'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Today is the greatest - Printable Version

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- Leland - 12-21-2008


.001 Strange Face in Strange Lands-Iskata

.002 Wouldn't it be nice-Slay

.003 Arrooooo-oooo-Naniko

.004 passing bells and sculpted angels-Kol

.005 the daydream- Khaden

.006 lemondrop- Festivity

.007 to make a home-DaWali

.008 sweet and sour-Firefly

.009 Silent Birthday Celebration-Asha

.010 Two of a Kind- Slay

.011 I can tell that we are gonna be friends- Haven

.012 No place like home-joining Aniwaya

.013 This is the moment I live for-Ayegali

.014 Winter's Wrath- Kendinn, Kujo

.015 This is only the beginning-Asha

.016 Humming the perfect lullaby-Catherine

.017 Gravity rides everything-Lannen

.018 Stranger Things Have Happened-Catherine

.019When the Sun Goes Down-Asha

.020A heart full of Sunshine-Catherine

.021A hunting we will go-Dawali

.022 Which maybe in the end became a song-Soran

.023 tear it down build it up-Oceane

.024 dining in heaven-Catherine

.025 Far from here-Elliot

.026Beginnings are just Endings in disguise- Lysander

.027Everything I Touch-Dawali




- Leland - 12-21-2008

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... cwk12c.jpg);background-color:#000;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position: bottom;padding-bottom:259px;">
     liquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.

     Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. "Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris." Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue. Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.

    Aenean tristique metus non elit placerat fermentum. Maecenas adipiscing sapien pharetra tellus. Sed arcu tellus, porttitor non, dapibus eu, accumsan ut, metus. Phasellus sit amet magna. Cras blandit nulla vel diam. Maecenas pellentesque. Nullam a purus. Curabitur eget velit. Aenean eu sem. Praesent ut lacus. Suspendisse varius, tortor eget rhoncus viverra, elit ante congue ligula, vel rutrum odio dui nec tellus.


image credit; lyrics


Only moments after Leland had sounded his call he received an answer. Although Slay’s howl was not as telling to his ancestry as his pelt was, Leland recognized the voice well enough and smiled, glad that the male was in. The wait was not long, not that Leland ever minded waiting (patience was a virtue after all) and soon the black and white creature appeared before him, kind words falling from his lips. The bushy tail of the husky beat on the ground behind him, unsettling dust and fallen leaves behind him. "Hey thar Slay. Glad to see I knew exactly where to find ya!" Leland let out a deep chuckle, Slay’s greeting a nice reminder of what they had spoken about during their last meeting. "Nah, no packmates for me, sir. ‘Though I have been thinkin’ ‘bout it. I have a few ideas yet, we jus’ have to wait to see how they pan out is all." The tribe was seeming more and more appealing, though Leland hadn’t seen DaWali in some time and they weren’t quite settled in. If they did settle in and claim some land for themselves, Leland wouldn’t mind paying them a visit.

Rising to his feet, Leland took a second look around the lands, the buildings from Berwick and Wolfville looming in sight. Aside from Halifax Leland hadn’t seen so many buildings in one place, it was strange to think a pack had settled themselves here. Yet they also had lots of fields, vineyards, even some forest, from what Leland could tell. The best of both worlds for Dahlia de Mai it seemed. "So thus is yar home, huh?" Leland let his odd eyes sweep the land once more, and then grinned at the male. "You’re gonna show me around here, right? Make sure I see all the good sights?" There was probably a lot to see, Leland was always interested in new places, in how others made their homes and lived their lives. It was always nice to have friends from different areas, so that one could visit and adopt their ways for a little while, but always return to their own lives afterwards.




Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris. Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue. Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... bottom.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; “Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris.” Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue. Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.
