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green eyes don't lie - Printable Version

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- Snake - 12-31-2009

http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/ ... -8copy.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Daisuke seemed pleased that this journey would lead further into Inferni. Snake wasn’t sure how to feel about it—maybe, if he showed him of the hidden places of the coyote land, he would stop trespassing into it. But that was wishful thinking, to say the absolute least. They set out on their journey and the stars seemed to be aligned right, because no other coyote strayed across their path. They made the journey in good time, crossing the whole of the Inferni Wastes in under half an hour. Snake didn’t talk much as they went along, though he paid attention to whatever Daisuke was saying.

Eventually they arrived on the strange place that he had discovered with Kaena days before. The strange, bitter smell of the water still put him on edge, but he knew that there was no imminent danger. He had been nervous of the strange water but he had discovered it relatively harmless. Daisuke seemed to have none of that apprehension—he went right up to the humming volcanic spring and put his hand in the warm waters, asking Snake if this was the place. “Yeah, this is it. A spring of warm water, and it just recently emerged.” He was no scientist; he had no idea how something like this just appeared on the earth, but he did not question it. It was certainly a gift for anyone who was chilled by the winter weather.

Snake seemed to have made a good decision by bringing his friend here; Daisuke certainly seemed entertained. After a strange glance that Snake didn’t notice at all, he instructed his cat to probably find a drier place to stay, and the black-and-white feline obeyed, jumping over to a boulder that surrounded the hot springs. Then the golden-furred werewolf went into the hot springs, without any second thoughts it looked like. He asked the Hastati if he was going to follow, and he was not quite sure. He knew that the water was not harmful, but he was still made nervous of it. This coyote was somewhat superstitious—as his Russian mother had been. He did not know where the warmth of this water came from, and he feared a fire spurned of dark magic was heating it. Or perhaps it was the item of witchcraft. Well, whatever it was, it did not seem to have any negative effects on Daisuke—the lone wolf was wagging his tail as ever, despite being half-submerged into the strange pool.

With a small sigh, the coyote walked over to the bank of the water. He looked into it—due to the minerals in the water, it was a dark blue-green, and nothing was visible past the roiling surface. Snake was somewhat apprehensive of the unknown, but he did not intend to show that now. He sat down on some rocks rimming the spring, putting his feet into the water before slipping into it himself. It was warm—very strange for one who rarely swam, and when he did it was in cold water. Regardless, it was nice in comparison to the frigid air. The young coyote remained by the edge of the pool, not trusting the darker center. This was apparent in his angular features—a vague nervousness that was somewhat uncharacteristic of the usually-stoic coyote.


- Daisuke - 01-02-2010


OOC: 588 to sosuwrimo

Yeah, I've been to

And I've fallen through the air.

Yeah, this is it. A spring of warm water, and it just recently emerged. the male spoke to

him. Daisuke smiled, already in the water at this point. His tail wagged gently still, and his

oceanic orbs focused on the other male. It recently emerged? So this place wasn't always

here...Daisuke was more excited. This place was new, and it was hidden! He was the

only full blooded wolf to come onto the lands and be in this place. Daisuke could only hope that

some other dumb coyote didn't come over and ruin his and his friends' good time. Daisuke's

question seemed to be ignored for a time, but the other male also seemed to be thinking about

it, so Daisuke did not rush the decision. He was, however very apprehensive of the decision,

excited for it to be made.

Once the decision had been made, there was no word to emerge from the machine's maw.

Instead, the male simply sighed and walked to the bank, and then looked in it. It was only a

small pause before the other slipped his feet in, and then his the rest of his body. Daisuke bent

his knees, and let his knees touch the bottom of the spring, and he let a small content sigh pass

by his lips. Today was such an awesome day. The two males were at peace, and just chilling

really. Daisuke enjoyed the warm water too, this was the only water he was able to go in since

the winter had started, and he was happy that he had been brought here. And he thought he

was going to get bitched at about trespassing again. Shows how much Daisuke knew about

predicting the future.

Daisuke looked to his friend, and then scooted closer to the other. The other looked actually

nervous for some reason, and Daisuke cocked his head at the male before he looked to the

deeper part of the water. Daisuke's oceanic orbs narrowed on the darker part of the water,

which obviously meant that it was deeper at that part of the spring. Daisuke then lifted his knees

from the ground and then swam over into the deeper part. He couldn't help but wonder what

made the machine show this emotion of uncertainty, of nervousness. Daisuke made it to the

center, and turned around to face the other male. It's a hole...

spoke the male, looking down before he actually submerged himself completely to get a

better look. Once he was underwater, the golden male looked down into the hole, but it was

way too deep and dark for him to really see anything but rock and wall. All he knew was that

the water was much warmer over in his spot than it was over by Snake. The golden male didn't

stay submerged for too long, not only because he hadn't taken much of a breath before he had

went under, but also because there wasn't much to look at down there.

The male surfaced once more, his body pushing him back towards his friend.
style="color:#6778b3"> It's just a really big hole. Ya' can't see very far down into it. Can't

touch the bottom..
the islander spoke to the male, figuring that it might be relieving to the

male that it wasn't something dangerous. Snake... he started.

Thanks for bringing me here...I really like it. Ya' know, I can't

swim all the time anymore, now that it's winter, and this is really special to me that you found

this place and decided to bring me here.
the boy spoke, just feeling that he should tell the

boy thanks.

I used to live out...On

the moon...
But now I'm back here down on Earth!


- Snake - 01-02-2010


http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/ ... -8copy.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Daisuke could certainly feel special that he was the only full-blooded wolf to have ever seen this place—he might be the only one unless Inferni was overrun or someone managed to trespass this far into the coyotes’ sacred grounds. With a thought, though, he said to his friend, “It’d probably be best if you kept this place a secret.” He paused before adding, “When outsiders hear rumors, they get curious. I’d rather it everyone believe Inferni was all trees and rocks.” No one bothered to go digging in the sands of a beach until someone found a piece of gold—if the word got out, Snake feared that he’d soon have a stack of interested wolves on the borders, wondering about the magical hot water springs that the coyotes just had bubble out of nowhere on their grounds.

He continued to watch warily, the strange water and especially the place where it seemed to get deeper towards the center. Perhaps it was a tunnel straight to the center of the earth—or to whatever hell there might be beneath the planet’s crust. As Snake, like most others, was never taught science nor religion, he had a mingling knowledge of both. He knew that the deeper you dug, the warmer the ground got—therefore there must be heat beneath the rocky surface. Whether or not that heat came from magma or Satan and his abode was something totally different… or if those two possibilities weren’t entirely unrelated.

Regardless, the mechanized being had a strange sense of superstition, and he grew somewhat tense as the golden wolf approached the yawning darkness towards the center of the spring. He said that it was a hole—clearly, though to where? Snake even dared take a step forward, startled, when his lupine friend ducked underneath the surface of the bubbling water, to take a closer look. He wasn’t gone long, but Snake was already fearing he had been sucked down the tunnel before he re-emerged. He swam over, saying that he couldn’t see the bottom of it. “Nor should you try—who knows how far down it goes,” he said, his olive eyes mistrustful as he looked at the dark, swirling water. It really didn’t do too much to calm him down; really, there was little that would make him regard these strange waters as normal… because they weren’t. Where he was from, water did not bubble and hiss and warm itself magically.

The tone changed regardless when the wolf intoned the coyote’s name, and he shifted his attentions from the odd spring to his friend. The gratitude was somewhat awkward for the Hastati—because he often did not really think before doing deeds such as showing a friend a landmark, he was often taken off guard by thanks. He shrugged, trying not to appear as awkward as he felt, though it felt uneasily hot on his face. “Don’t mention it,” he said, continuing after a minute, “If you ever do feel the absolute need to swim, though, I guess you can call me and I’ll see about sneaking you over here. Just don’t come on your own, of all things.” No matter what he did, Snake felt like he was just giving the lupine lycanthrope more reasons to go where he was not supposed to. Great.


- Daisuke - 01-04-2010


OOC:640 to sosuwrimo

This is the Life..This is the life...
A simple fear to wash you away

It’d probably be best if you kept this place a secret. When outsiders hear rumors, they get curious. I’d rather it everyone believe Inferni was all trees and rocks. the other male spoke. Daisuke was a very good secret keeper. He had told no one of his relationship with Snake, though he had slipped out with a "Snake" before to miss Alaine, who would expect him to really be talking about a coyote, when a snake was another animal as well? Exactly. Miss Alaine more than likely thought that he was chasing some poor snake that really wanted nothing to do with Daisuke. Just because the male was weird and did weird things all the time. This would be one of those things that the male would not mention to anyone. Though, he never really told people of his adventures. He always wanted to keep others guessing about how he got around. An Enigma he was. Or atleast he tried to be. Sometimes he thought he succeeded, others, he wasn't so sure his intentions weren't so transparent. I won't tell. If it's a secret, then it's kept inside. I never betray trust like that. the male spoke, nodding his head lightly.

Pierced audits tiled back at the male for saying his next words. Nor should you try—who knows how far down it goes Snake silk voice spilled from his narrow maw. Daisuke had come to like the male's solid, cold, machine voice, that seemed to just add to the things that Daisuke liked about the male. So far, the things that he favorited was the male's voice and his maw as a whole. The narrowness was something that was completely foreign to him and things that were weird, he seemed to like just a little bit more. Daisuke liked weird, and weird liked Daisuke, so it was a fulfilled relationship he guessed. Daisuke watched the male's eyes though. They looked at the dark water, and they were full of mistrust. He wondered why the male didn't trust the water, but he did not press on the issue, because he could have been a buzz kill of a conversation, and he really really didn't want to make Snake leave him here or something like that. You could tell that Daisuke was holding his tongue, because his face held a look of confusion on it, and the curiosity on his face was almost strong enough for the male to instantly question, but again, Daisuke held that urge within his breast. Okay. I won't. the male spoke, promising the male that he wouldn't pursue his own curiosity.

Don’t mention it...If you ever do feel the absolute need to swim, though, I guess you can call me and I’ll see about sneaking you over here. Just don’t come on your own, of all things. the male spoke to him, and underneath the water, the male could feel his tail start to wag. His maw held a big smile on it, and his eyes seemed to light up, the water's own blue bouncing off of his oceanic orbs, which seemed to dramatize the golden wolven's eyes. The male turned to his friend, and he couldn't help but let his tongue slip from his maw, and run against the other male's cheek. He also had the urge to hug the male, but Daisuke didn't know how the other male would react, and he held that urge back, but he just couldn't help the lick. He also held a excited smile on his maw after the fact. You made me soooo happy! I will! I certainly will call you Snakey! I promiseness that I won't come here by myself, I promise, I surely do!! the male exclaimed, almost jumping on the male and covering the male with kisses, but he didn't know how the male would react to the first one, so he contained his excitement on that level, but that just made him moving around just ten times worst. He was actually shaking with excitement.

An open mind canceled it today
A silent song that's in your words
This is the LIFE ON MARS!


- Snake - 01-04-2010


http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/ ... -8copy.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Ironically enough, Snake was usually quite mysterious without trying. It wasn’t that he had anything about himself, be it personality or history, to hide. Actually, he would divulge almost any detail about himself if someone just managed to ask. It was that which created a barrier between him and others—no one asked, though perhaps he intimidated them into doing so. He had no secrets, though he could keep them flawlessly if he was given any. He hoped that Daisuke would do the same as well, because he’d get in deep shit if there was a sudden wave of wolves coming in with rumors of mysterious warm waters in Inferni. Some might even find the coyotes to be practicing witchcraft to make this happen, which might instigate judgment and attack. Yes, that would be very bad indeed.

“Good,” Snake said, placing trust in the wolf after a moment’s hesitation. It was either trust him or have a heart attack by worrying, so he would take the route that did not include cardiac arrest. He glanced at his friend, seeing the curiosity that was seeming to burst at the seams when he mentioned not to reach down too deep. He frowned, crossing his arms. He had thought it obvious, but he wasn’t going to just leave him gasping for answers like that. “What, don’t you feel you should be cautious around it? It’s weird, warm water in the middle of winter. It could be… bewitched, or… something like that.” He seemed uncomfortable saying it, but it was mostly because he saw his superstitious attitude as weak sometimes. He did not like things he could not understand—it was all weakness. The perfect soldier was the one who was aware and knowledgeable.

What he said seemed to please Daisuke enough—or perhaps more than enough. Snake was dully surprised when the golden-furred wolf dodged forward and gave him a lick on the cheek, though he did not show any emotion on his face. Actually, it was just as stoic and stony of an expression as always, during and after. Quite frankly, he did not understand the action. It must be one of those things that he didn’t experience as other creatures did; he had never felt the desire to do such a thing. But he did not say anything—he treated it like a custom of a foreign people, going with it, but not approving or condemning. He remained, face frozen and arms crossed, until saying, “Okay, okay. Chill.” He paused, gauging how far the sun had progressed before continuing, “You got your little adventure for the day. I think I should probably escort you off of the clan grounds ‘lest our good luck finally run sour.” Sure, they hadn’t encountered any Inferni coyotes yet, but Snake didn’t like the odds. Whatever blessing was following them to safeguard from discovery would sooner or later wear off, he believed.


- Daisuke - 01-05-2010


OOC: 379 to sosuwrimo; this thread is going to be archived right after I post. but you already know this.

Enemy of mine, I'll fuck you like the devil...
Violent inside, beautiful and evil.

Good. the stoic male spoke to the golden one. Daisuke couldn't say anything back to it, so he didn't, but there were extra words that were to come right afterwards. What, don’t you feel you should be cautious around it? It’s weird, warm water in the middle of winter. It could be… bewitched, or… something like that. the male continued. Daisuke shook his head. I just feel curiosity. I feel like I want to know why it's like that. If I was supposed to be cautious, then you wouldn't have taken me here, yeah? I mean, you've had to have been here before to know about it, and you trust it enough to bring me here. he spoke, even though he slightly confused himself with this logic because Snake wasn't trusting it. I think somewhere deep in your mind you trust it, but you have doubts that are stronger. the male seemed to be explaining more to himself now than he was talking to Snake. He was explaining so he could understand what his own mind process was at the moment.

Okay, okay. Chill. You got your little adventure for the day. I think I should probably escort you off of the clan grounds ‘lest our good luck finally run sour. Daisuke has seen the reaction of the male, which was nothing. Daisuke was confused, he was sure that he would have gotten some sort of response, but he hadn't, so it left him and a daze of confusion as he let his tail stop wagging under the water, and his head cock to the side. The male then looked up to where the sun was. It was mid afternoon now, but it seemed the other male was getting a little bit anxious about having Daisuke in the packlands. Daisuke let his pierced audits fall down lightly, wanting to stay a little bit longer, but he knew that since Snake wanted to go, it was time to go. He guessed he would just call the boy if he wanted to swim again in the springs. Okay.. the male spoke, disheartened by the other male's decision. His voice showed this raw emotion as he moved to the edge of the water and then he got out. He pulled himself up onto the land, and then immediately shook his fur out from the water.

The two males then proceeded on their way out of the packlands. Daisuke leaving completely, while Snake staying at the borders. Daisuke waved goodbye to his friend before running off into a distance. They would meet again..He would make sure of it.

I'm a ghost. Your an angel.
One that was saved.. just remains of an age.
Lost in a day dream, what do you see?
If looking for Jesus, get on your knees!
