up... But I don't think we'd want to RP this one thread for 3 whole days, their time xD
P.S, sorry for the short post!

He turned in the darkness to face the soft swell of her voice, and Alaine saw his eyes, two glowing pin-points of ocean blue, watching her intently for a moment. Her own eyelids were drooping, beautiful jade gaze dimming slightly as sleep crept over her; But the woman held her body straight, waiting for his answer like her own life depended on it.

" Aye, m'lady. I shall."

Her body seemed to crumple slightly, like a great weight had been lifted off of her, and the woman sank back down to the ground beside her son. She curled about him protectively, and snuffling in his sleep, Caillen burrowed into the soft downy fur of his mother's belly. Daisuke was talking again, but his words washed over her head like a current in which Alaine was sinking. Sounds slipped away, but before sleep fully stole her, the exhausted beauty managed one last sentence:

" ... Thanks, kid."

Then the world went dark, and she slept.


- Daisuke - 10-21-2009

http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/4558 ... ecolor.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top;">

OOC: Yup, you know what we're going with now. Thank god for the PM system xDD Don't worry about it, I can work with almost nothing xD

The boy had turned his back to her before she had answered back. His staff was now close to his chest, keeping him from slumping over and falling asleep. It would be hard, yes for him to be able to stay up and stay stationary. Thanks, kid. she finally spoke, her voice sounding drowsy to him. She must have been on the verge of falling asleep, and so he waited a few moments, expecting her to surprise him with something else that she might want him to promise or something of the sort. Daisuke waited, but the words never came. He really was alone now. Alone in consciousness. He needed to keep himself busy, and once he had retreated into his mind, he found that bucket, turned upside down in the middle of the hallway. He looked at the bucket, and poked it with his finger once. It moved slightly because of the poke, but there wasn't anything alive under it he supposed and then he cocked his head at it. What's this doing here then? he asked himself before he picked up the bucket and the words from before flooded back into his head. The thought had been released from it's imprisonment and he let the thought fester in his brain a bit. It was the thought of him growing older. Wiser. Was he even beginning to calm down? No. He didn't think that he was calming down too much. The male, Heath had even told him that he talked too fast, and barely could stop moving. Even now his feet were tapping, not loud enough to make a noise, but enough for him to still be moving. So maybe his energy wasn't what was calming down. Maybe it was his mind. He was able to give information to someone, and to make a pretty interesting conversation with Snake even. He was growing older, and perhaps wiser. But he was still unsure about actually growing up. To where he would have to worry about everyday things that parents had to worry about. Maybe he had already grown up. He was already hunting for himself, and now two others. He was already making sure that he would live to see the next day. He was taking care of himself. And if that wasn't growing up, then what was?

Daisuke looked up to the ceiling. Is this what it's like to be an adult? To always have to provide for someone? the male asked himself as he looked at his deer skull. He stroked the bone, as if it fascinated him. Truth was, he liked the way it felt against his fingers. He smiled at it and then kissed it on the tip of the bone that jutted out that was once a nose and mouth. He admired the skull, he really did. He let his mind wander from growing up to Snake. He wondered if the boy was up now too, or if he was just sleeping. Probably sleeping. He wondered when the next time he'd see the boy would be. Would it be next week, or next year? Would it be by chance, or would Daisuke seek out the male? Vice versa? He couldn't help but wonder. The boy have been so kind to him, and he rather liked how the boy thought. He was quiet most of the time, but he also did know what to say and when to say it. Plus it made Daisuke feel so....Rebellious to have a coyote as a friend. Daisuke was rebellious without a friend being the enemy of his species, but it actually made hims feel like he was doing something that he wasn't supposed to because of some ancient bullshit that some stupid piece of shit started. His mind went back to the conversation the two had. They both struggled against each other in the most friendliest ways. One arguing peace, and the other arguing war. If you did think about it, That's what side it seemed that Snake was on, and Daisuke knew that he probably was one of those whom would more than likely be on the side of the coyotes in a war. He also seemed like the one whom would trade sides for Daisuke though. Well...Not exactly trade sides, but it seemed like he might try and protest the war like Daisuke would. Daisuke would not be on either side, but he would remain neutral and converse with both sides. He would not spy on one side for the other, for he would just be completely in the middle, trying to get the wolves and coyotes to talk things out and make amends with each other.

Daisuke yawned lightly as he decided that he didn't want to think anymore. He wanted to listen to music. A melody that would form in his head would be nice. And hopefully it would be something hard enough to get him to not fall asleep. He let the imaginary cords play in his head, and his head bobbed lightly to the sound of rock music.

I don't feel the way I've ever felt.
I know.
Gonna smile and not get worried.
I try but it shows.

Anyone can make what I have built.
And better now
Anyone can find the same white pills.
It takes my pain away.

It's a lie. A kiss with opened eyes.
And she's not breathing back.
Anything but bother me.
(It takes my pain away)
Never mind these are hurried times.
Oh oh oh
I can't let it bother me.

I never thought I'd walk away from you.
I did.
But it's a false sense of accomplishment.
Every time I quit

Anyone can see my every flaw.
It isn't hard.
Anyone can say they're above this all.
It takes my pain away.

~ Time skip- Just before sunrise~

He could feel the drowsiness. He needed to get up. He had been sitting down for too long, and it was getting to him. He stood up, and shook his fur out. He then went to the entrance of the cave, and he put his staff to the side as he decided to run around in the cave, but he needed to be quiet so he did not wake the two up. He jogged back and forth in the entrance, letting his heart rate go up, so the blood would be pumping through his body, and so he could wake up more. The boy did so four or five times before he stopped and looked out to field. He noticed that the sun was going to come up soon. That meant that he had to be out to get breakfast soon. He wished that the creek was big enough for fish to live in it, but alas, it wasn't, so he'd have to either get fish from a lake, or find some rabbits and hunt them down. Whichever one was fine with him. He looked to the back of the cave. He wanted to make sure Lady Alaine was awake before he went out and got food for them, so she'd know that he was not abandoning her, and so she'd be able to keep an eye on her son in case he woke up before she did. Until she woke up, he sat down in the entrance of the cave, awaiting the slumber of the feo to end.


mall fonts; text-align:right;">table by Ryne
Image by Tao

- Alaine Winters - 10-23-2009

http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb17 ... eader1.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

OOC// Sorry about the wait! :3

Morning light was slow to reach the back of the cave, and it crept along the scraggly stone walls with patient ease. As dawn broke into morning, the two huddled figures at the back of the dwelling became visible - Well, on of them did. The other, buried beneath his mother's thick, curly tail, was only seen for the tip of his nose. For a moment, the two would appear peaceful, serendipitous - But then Alaine, stirred by whatever demons hunter her in slumber, would twitch or sniff of quiver, breaking the tranquil scene.

She woke with a start, body freezing as brilliant emerald eyes flashed wide open, their lightly colored pupils dilating swiftly to the dim light. Struck still with disorientation, it took the mother a good long time to tilt her head, such that Daisuke could be seen. Her stomach lurched with fear - All that the mother saw was a dark, male silhouette, and her nightmares helped to fill in the rest of the gaps. Her teeth were bared, her body tensed about the tender sleeping cub, and eyes slit with hatred for but a moment until memory rushed back.

Alaine blinked; Once, twice, clearing her vision of the haunting memories that had plastered an entirely different face upon the golden-pelted youth. It was now clear that he was sitting patiently, ocean-blue gaze cast out with whatever thought wandered through that peculiar, kindly mind. The beautiful optime woman pushed herself slowly to a sit - Caillen yawned in her lap, stretched, and wiggled his still round belly. Smiling softly, the young lady slipped him onto the ground, where the boy promptly curled up and went straight back to sleep.

She rose slowly to a stand, ran one hand through the wild tangle of brilliant auburn curls.

" Daisuke? Good morning."

Her voice was still slightly groggy, but as the sunlight hit the delicate features of her face, it was clear that the mother had not slept well at all. If anything, the dark smudges under her eyes had increased, giving her a sober and hazardous look.


- Alaine Winters - 10-27-2009

ooc// Hello? :3

- Daisuke - 10-28-2009

http://i39.tinypic.com/31441au.png); background-color:#beb7b5;text-align:justify;">

ooc: Sorry for the wait. Also, I'm having Daisuke exit in this post, and it sucks, I'm sorry >.<
Doom de doom doom de doom doom
Step One went smoothly.

Daisuke yawned briefly. He was tired, his eyes were weary, but he didn't have the time to even take a nap. He needed to hunt for these two wolvens and he needed to be awake for that. Sleeping while hunting wasn't very effective. He'd tried it before, and it just...didn't happen. There was only sleeping. No hunting what so ever. Daisuke then leaned himself out, and breathed in, and out. He concentrated on his lupus form. It always took him longer to get into this form, but this form was his feral form, and he was trained to hunt in feral form. He liked to hunt in feral form. He wanted to be reminded of the way he was born, the way he grew up with his family. He was also sure he was able to catch some fish because all he had to do was follow the creek until it deepens enough. That was only a few miles or so, but he also figured that there might be some rabbit holes as soon as you got back into the forest. Creek ran through the forest. Pretty awesome observation, huh? Daisuke let his body focus on the change from Optime to lupus. His body shrinking considerably, and his hands becoming paws, his tail shorter, though, he was not tiny, he was taller than his mother by now though, he could say that with pride, though most males were taller than the females, but he was the shortest of the male's in the family. He always would be. Kisuke was huge, and so was Carlisle. He was about the same size as Pachi, the largest female in the family. It took him about two or three minutes for him to complete his transformation back into his lupus, and as soon as he was finished, his audits pulled towards the back of the den. He heard shuffling. Good Morning, Daisuke. the voice of the feo rang out to him.

His azure orbs pulled his face around to look at her, and he gave her a wolfy smile. Good Morning, m'lady! he spoke, almost excitedly, though keeping it down because of the sleeping boy. I was getting ready to go out for breakfast, I'll bring some back for you and Caillen, I promise! He spoke, smiling at her before he bowed his head lightly. I would love to get out there before sunrise, so I'm going to go now, if you don't mind. And I should be back in a hour or two. I have to follow the creek to fish, or find some rabbits along the way.. he spoke, nodding his head lightly before grasping his staff in his jaws, and turning it to where he was able to hold it. He would more than likely carry all the fish back with the staff, so he'd need it. He bowed his head lightly. He waved his tail to the woman one last time before he bolted off to go alongside the creek.

~Exit Daisuke~



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