'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Hear me when I say, when I say I believe - Printable Version

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- Anu - 01-16-2010


you cant smack me!
SSWM - 999

She had always known Haven, ever since his first breath. There was very little that she did not know about him, and certainly nothing before his departure from Crimson Dreams was unknown to the mother. The blue eyed woman had seen him walk his first step, heard his first word. She had taught him about knights and dragons and princesses and the honor and valor he lived by. There were times when Anu had feared for him, saddened by his choices and at the very same moment more proud that she had been able to watch him make them and grow into the wolf he had become, and the upward progress she knew he made every day. He would fall in love, if he wasn’t already smitten by the young Dreaming Princess. He would be a father, and he would be an excellent one. Anu wished for all these things for him, wish that he would always and only know happiness. It was what the mother had wanted the first moment they had met, before he was even born. And she could only hope that she would always know him as she did now.

Her own past was slightly clouded, unrevealed to the word and more specifically and importantly her son. He would have been surprised to know that she had one been one to indulge in cannabis. Drugs and alcohol had led to promiscuousness and things that Anu neither remembered clearly nor wished to uncover in the vault of her mind. Away they would remain, far from her consciousness and far from the ears of Haven. He did not know that while in Jaded Shadow, just a few months older then he, she had met her first love. A female, beautifully painted gray with the eyes of honey. Her heart had been stolen away by the small fey, permission had been granted that they may hold the title of mates and then as quickly as it had begun, it had ended. Though, in their brief mate-ship Anu had suffered at the hands of those that did not understand their love, the scar along her thigh was testament to the fact that not every beast would be accepting of her form of love.

It pained her to think that Haven did not accept her, even with his younger age and his forever-sweet intensions. To not be accepted by him would mean that one of the few beasts that truly mattered to her did not understand who she was, and could not be happy for her as she was for him. It would be rejection of a feeling that Anu could never reject herself, the notion that something that she felt was so real, so right, wasn’t believed to be by someone she held so dearly. But as her son spoke Anu listened with her eyes forced to his face. She would rather see his face then wonder later if it wore some sort of disgust. It was hard to believe that it was only he would held any sort of problem, for Anu was certain that she had her own. Though it was hard for her to recognize them, Colibri held her problems and was not perfect, just as Anu would never be. Was there someone better? Anu did not believe so, not for her and not at this moment. Anu shook her head slightly, Haven had no problems that were his and his alone, Anu shared each he held.

Remaining silent as he continued Anu watched the slight confusion settle into his features. A new idea was coming to light. It was not as much the idea of her being with another younger female that made him unsure, it was the thought of her being with anyone other then his birth mother. She nodded then, thinking briefly of the now Phoenix Valley member. There was so much space and time between the two females now that Anu did not think of her as anything more then someone connected to Haven, Brooklyn, Mati and Salem. She was the once Commander, and she was the mother of her children, nothing more. But she was much more to those children, and Anu could not ignore, nor forget that.

Her featured turned soft, looking up to the green eyed male that had always been her unspoken favorite. It was going to take some getting used to by everyone. Anu had not taken anyone into her heart for some time, and even her courtship with Colibri was something slow and each wolfess moved tentatively towards something committed.
“I know that it isn’t easy. It’s another change and another addition to the family, sort of.” Anu fumbled with her own explanation of it, though she understood all too well what he was worried about. But Coli was not his family, not until he accepted her as a member himself. Anu would never push such a thing on him,
“I would never expect you to see anyone as you do your mother and I.” A step mother was not something that Anu had never wished for the grown pups that she and Naniko had raised. The four did not need anything more, more then what Anu would do for them now. If Haven wished to see Coli as a friend, then Anu would find happiness in that. If he wished to know her more deeply, and claim her as a family member of sorts then Anu would be even more pleased. But that would be his choice, and Anu would do nothing but plant the seeds of a flowering relationship between the two, though it was obvious that they already knew each other. What sort of friendship they held now was unknown to the older Dreamer. She paused, her demeanor growing soft as she thought about what the future might bring for either of them. He would be happy, Anu was sure of it. She would do what she could to make that a reality.


- Haven Aatte - 01-22-2010


*smacks with newspaper* SoSuWriMo 554

The idea that she could think that he didn't approve of her lifestyle had never occurred to him because it was completely preposterous. He had grown up knowing two mothers, knowing that the two females loved each other and were mates. It was normal for him and he had never questioned that, not even when outsiders said it was odd. He had been happy, their whole family had been happy, and so what could possibly be wrong with that? No, he had no prejudices as to who could fall in love with whom. Anu loved other women, and that never had and never would bother him. It didn't even stick out as anything out of the ordinary in his mind. No matter what, he would always be accepting of his mother because he knew that she would always be accepting of him. That was unless either of them were to cross that line that none should cross, like his father had. But he could never imagine Anu doing anything even remotely so horrible and he worked on a daily basis to avoid such a fate for himself. No, neither of them would ever become that. They would never let that happen to themselves or each other.

His eyes were downcast, trying to come to terms with all the conflicting feelings that fought within him. It was such a strange thing to consider and honestly he was tired of the constant changes that came to their family. He supposed it was only a part of life, but he had had enough unexpected things come and mess everything up. Not that he thought his mother's budding relationship was going to mess anything up, for he didn't, it was just another new factor to consider and at times it was hard enough considering all the current factors of their fractured family. His mind just had to grow and expand to encapsulate this new change and cope with it as best he could. As Anu spoke again he looked back up to her and nodded at her words. He was glad that she now understood why his reaction had been of hesitance. It was no reflection upon her and her life, just a confusion as to how this effected him and the rest of the family. Haven was glad to hear that she wasn't expecting him to see Colibri as another mother, for he did not think such a thing possible. He was grown now, over a year old, and while he would always need the love and support of his parents, he did not need any more of them. Besides, the brown and cream femme was too close to his own age to consider her as a figure of authority over him. "Okay, I'm glad to hear that."

"I'll have to come see her again sometime. It was a while ago that we met, and I wasn't who I am now then." It had been during the darkest time of his life that he had met Colibri and he had now climbed out of that hole he had been in. He hoped that she had found some peace and solace as well. If that peace happened to come from being with his mother, then he couldn't deny either of them that pleasure. He would never want to.


- Anu - 01-23-2010


ouch ;_;
SSWM - 727

Cautious was something Anu had always been. Tentative, hesitant. If she did not know it, she did not pursue it. She kept from the ways of humans, their written words and their crumbling cities. It was because she did not like or find them curious it was that she couldn’t understand them, and had grown to fear that unknowing. But, as she found the complete security of these lands, the friendship of her Commander and that of many others Anu had let those walls fall, she had began to find something more. Branching out and seeking another to claim her heart was a feat that Anu had tried and failed at in the past. The white mother of Haven was someone she did not regret, through regretted how it ended. It was finished, as was the heartache that Geneva had brought her. It made her want to return to the caution, and fall back to the withdrawn silent creature she had once been. Soft spoken and hopeful she would always remain, but Anu had traveled leaps and bounds since arriving here. To be unsure and concerned with what Haven would think of her was only a shadow of what she was once like. She wanted him to be proud of her, in the small way that a mother might wish. She was not without that insecurity and without that need. Had he been ashamed of her, for any reason, or if he wished to no longer be in contact she would not know what she would do without him and would seek until her demise to right that wrong. As a child should be, he would always be one of her everything’s. His down cast eyes, the mixed emotions playing on his face did not express pure joy or understanding and thus Anu felt the preposterous reasons for his hesitation in her worried ridden mind.

The connection that Colibri and Anu possessed did not bring every creature joy, and it had brought them both pain. Though Anu believed that Haku would have killed her whether she tried to leave Dahlia or not and that it was not because she was leaving to be with Anu that he had attacked her, it still played out as such. Anu had brought the all a shadow of doubt and concern with the arrival of Colibri and the circumstances that brought her here. They would all favor a peaceful departure from the flower pack, but that was not how it happened. Now the Dreamers could be a target, though Anu felt in her heart that Haku was finished with them, toying with the two until his attention was drawn to something more attractive and more innocent. Their blue and green eyes met, and Anu felt her own grow heavy with pending tears. Haven’s words did not ease her feelings, knowing that what she had spoken was not what she wanted to convey. Anu didn’t expect him to need anything from Colibri, didn’t expect him to accept her as part of who they all were as a family. To be a mother was something that she didn’t even know if the chocolate female hoped for, though Anu could not see her rejecting it.

But, he did not push Coli away and even wanted to see and know her better then he did now. It had been long ago that they had met, and Anu was certain that they would find both very changed.
“I know she would like that.” In the future and when she was well. Anu wished for the day that they both would be beyond these moments, and could hardly wait a moment longer. The Dreamer hoped that Coli would find something here that she couldn’t in Dahlia, and sought to make the search easy for her. Gifts of love and friendship would be handed without return, and Anu would protect her from anything that wished her harm.
“Maybe I will visit Princess, get to know her a bit better.” Anu smiled then, the tear no longer flooding her eyes and the curve of her lips turning coy. She wanted to make sure that the girl was good for her son, though she already knew that the young female was. She didn’t doubt his judgment, but would like to know the female that he courted. As any mother would.


- Haven Aatte - 01-27-2010


shall we wrap this one up? So we can has new bromance thread? :o 500+

If he had known the kind of fear and apprehension his reaction had caused his mother he would have been horribly ashamed of himself, more so than he already was. He wished he could be purely happy for her without all these other feelings muddling his heart and making him uncomfortable with the new and unexpected situation. He didn't know if it were wrong or right for him to feel this way, but he didn't know how to rectify the confusion just yet. He trusted in time he would become comfortable with the idea and then there would be nothing but joy for his mother's new relationship. It had just been an announcement that he had not been expecting and so having it sprung suddenly upon him made all the feelings flood him at once, good and bad. One thing he knew for sure though, he was glad in this moment that his mother preferred the affections of women to men. If it were the other way, and she had a new male suitor, he would have been horrible suspicious of man and constantly ready to pounce on anything wrong he would do. No one was allowed to treat Anu wrong, he would not stand for it. With a female he was more comfortable, more sure of his mother being treated well. Of course he wasn't blind, he knew that women could wound just as easily as men for he had felt that sting himself. Still, he was more at ease that it was a woman she was with and especially one so gentle. She deserved nothing less.

Even if he had been more unsure than he was, he would have wanted to meet whoever his mother was involving herself with. As a son, it was his job to make sure whoever she decided to spend such time with was worthy of her and would not treat her in an unbecoming matter. From what he remembered of Colibri, he could not imagine her ever doing anything to harm a fly, much less Anu, but he needed to be sure. The woman was the only parent he was truly close to and he would protect her from whatever threatened her, physically and emotionally. Plus, Haven would do whatever he could to make her happy, and he knew that nothing would please her more than for the people she loved to be on good terms and close. Perhaps one day his protection would extend to the chocolate and cream woman, though of course not in a son to mother sense. Only the tawny wolf had that privilege.

The idea of Anu making an effort to know Princess made him both happy and nervous. He doubted anyone's opinion could change his feelings for Princess, but of course his mother's opinion meant a great deal to him. As far as he knew Mati was still rather disapproving of his current beau and he didn't think he could stand it if Anu would have similar feelings. Still, her own smile brought his own back to his features and also brought the familiar burn of a blush to his cheeks. "I hope you like her," he said a bit more bashfully than he had intended. Matters of his heart made him very self conscious and a bit tongue tied.


- Anu - 01-29-2010



How life could weave the moments, the meetings and the happenings. It could disguise a moment of joy behind the shadow of doubt and fear. Time played along, never giving enough of itself, and allowing the fear of loosing it. But then, with its passing knowledge and experience could be gained, with time the shadows lightened and the true nature of moments once thought as horrible events wished to be forgotten were unmasked. Such a notion was a ungodly thing to decipher, and such a harrowing task was best never touched upon. They would all be better off thinking less, feeling more and allowing what came to do so. If they all just lived, and did not deconstruct the thing that living was, maybe all they would notice and feel were the moments worth what little time they truly had.

Anu would make the time to meet Princess one on one. This was someone that he had real heartfelt feelings for, and she was not about to let him fell into a deep relationship without meeting her. Of course there was no stopping him, and so it would be her place to seek the young female out. Just as he might feel for her, Anu would try to protect him as best she could. His heart was not made of stone, a fact that Anu was proud and grateful for. He would feel the pain a woman could bring, and Anu felt very much the same in wishing to seek out anyone that might be toying with the heart of the Knight. Protect him from teeth and claws she could not, but the viperous fangs of a woman? She could.

The mother saw the change in Haven, turning a bit more shy then when they had spoken about earlier subjects. Anu nodded,
“I’m sure I will.” She assured him with a small smile. She did, at the distant relationship that pack meetings and gathers might bring. The female went to the horse, touching his long nose and almost whispering something to the stallion. She hoped that he would keep her son safe, be as steady and reliable as he needed him to be. She hated that she needed to send him, but it was best. If Anu did not she would want him to stay the night, as to not travel in the dark. And she turned to the orange wolf, blue eyes dancing lightly over his face and spoke with the tone that came when ever thinking about how truly proud she was of him.

“They will be missing you.” She was not far from asking him to stay, like the days when he had to be home and in bed before dark. But...
“Travel safe.” She commanded, though her words were soft and frail as always.



- Haven Aatte - 02-05-2010


<333 300+

Princess could be a little firecracker, he knew, but he trusted that she would behave herself in the presence of his mother. What lay between them could not be called love yet, but they did care for one another and he knew that she would never intentionally be rude to anyone that was near and dear to his heart. It was likely that she would be nervous meeting Anu as well. In that respect he supposed he was lucky, for there was no parent of her's for him to impress and gain acceptance from. Still, it was unlucky for her to be in such a situation where she only had one family member to depend on. That was a battle that Haven still had to fight, gaining the acceptance and respect of Ares. The grayscale male may have let the two talk, but he knew that he wasn't happy with them being together. He needed to prove to Ares that he wanted to do right by his sister and would treat her with dignity and respect. The Aatte may have fudged that up initially, but he was making up for it now.

The Knight watched silently as his mother approached Drogon and placed a hand gently on his nose. He could sense something passing between them, for often he and the stallion had such quiet conferences when it seemed there was no language or understanding barrier at all. The mustang was really just as smart as any canine and Haven drew strength from the majestic beast. When he had Drogon around he felt that he truly could accomplish anything that he needed to. When she spoke again he almost protested her statement, but he too knew that he should be getting back. Traveling in the dark wasn't the best idea for any and so it would be best if he headed back to Cour des Miracles now. "I will," he said, moving to wrap his arms around her in a parting hug. "You should come see me there sometime. I could show you the lands." He knew it was difficult for her to get away, she had duties here to attend to, but hopefully sometime she could make the journey. Giving her a loving lick on the cheek he turned and remounted the dark stallion, smiling down at her. "I love you, mom." Even if she knew it, it was always good to hear it.
