'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
gone fishing - Printable Version

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- Rendall - 06-13-2009

She nodded at the golden wolf and took another tasty bite of her fish, she looked at him quizzically again, "so did your father or mother have unique highlights like you?" she didnt know why she was so curious about him, she just couldnt help but ask, the others had answers most of her questions in their stories, though she still wanted to know a whole lot about them too, curiosity was turning out to be a flaw in her she just smiled in spite of herself

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 06-13-2009

"No...not really." Ty said with a small chuckle. "My orangey golden glow is all my own, my father says I look like my great-grandpa, but I can't exactly vouch for that." He closed his eyes and nodded slightly as he continued to speak. "Mom was pretty plain, and dad still is plain." He opened his eyes and grinned. "Well, to be fair, some of the blemishes and things are scars and cuts..my captain wasn't suspicious for nothing I guess...pirates are very aggressive." He shrugged as he pointed out a few cuts here and there, nothing huge, but noticeable ones were on one shoulder and his lower abdomen. "but that's life, everyone gets a few scars...Hehe, hey some of these even have interesting stories behind them."

Ty left it at that and took a bite of his fish, savoring the flavor and texture of the cooked morsel before looking to see what the others would say. As much as Ty liked a good conversation, he didn't really enjoy discussing his past, not because it wasn't exciting, it simply just bored him, and he'd prefer to know about other people. He stretched out his feet a little as he warmed up near the fire, noticing the day was beginning to slip by, and a chill was in the air.

- Xeris - 06-13-2009

(OOC: I'm going to be away for a week starting tomorrow, so Xeris will have to leave for now too, sadly.)

Xeris had been listening quietly and patiently as the others spoke. She was intrigued by Ty's talk of sailing and pirates and martial arts. From his stories, it sounded like the orange-tinted wolf had experienced more adventure than Xeris could possibly imagine. She would like to hear more about his adventures sometime. She felt a cool breeze ruffle her fur gently, and placed a few more sticks on the fire. It wasn't too cold out--maybe a little bit more than before--but something about the feeling of sitting around a fire to talk just felt right to her.

But then she realized that the sun was beginning to set. Xeris didn't often travel around in the Phoenix Valley territories at night, and she was slightly concerned about doing so for fear of getting lost. She sighed heavily, then looked to the others. "Well, I'm afraid I must be going. I had more fun today than I've had in a long time." She looked to Ty and Rendall. "It was nice to meet you. And Pendzez, nice to see you again. I hope all of us can get together again sometime soon." She waited for a moment, then stood up. "Thank you for letting me eat and talk with you. I'm sure we'll run into each other again." She smiled, and then said one last, "farewell" before walking off...

- Rendall - 06-14-2009

She ran over Xeris before her departure and gave the gentle white wolf a huge hug, she had changed forms for this and didnt want Xeris to leave but she believed the she-wolf and looked forward to running into her again"Thank you for spending time with all of us Xeris, it was nice to meet you too and i hope to see you again as well."

The pup watched the she-wolf walk away and turned back towards the fire, thats when she looked at the sky and noticed the time, the small pup frowned,"ugh i will have to leave soon to if i dont Da Vinci will kill me, but i can wait a few."

she stood up and moved over closer to the two males, she looked to Pendzez "so what was life like being all worshipped and blessed and such?"

- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-14-2009

OOC: I might duck out as well.

Pendzez watched as the pup gave Xeris a hug before the white female walked away. He saw that was cute. Maybe Xeris can be like a big sister to the pup. There was nothing wrong with that. He looked over to Ty, then looked back to the fire. He finished the rest of his fish and threw the stick into the fire. He should be off soon too. He had to get back to his den before it gets too dark.

He heard a question from the pup that was directed at him as the pup approached the two remaining males. Worshiped? Hardly. He didn't want to be made as an idle. "I was blessed, but not worshiped. I didn't want to be made an idle. I didn't want to have an even heavier burden than the one I have already." At that time, he picked up his fishing pole and stood up. "Well, I'd best be off. Nice meeting yas. Hope we can meet again," he said as he smiled and began to walk off.

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 06-15-2009

"Huh....and so humble as well, you're certainly a role model aren't you?" Ty said with a joking smile, although he did mean some of it, he could tell the man was honorable and trustworthy. As for Xeris, she seemed kid, friendly, and mature, of course these were first impressions, but still interesting nonetheless. He chuckled as the white wolf got up and began to walk away, he nodded and said "Well...nice meeting you Pendzez...take care of yourself."

One Pendzez left, Ty turned to the fire as he looked over to the blue highlighted wolf. He smiled cheerily at the young pup, amused by her whimsy and bubbly personality. He lightly glanced over to her and said. "Well, do you have any more questions for me? Because id you don't, my father will probably get mad at you for not showing up." He chuckled lightly as he poked the fire with a stick, keeping it nice and glowy. "I'm pretty sure I'm going to simply stay out here, but I'm more then willing to still talk."

- Rendall - 06-15-2009

"I hope to see you again Pendzez" she smiled at the noble and watched him leave

She looked up at the sky"yes but I'll as kthem when i see you again yes your father will be....you father? you mean that Da Vinci is your father?"

oh boy... she was very surprised by this fact but it only seemed logic that she would fall into the paws of the packs second in command and then befriend his son. irony simply irony. She laughed and looked at the golden wolf, he really was kind and alot more open to her than his silver father was.

She laughed and looked at the out-colored eyes, "Unless you want to escort me home, i can ask them on the way, or i can just leave and ask you the next time i see you...oh and i love your eyes, they're so..different its really cool" Rendall blushed, shes was being rude again...

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 06-15-2009

Ty gave a 'oh, you got me' sort of sheepish smile as he continued to poke at the fire. "Yes, Davinci is my father." Ty said as he got to his feet, dusting himself off and stamping out what was left of the hot coals. "that's probably why I came back,but don't treat me different because of it, I'm of his blood, but I'm not him." He stated as he glanced over to the young wolf. "And sure, I'll escort you home, no use letting pup like yourself wander alone now is there?"

Ty motioned for rendall to follow her when he heard the comment about his eyes, surprised, he replied. "Really? Why thank you, nobody really notices how odd colored my eyes are, they just see the fur." He chuckled lightly as he walked with her. "But to be entirely honest, I'm not too sure how my eyes came to be, they are so different the any other eyes I've ever seen, why am I the only person with muticolored eyes? It baffles me to this day..."

- Rendall - 06-15-2009

She smiled at Ty, "dont worry i wont, its not exactly in my blood to jugde, everyone is their own and i try to treat them like it ." she got up and fallowed Ty onto the path that led them through the woods and over to Da Vincis cabin. she looked up at the golden wolf "oh your welcome, one of the first things i notice is the eyes, i beleive that the yalways say alot about each person, and who knows, maybe yours were made for a special purpose, like your own destiny of greatness."

the pup smiled, the wolf was obviously destined for greatness.Though she didnt know what exactly, but she just had a feeling, perhaps when she herself came back from her own conquests, she would search him out and see for herself. She walked quietly on "hey which side of your family do you think you got them from?"

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 06-15-2009

"I honestly couldn't say with any real honesty." Ty said with a shrug. "Nobody in my family has said anything about multicolored eyes, in fact I'm the only person I've met that has that. I used to think it would go away as if it were some kind of small issue. Now I don't know what makes them like this" He scratched the back of his head a little and sighed lightly. "But that's honestly all I can say."

Looking to her, he felt he still knew very little about the pup, but already saw great potential in her. She still had the youth and whimsy of a pup, but he could see a goal, a focus, that she had, ad he admired that. She knew what she wanted to do, and he knew that she would accomplish it. Wanting to know a little more about her, he asked her. "how exactly did you come across my father? Across Phoenix Valley?"

- Rendall - 06-16-2009

The pup walked along side of Ty and thougt about Da Vinci, she looked up at the wolf " Well after my mother had died, i had spent some wondering alone for a few weeks, but after a while i gave up, i remembered my mother telling me about this place,she had passed through it once and had said it was a wonderful place, so i traveled south in search of it, thats when i ran into the Pheonix Vally bounderies, and thats where your father found me and took me in."

She vivdly recalled how the silver male had been very kind to her and had given her food and shelter. Though during the warm seasons she loved to stay out side far more than inside "He gave me a place to stay and food to eat, but it is you and Pendzez and Xeris that truely make this place my home ." Ty was family to her, and she really hoped to see him again as she grew.

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 06-16-2009

"Ah, I see, dad always did have a habit of bringing around strangers...." Ty said with a chuckle as he recalled his silver haired kin. He grinned to Rendall politely, trying his best to make her feel comfortable here, and as far as he was concerned, this little pup was as much a member of phoenix valley as he was. "Well, that's a nice assumption, we've met today and now we seem very good friends...I look forward to many of our adventures." He said as he looked to see Davinci's house coming up. "You should go to my father...I will head into the night to find my own place to sleep for tonight..."

With a small wave and a turn of the heel, Ty went off into the night.

- Rendall - 06-16-2009

She giggled and looked up at him brightly "Thank you for walking me to Da Vincis,it was very kind of you. I would invite you in, but you seem to have a plan for yourself already.So i will say goodnight and i hope to see you again soon" She turned and made her way over to the cabin, she walked out into the open moonlight, turned back to Ty with her highlight barely showing, they didnt show that well in moonlight, but she liked that fact.

"Goodbye Ty" she called out as she saw the wolf turn to make his way into the forest again, and walked inside to go to sleep and tell Da Vinci of her day