'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Rendall - 07-26-2009

The now shivering pup winced alittle as she was lifted from the water and smiled to Xeris "thank you i was starting to think i turn into an ice cube in there" her voice was quiet and shaken but she tried to relax alittle and when she was placed back upon the shore she shook off the cold water to the best of her ability and curled up in Xeris' lap, the warmth the female offered was all too inviting and the pup was able to fall asleep for a bit.

As her dream began, Rendall saw a beast rise up from the darkness, with its yellow eyes focused upon her, the problem was, was the monster was nor puma or bear, but wolf, then as the animal leaped for her it turned to nothing, just silence, a grey world appeared before her, and her body grew, soon she about the size of Xeris, her blue highlights remaind only in certain areas, the world around her changed slowly and she saw her family, all of them relaxing in the forest, they all looked at her with love in thier eyes as she happily trotted towards them, but was met with the same yellow eyes of the monster as it stalked towards her creeping slowly.......

Rendall sat up with ah startled squeal and looked around, she was once again small and everyone were still around her, could she ever get a break? she sighed and decided to stay awake she looked over at Ty and Anya once more "heh...sorry... nightmare, i think they do belong together, they seem good together, like another couple i know" i pup realized wat she said alittle too late and began to giggle

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-26-2009

Ty now had finished cleaning his wounds. the still cut up, but bandaged wolf lumbered over to Pendzez, Xeris, and Rendall. He had a look of determination on his face, fighting through what pain he had to continue walking. Ty wasn't the most stubborn of wolves, but at this point Ty wasn't going to quit. His face rarely had a serious look, but this was a rare glimpse, his smile was gone for the moment, only replaced by a wolf who looked older then he was. His scars and bruises showed his strength and prowess as a warrior as he limped his way past the group.

Before he continued, he turned to Rendall and said "...you sure you're alright?" His eye slowly turned to be fixated on her, there was certainly the caring of an older brother in his eye. It's what he regarded Rendall as, she was his little sister as far as he was concerned, blood ties or not. And what he did today, fighting the puma to the death, was simply for the protection of his sister. But what he needed now was rest, although patched up and cleaned, Ty was exhausted, he needed to find a spot to sit and rest, as nice as it was to be with everyone, his wounds were catching up to him.

- Anya - 07-28-2009

Anya watched as Rendall fidgeted in her sleep. The pup looked like she was having a nightmare, but Anya couldn't be sure. Anya also realized that there was nothing that she could do for poor Rendall.

Her eyes drifted shut, her ears flicking as she listened to the conversation around her. Anya smelled the blood trickling slightly through Ty's wounds, and sneezed quietly. She opened her eyes to watch Xeris, Pendzez, and Rendall curled up together.

What a cute sight. They would make a good family.

Anya sighed deeply, licked her paw, and stretched. Her muscles were tired now that adrenaline was no longer pumping through them. If she felt this tired, she could only imagine how Ty felt.

- Rendall - 07-29-2009

The blue child looked up from her spot in Xeris' lap "I'll be alright...tired, but alright." the pup tried to relax again, the numbness from the water and her leg became aggitated once more, she tried to ignore the ongoing pain, but it was useless, it made her fidget around even more.

She decided to try and take her mind off the pain by distracting herself, she looked around once more to all the butterflies around the sun kissed area, one that was yellow but gleamed redish copper in the midday sun landed on her nose, she distorted her face to make the little bug leave but it stayed on her no matter what she did.

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-31-2009

we might as well end this thread, it seems to be slowing anyway >.>

"Good...I'm glad..." Ty said with a smile, a weak smile at that. But the smile still showed his friendly, optimistic side, he really was glad to know she was alright, his pack mates, at this point, meant everything to him, and to see one was protected was enough for him. It had only been a short period of time, but Ty loved, respected, and cared for each and every person here in the Valley. They had become his family, through and through, and this experience, no matter how traumatizing it was for all of them, brought them that much closer as a family.

Opening his mouth again, he paused before he said in a very gruff, weary voice. "I'm going to call it a day...I need rest...I'll see all of you later." He said with another smile before he lumbered off into the woods. He didn't want to leave, but he didn't need to trouble the others with his pains anymore, they had done what they can, now time would be the healer of his new wounds. It wouldn't take too long before Ty could again prepare to protect his pack with his abilities in combat. The weary but kindhearted warrior continued to lumber into the woods until he disappeared into the woods.

- Xeris - 07-31-2009

Sounds good to me, Xer's got other stuff to worry about now anyway. *pokes new thread which she'd like everyone in this thread to participate in*

Xeris looked down at Rendall as she began to squirm uncomfortably. The pup awoke from her nightmare and Xeris suddenly realized the significance of what her friend had said. As Rendall giggled, Xeris felt herself blushing a little; this was no time to talk about this sort of thing. But nonetheless, she was happy that the young wolf was feeling well enough to joke around and be happy. It was comforting to her to know that Rendall, as a part of her new family, was safe and sound.

When Ty got up to leave, Xeris frowned a little--was he really OK enough to go off on his own like that? "See you later, Ty," she said softly. "Please be careful..." Now that he had left, Xeris wondered whether or not she herself should stick around or go find somewhere to rest; it was getting rather late and she was tired. "Rendall, would you like me to take you back home?" she asked the pup kindly. "I think all of us could use a little rest, it's been an eventful night."

- Rendall - 07-31-2009

lol sounds good to me i agree its draggin' plus i do think Xeris' has a bit that will hopfully keep us busy *wink*

The pup looked up at the white she-wolf and nodded tiredly "yes i would like that thank you Xeris" she took one more glance at her family, all had gone through so much for her clumsiness she looked over to Ty [b]"Thank you Ty you pulled the puma away from me....thank you so much, i ow my life to you all"[b] she said her goodbyes to everyone, gave each of them a big hug and allowed she-wolf to take the exhausted female home

- Anya - 08-03-2009

agreed. my computer at home has been out of commission, so i apologize for not replying sooner.

Anya stretched, yawned, and then gasped when Rendall gave thanks and a hug. She definitely was not expecting that.

"Rendall, feel better, little one. And be sure to watch where you are pouncing next time." Anya grinned just enough to let Rendall know that it was a gentle rebuke.

"Good night everyone. Dream well."