New Treats in a new land

ooc... WC 343

“Niro... Niiiiro?” She peered around, expecting to have seen her brother behind her and walking over laughing, but he wasn’t! Oh joy, where was that sneaky son of a… She began to dig a little more frantically at the snow that encased her legs, knowing that her sibling must have some cunning scheme in the works! She still couldn’t help but give an intermittent giggle to herself as she worked to free herself from the embankment. Just as the snow around one foot began to give, a dark silhouette shadowed her.

“Oof!” She huffed as she was shoved forward and into the snow, her brother on top of her. Her hackles bristled and her tail fluffed with surprise even though she had been suspecting the attack. Then she began to giggle as she flailed her arms, and tried very unsuccessfully to sound upset. “What do you think you’re doing? Get off of me right now, Niro!” but her laughter betrayed her indignant words.

She pushed against the snow with her arms, trying to simply lift herself and her brother, and in some cases when she had the right leverage she could. But the snow buckled beneath her palms this time and she could not push herself up and her brother off of her no matter how hard she struggled. Finally, she went limp with defeat, though the smile never left her muzzle. I’m the boss!” She joked, sticking her tongue out at him. “I’m just letting you think you have the upper paw.”

She squirmed beneath him, and thanks to the give in the snow she somehow managed to turn herself over. She glared up at him for a moment with narrow golden eyes. Her maw parted and she sighed in defeat, “Okay… you’re the…” but her words were only in jest, and before she finished she shoved a fistful of snow into his face and began laughing anew. Hoping to get the upper hand thanks to her sneak attack, she pushed against his chest in hopes of shoving him off of her.


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