'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
When the day comes, look into my eyes - Printable Version

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- Heath morte dre Soul - 01-02-2010


SSWM - 531

With time and reading Heath had come to learn what he had done wrong when he lost the race. He needed to train Lumière just as he needed to train himself. The track would also need work, if it were to be any good for the next year’s race. Stark was not the sort made for speed, and so Heath had begun to focus on the light boned mare. She was smart and slick and would learn, and had been learning quickly already. He loved the feeling of the race, loved the wind in his chopped mane and more importantly the thrill of the speed. Even the preparation of it made his heart begin to beat with fury, the saddling, placing the bridle on the horses long face and then walking the long stretch from the stables to the starting line.

As he was lost in the idea of racing, and winning Heath hardly noticed the sounds that she did. His ears were not as trained as Ruri’s were, since her senses were heightened due to her lack of sight. But the moment she spoke of it Heath began to search for the sounds, and found them immediately. Working with his nose, Heath found the aroma of the feline. Watching carefully, he noticed the woman work her way around the corner. Heath froze in place, unsure what to make of the small creature that roamed its way out of the bale of hay. He took a step forward; following Ruri as he was did but only watched as she investigated the small creature.

It was orange, tiny, fluffy in fur and green in eyes. It sniffed at the collie woman, and Heath feared for a brief moment that it would scratch her. He had little experience with cats, mostly they kept to themselves and there were few that hung around a stable filled with canines. Hissing, arched back sharp claws and then the sudden exit was what he was used to, though he had never done anything to harm them. But this one had little fear of Ruri, and even walked over to him. The green eyes creature talked to him, calling with squeaky meows and before he could respond it rubbed its small body along his ankle. The male stood still, not wanting to chase it away with his tension. Again and again it rub against his leg, and Heath was unsure what to do. It called and called and Heath could not translate it’s feline language.

He smelt of male, and Heath figured that they had a little boy on their hands. “He’s a kitten alright.” Heath said, figuring that the small feline was no more then a few months old. Did they need a mother at this point, or were the mousers now? Heath wandered as he bent down to pet his head. The long furred kit rumbled with approval, and before he even knew what he was doing Heath gathered the light creature into his hand and walked towards the pale orbed fey. Emptying the little kit onto her lap Heath sat beside her, “He seems to like us.” Heath commented with a smile on his face.


- Ruri Aceline - 01-07-2010



Ruri listened as the kitten and Heath interacted. Her sensitive ears could detect that feline's purrs of contentment as Heath scooped it up. The next thing she felt was the light weight of the small feline being placed in her lap where it proceeded to flip on it's back and start batting at a strand of long hair that hung in front of her shoulder. Heath had mentioned that he was a kitten, which Ruri knew was the term for baby cat. This only further endeared her to the small creature. Ruri's instinctive maternal instincts had already led her to scoop the tiny creature up in her arms as it played with her hair. Her half-folded ears listened as Heath remarked that the young cat seemed to like them. That was obvious, but it needed to be said. Now the problem still remained with what to do with the little creature. It was too small to be around all of these big horses without supervision. Perhaps she could take it home with her. After all, Jontae would perhaps like to have a playmate who could actually see. Not to mention that when Firefly visited, her feline Elroy could interact with this little one, perhaps educate him in the ways of felid survival. "Well, what do you think we should do with him? I mean, Firefly kept the kitten she found as a companion, maybe we should keep this little boy. Of course, we would have to think of a name. We can't just go around calling him, Him, after all. Why don't you pick a name for him. You seem to have a knack for picking good names. You picked pretty names for your horses," Ruri suggested excitedly, eager to continue playing with the small creature. She wondered what it would be like to have a cat around the stables or her house. From what she could gather it would probably be a lot of fun.


- Heath morte dre Soul - 01-09-2010


SSWM - 422

The hybrid watched her with a quiet curiosity. Together they sat on the hay bale, the kitten in her arms and Heath could not look away. The small orange thing lay on its back, unafraid of the canine that held it, and paws at the ribbons of fur that dangled from aside her face. His smile faded, thoughts playing in his head that had never hit him before. They toyed with his heart and mind. The kitten could so easily be replaced with a pup, one with blue eyes that saw his mothers face. Black accents and coyote ears listening to her soft soulful voice. Heath saw the image and he found it hard to think of anything else. Blinking it away, Heath focused on the small cat, watching to make sure that claws did not get too close to her silver toned face.

She spoke, eyes shifting to look upon her face and letting his smile return. Do with him? Heath wondered. Ruri spoke of another woman, one he had met and disliked, keeping a cat in her home. Briefly Heath wondered if the cat’s claws were as sharp as its mistresses. Heath was certain they were. But not this kitten, who’s purr radiated from the little chest and rumbled so loudly that Heath almost felt it through the hale bale they shared. His smile widened, the more she spoke, knowing that she truly wished to keep the creature. If she wanted to give him a home, then he was happy to oblige. But a name? Heath gave a long ‘Hmmmm…’ as if he needed to think about the small feline.

“Well, I’m not sure.” Heath teased as he leaned towards the female. Their shoulders touched, and he extended a hand out to dangle in front of the kitten. He pawed at Heath, small claws nipping at his fingertips.
“If he stays in your cabin, I will have to visit him often.” the male knew that he truly didn’t need any excuses to come and visit, but the thought of seeing her more and more was nothing but pleasant.
“And,” the male added,
“If I was going to call him anything, it would be Soleil” The French word rolled off his tongue easily, it was a silly name and something Heath would never name a horse. But for the kitten, he couldn’t think of anything better. Eyes went to her face, knowing that it wasn’t likely that she knew the word. Though with the French the Jac spoke, she just might.


- Ruri Aceline - 01-10-2010



The long 'Hmmmm' that rumbled from Heath's throat made Ruri giggle, knowing that he was indeed taking this kitten naming business quite seriously. Then as he playfully leaned into her she leaned into him and listened to both his voice and the sound of the little kitten purring in her arms. Heath jokingly remarked that he would have to come and visit the kitten often, something he knew she would insist upon. Then came the coy-wolf's suggestion, the name he would give the kitten. Soleil...that meant sun. She knew that for Jac had told her when she was little. In fact, she remembered that Jac called Firefly, Petite Soleil, which meant little sun. This cat was nothing like Firefly, not as hot as the woman's personality. Of course, the sun did not have to be just hot. No, there were days when the sun simply shed a pleasant warmth on the chilled world below. For the blind luperci that was why the name fit this kitten so well. She could guess what gave Heath the inspiration to name the kitten, Soleil, but part of it had to be the warm, pleasant energy that the small feline possessed.

The silver and ivory woman's smile had only grown as she had sat there, pondering Heath's choice. It had only been a momentary pause as she had thought, but Heath might have noticed it. Little Soleil, however, did not miss a beat as he continued to bat at both Ruri's hair and Heath's dangling fingers, one forepaw for each. Turning to face the golden-eyed coywolf, the delicate border collie nodded as she spoke,"It's a perfect name. Soleil it is! And I most certainly must insist that you come visit him. We're both his family now, so if you don't come and visit him it just wouldn't be fair." She explained, in a very motherly, certain tone as she used soft-furred fingers to stroke Soleil's fluffy stomach, eliciting more purrs of enjoyment from the flaming orange feline. The Dauphine now had her head gently resting on Heath's shoulder, her long, silvery locks still hanging down for Soleil to play with. Things were getting better. Jac was not there to partake in the happiness of the moment, but she would see to it that she brought some happiness to him the next time she saw him. However, now the world as the blind collie girl saw it was beginning to right itself.


- Heath morte dre Soul - 01-11-2010



SSWM - 427

A name was a serious thing. It told a story, spoke of something that was deeper then jus the letters and the syllables that made up what one was called. It meant more then just a face. It was supposed to bring forth many more emotions then just the picture of the said creature. Her name spoke to him, miles and miles of feelings and emotions at the sound of it, and the mere thought of it. Simply hearing another speak the ‘r’ that her name began with made his ears perk with interest. Heath thought out each name he gave to the horses, knowing that if he was going to bestow a name without their opinion, it must be a good one.

Soleil, he purred into her chest. Claws seeking the fur of her mane and his fingers. The feline no doubt would be wishing to be held until he fell asleep once he grew tired of their little game. He was a needy fellow, but the wolf could not blame him for wishing to be closer to the woman’s lightly beating heart. Her words came to him, and she approved of what to call the fire colored cat. Heath smiled at the thought that she knew what the French word meant. The Sun and the shine it gave held the same warm and brightness the small kitten had brought to the pair. Heath laughed lightly, of course they were all family. Certainly an odd one, but Heath saw her as his family. He saw her as everything that brought light into his world.

She leaned against his shoulder, and Heath now felt the soft rise of her breath in her chest. Her touch brought a warmth to the male, and for a moment he watched her and the new member of his family. He swallowed hard, thinking of something he had been thinking of for some time. It made him straiten ever so slightly, though he hoped not to jostle her as she rested her head against him. Slowly he took hold of her free hand while the other held the new found companion. The scarred dark furred hand held the light ivory she owned. Gold eyes looked down at the pair, and then he lifted his head to watch her face. Taking a much needed breath he held all he had left of his defenses and then let them crumble at her feet.
“Would you want to be a family, a real one?” he asked with a courage he thought had suddenly left him.


- Ruri Aceline - 01-13-2010



Little Soleil was by now, completely exhausted. His repeated attempts to swat at Ruri's hair and Heath's fingers had been met with mixed success and now his little muscles were tired. As such, he had now tucked his paws up close to his body and closed his bright green eyes. Within moments his purring was replaced by slow, steady breathing. He was asleep. Right as the small kitten was falling asleep, Heath had clasped Ruri's hand, leading her to devote all her attention to the sound of his voice. Half-folded ears were perked forward to listen as Heath prepared and asked a very important question. "Would you want to be a family, a real one?" The question left Ruri speechless. Her jaw dropped, though her face still wore a smile. He really meant it. He wanted them to start a family. "I-I don't know what to say. Wait...of course I know what to say. Yes! Oh yes, very much so," she stuttered, her delicate ivory fingers clasping Heath's dark furred hand. Then, without warning, being careful not to jar Soleil as he slept, she kissed Heath directly on the lips. She knew where his lips were, she had been leaning on his shoulder, which meant his face was closeby. Besides, she bet Heath would correct her aim if she missed.


- Heath morte dre Soul - 01-14-2010



SSWM - 619

Time crept forward slowly for the male. Though clothed and furred the male felt stripped before the woman. Nothing seemed to hide his heart from her, nothing was held up in defense against the soft voice and gentle touch. Never had the male felt so vulnerable before he met the blind woman, never had he thought that he could be hurt in such a way before sharing all the things he had shared with her. The woman knew more about him then anyone, she saw right through his scarred face, beyond the gruff tone and past the hard persona that was laid over the true nature that the coy hybrid owned. The milliseconds passed, and they felt like hours. It was his heart in his ears that thundered around him, causing the world around the pair to be drowned out. He had never known anyone as purely genuine and honest. He wanted to spend each waking moment with her, to share ever experience and to always work towards making her happy. Heath could never imagine knowing another he might hope to open himself to.

As it ticked by at fast as a herd of turtles, Heath thought of Jac. He lingered on the fringes of Heath’s mind, never truly sinking in deep. But he was there. What would he think? In all truth it didn’t matter. The King’s influence would sway the woman, Heath was sure of it, but he pushed all else away. He was left with nothing other then the Aceline female. Ruri sat before him, Gold eyes looking at her, hoping to see each change in her features. He wished to see the reaction, guess it before it truly came to light. If she was to reject him, Heath wanted to know immediately. There would be no hesitation, and then later a likely guilt. If she didn’t wish to be his, then Heath would manage that fact. In his way he would deal and he would continue to move forward in hopes of pleasing her.

Time regained its speed, and the man watched as her jaw went slack. Mouth parted slightly, but her smile did not fade. He didn’t notice that he had begun to frown; worried that she would reject him. In all the world there were foes to face, large beasts that could rip him to bits with the clamp of their jaws and swing of their head. But it was the small collie woman that he feared must at this moment. She was the only one that had ever gotten close enough to his heart to truly touch it and thus hurt it. But as she spoke, the first falter made him flinch, and then with her hesitation Heath was about to simply say she didn’t need to answer. It would okay, she could think it over, and she could take her time. Though his heart stopped, and for a moment his eyes burned. But regaining her voice, she spoke again and the words jolted his chest and restarted the life giving beat.

Yes she spoke. Heath was swept away by the answer and the kiss she planted on his lips that he could do nothing more then return it. Her aim was sure and true, and Heath leaned in, a hand reaching to cradle the small of her back. The kitten rested on her lap, sleeping as the two broke their embrace. Heath watched her face, pale blue eyes filling his view. Breathless, Heath watched her a moment, his smile returning with a soft but diligent revenge. The tender words came as his breath was gained,
“I love you.” whispered so softly that it was doubtful that even Soleil heard the words.
