'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
She's some kind of wonderful - Printable Version

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- Drakien Lusk - 01-24-2012


Yay! Big Grin :: Word Count → 327

There was a moment of silence after his words, and then she licked his nose, and spoke perhaps the sweetest words he'd ever heard. He smiled a bit, and bent his head, allowing her to pull off his bandanna and musing quietly on what he wanted to say. The moment between them had grown deeper, somehow, and after a moment he pushed closer to her, nuzzling his nose into the hollow of her throat and growling his thoughts into the softness he found there. "I am...glad. I want to know you, as well. I want to dance with you by the fire." He paused, and then added more quietly, "Only you." He tightened his arms around her, and wished for a moment that this had gone somewhat slower, as he was unused to being dragged along by his emotions this way.

He might have been a little scared, too.

Drakien pulled away from her a bit, and then lifted his hand and carefully untied the scrap of cloth around her throat, examining it in his hand before he looked at her, his gaze level and serious. She, too, seemed swept up in emotions, perhaps more so than she could comprehend, and he couldn't help but feel that this was moving too fast for him. And yet...it was alright, somehow; at least he knew her, had met her before. He only hoped it was alright for her, too. "You offered to be my family, once." He recalled, and then furrowed his brow, bending his head to nuzzle along her shoulder. "You don't even know my name. I don't even know yours." And he was just finding excuses, now, but he wanted her to be sure, as sure as she could be, because he was the older one, he was the man, and she was the one more likely to be hurt.

He didn't want to hurt her; not ever. He would do anything to prevent that.

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- Terra - 01-24-2012



Terra sighed with contentment as he nuzzled into her neck. His words were difficult to hear, the last part completely blocked out. She smiled cheerfully at his words. Then may we have many dances together. He was the one to unlock that part of her, to play such music that it drew her to do something so new, so unexplainable. She loved it, twirling and moving with the music. Even in silence she sometimes caught herself swaying, trapped by an unheard tune. Every chance she got Terra leaped in, spinning and twirling to the music. It was an extension of her, of words she didn't have. Her trickery would never be replaced, but this sure came close to it.

Terra grumbled a little bit as he pulled away before he pulled her scarf off. She looked at the fabric, watched him let it go. It drifted a little before she turned back to him. He mentioned the most awful thing then, breaking the moment. Terra came to her senses. The heat was still there, with the want, but she realized how close she'd been to giving everything, every part of her, to a stranger that she hadn't even given her name too. It frightened her beyond belief, that something could sweep her away to that point. Pulling away she sat on the ground, looking at the moon. The silence hung there for a moment before she spoke. Terra. My name's Terra. I belong to the pack Cour des Miracles, and wander the lands as a trickster by the name Fleta. Too afraid to see his reaction she kept her eyes on the sky, still wanting his touch.

Let the night take you away

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- Drakien Lusk - 01-24-2012


OOC here! :: Word Count → 346

He smiled at hearing the cheer in her voice, glad to be able to share that with her--the dance, the music; it was as much a part of him as the Russian blood running through his veins, a piece of his soul that couldn't be denied. But as they moved past that moment, she seemed to come to her senses, and he let her pull herself away from him, bending to pick up her scarf and his bandanna from the ground, moving to sit beside her--a respectable distance, but close enough for her to take comfort from his presence, if any could be had.

She gave him her name, and he mouthed it to himself, liking the way it felt rolling off his tongue. He couldn't help an amused chuckle at her admission, though, shaking his head and reaching up to tie his bandanna back around his head. "Mine is Drakien Lusk." He introduced, and lifted his own gaze, staring up at the moon. "I belong to a caravan of Romani, though I am Russian by birth. Trickster I am not, though a thief...perhaps." He quieted some, and leaned his elbows on his knees, propping his chin in one hand and turning a sparkling gaze back to her. "The caravan was broken up, for reasons I'd rather not say. We all fled for our lives." He shrugged, and then twisted her scarf between his fingers, shifting his hands so that he could work with both of them until, after a few moments of careful folding, he came up with a cloth rose. He held it out for her to take, smiling slightly. "Suffice to say I was never a part of their darker activities, and never will be. Still...the days are lonely, without them." He admitted, and moved his gaze to the frozen river, looking contemplative for a moment. If it weren't for the Daciano, he would still be in Europe, perhaps with other members of his caravan. But he wasn't, now; and, at the moment, he was perfectly fine with that.

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- Terra - 01-25-2012



Terra accepted his name, burning it into her mind, though she shot him a glare as he laughed at her. Deciding it was pretty ridiculous, that they'd gotten all worked up over nothing, and chuckled slightly as well. She shifted over slightly so that she was leaning on his shoulder, and looked at where he was gazing. He talked about his people again, something that Terra got the feeling was extremely important to him. A lot like Terra always counting someone as pack, even if they separated and traveled down different paths. They were so similar, and so different. He talked about the past, while Terra almost never did, simply living from one moment to the next.

She nuzzled against him playfully, her body beginning to burn again. My offer still stands you know, and we have shared names. She reached up, stroking him softly before meeting his eyes, green eyes glistening with the trouble that she held inside. Drakien was special, someone actually like her after so long believing she was alone in this new world. Yes, Terra had her pack and her friends that she played with. Having someone that actually understood her was different though. She still didn't know if he'd accept her feral ways, living so much time on four legs, especially considering that they'd met on two legs, and the same strange circumstances had occurred again.

Growling low she nuzzled against him. Now that the formalities are over... She knew him better now, at least in part, and leaned into him, staring up at the sky. It certainly was beautiful out there, up in the sky. The moon shone down, and for once Terra didn't feel like the stars spoke of death, instead shining with a bright promise she hadn't yet grasped.

Let the night take you away

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- Drakien Lusk - 01-25-2012


OOC here! :: Word Count → 349

Drakien quenched his laugh to a mere smile, wrapping his arm around her when she leaned into him and resting his head on hers again. He didn't know why he kept talking about the past when he'd always tried to simply leave it behind him before; perhaps because he'd never had anything to regret before now. But it was true his caravan was important to him, was in fact very much all he'd had for most of his life, and to have them ripped from him, made into nothing more than memories, was difficult. He was beginning to understand that he would have to move on, however, and do it quickly, before he gained more things to regret with his constant refusal to let them go.

At her offer, his smile broadened, and he held her more tightly, bending to nuzzle his head gently against hers. "It is a thing to be considered," He murmured thoughtfully, and shifted his gaze out before them, frowning thoughtfully. He still found himself troubled with how quickly this whole thing was moving, and in the end he had to sigh, squeezing her gently before leaning slightly away. "I admit I am uncomfortable with many things just now." He said quietly, and bent to nuzzle against her cheek, before leaning away, resting his hands between his knees as he drew them upward. "I would be feeling much better if we...got to know each other. More than just star-lit conversations on rainy nights." He flashed her a smile, and then paused again, his face going serious. Rushing into things had lead him to a life of wonder, he knew, among the Romani; but it had been a stupid, foolish decision, one they'd made him regret time and time again before he grew to be accepted and loved among them. He didn't want to throw something like this to chance, and he had a feeling she was being driven by a force stronger than common sense; he worried they would both one day grow to regret this. He didn't want that day to come.

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- Terra - 01-25-2012


OOC Jan 25

Terra grinned up at him as he spoke, accepting her words a lot more openly than he had the last time. Of course, this was different. Her offer before had been to ease his loneliness, and Terra simply hadn't felt the need to retract the offer, leaving it still standing. If he ever wished for that, Terra would come to Drakien wherever he called her from. Family came before the rest for Terra, rising even above pack, surprisingly enough, and that was an extremely powerful instinct for her. The need to care for her own was the center of both of them though, and blood ties usually did prove that they belonged to her more than another.

His next words made her pout slightly though. She didn't like that he wanted to slow down when everything inside her was pushing her forward. Terra couldn't force him though, especially when she didn't completely understand what it was she wanted. Instead she ran her finger over his chest, playing with the dark fur. What do you suggest we do then? Her voice had a playful lilt as Terra tried to fight the emotions, turning the burning energy to something more harmless and still capable of satisfying her to an extent.

Let the night take you away

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- Drakien Lusk - 01-25-2012


OOC here! :: Word Count → 249

She was still tracing her fingers through his fur, and he grinned, pleased that she wouldn't retract her touch simply because he wished to move more slowly. He wrapped her up more tightly in his arms, and as she asked him what they should do, hummed deep in the back of his throat, glancing back toward the festival curiously. He could still faintly here the music, softer and quieter now, and he thought they could perhaps return to their dance, but then decided against it. He'd come to the festival to trade, after all, and he couldn't spend all night dancing when there would be things to do tomorrow.

Still, there had to be more to be done than this. He rose fluidly to his feet, and glanced back toward the festival again. "We'll enjoy the crowds, I suppose." He grinned wickedly, winking and offering her his arm. "Perhaps they'll have full pockets." Drakien wasn't one to steal, himself, but he was a scavenger, and if so much as a scrap hit the ground, it was quite literally swept up. Finders keepers, wasn't it? Smirking a little to himself, he found the cloth rose again, and unfolded it, holding it out for her to tie back around her throat. It wouldn't do for them to come out any less dressed than they'd gone in, after all; people got ideas that way. And for once, Drakien was completely innocent.

Of course, he was only kidding himself; he was always innocent.

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- Terra - 01-25-2012


OOC Jan 25

Terra smiled as the hum buzzed through his chest. She could feel the movement underneath her, bringing a smile to her lips. Drakien was thinking, and she was sure he would come up with something good. Her tail wagged as she thought his name. No longer gypsy or wolf or stranger, but Drakien, someone so close to her and so far away. She didn't really get what he meant by slowing down, not knowing what it was she was doing, or how that was supposedly too fast. If she had gotten closer, her wolf instincts would have kicked in telling her the same thing, but Drakien had stepped in before her hybrid nature had a chance to tear her apart.

He rose, hinting at a game that Terra herself usually played. She saw nothing wrong in diving her hands into other people's pockets, she just usually went for such things as food, or a bright trinket. Money was often dropped by her whenever it came her way, as Terra found no use for such a thing. Pretty it was, but she couldn't wear it, and carrying it around would be annoying. Best leave it for another to take. Her tail wagged as she stood up after him, accepting the scrap of cloth and rewrapping it. Taking his hand Terra walked towards the festival, determined that everyone knew he belonged with her-for tonight, at least.

Let the night take you away

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